The Science Laboratory Services

Fully equipped science laboratories serve as venue for laboratory needs of students taking up Science courses. It houses a wide collection of laboratory equipment and supplies that are beneficial to students who are conducting experiments so as to apply their acquired knowledge in the classroom.

Its mandate is to provide services and laboratory materials, equipment and chemicals as necessary to fulfill various activities in the Physical and Biological Sciences offered by the College of Science. It is adjunct to the modern Science Intructional Reseach and Laboratory Services (SIR-LS) located at the 6th floor of Gusaling Lacson, housing the Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

The General Chemistry Laboratory
The Services is an attached unit of the College of Science, and located at the 1st floor of the left wing of Gusaling Villegas with a total floor area of 240 sq. meters, accommodating a main office (48 sq.m), a laboratory room (144 sq. m.) and a stockroom (48 sq.m.). There used to be four (4) main wet laboratory rooms and three (3) stockrooms, until the threat of possible building collapse due to a strong earthquake has forced the condemnation of the second floor laboratories.

At present, plans to construct 3 or 4 wet laboratory rooms at the 7th floor of the Gusaling Lacson, on top of the current modern SIR-LS and near the College of Science faculty room, is in the pipeline. This will accommodate a big number of laboratory classes once completed.

GL Science Instructional-Research LaboratoryGL Science Instructional-Research Laboratory