- Announcements
- News
- Events
- Newsletters
Updates are usually announced through the official FB page of PLM which has a wider reach.
Below is the chronicle that includes the posted past announcements in FB.
November 2016
Media News Release: PLM bags silver at PRSP 2016 Students' Grand Prix ::
2016 November 28
Achievement/Award ::
2016 November 28
With an upbeat start as champion in the NCR leg held in August, the PLM Computer Eng'g scholars placed 1st runner-up among 17 schools at the national stage of the ICpEP Quiz Bowl Challenge held in Cagayan de Oro City last November 24! Congrats!
ICpEP: Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines
PhotoJournal: PLMusikahan ::
2016 November 24
The PLMusikahan features Mandolin virtuosi Prof. Lester Demetillo & Armand Derecho. Assisted by classical guitarist Aljero Jimenez to form a Mandolin & Guitar ensemble, the virtuosi will perform baroque classical romantic and a host of international bluegrass music.
InfoBoard Release :: ::
2016 November 23
With the theme "Shaping the Nation thru Powerful Stories," the Metrobank Foundation Lecture Series brings you the Foundation's 2015 Journalists of the Year (JOY)! Walk and talk with JOY tomorrow, Nov 24, 2pm at the JA Auditorium: Marites Vitug, Rappler's editor-at-large Howie Severino, GMA Network's news anchor & VP for Prof. Dev't; and Nancy Carvajal, Phil. Daily Inquirer's senior reporter.
Media News Release: PLM College of Law to receive 2 awards ::
2016 November 08
PhotoJournal: PLMusikahan ::
2016 November 07
The PLMusikahan features the Silangan Chamber Guitar Ensemble. Formed by the students of Prof. Ruben Reyes as a venue to pursue their love of guitar ensemble music, through concerts, they orient a wider audience with the guitar as a purveyor of classical music.
InfoBoard Release :: ::
2016 November 07
The PCACS is offering free music lessons to all interested PLM students and faculty members in Piano, Voice (Pop Music), Flute, Ukelele and Classical Guitar. The free lessons will be conducted by distinguished music teachers and will be capped by recitals featuring the students. Lessons are once a week; each session is 30 minutes long. Given the limited number of slots, registration is on first-come, first-serve basis. Register now and be a star! Visit the PCACS office (Gym) or text 0908-1885211.
October 2016
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 27
As announced, the last day of enrollment is tomorrow, Friday. The enrollment process of the CRS will automatically lock down Friday evening. The add-drop period, as with the classes, starts on Nov. 03 for the few subjects that need to be added to the previously enrolled subjects.
PLM Today maiden issue released ::
2016 October 23
The PLM Today is the official newsletter of PLM and published by the Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 23
Due to the suspension of all student activities last Thursday, the enrollment tomorrow (Monday), originally the first day for late enrollees, shall instead be for the irregular students under the CA, CBM, CEd, CN and CHASS. The schedule for late enrollees shall be pushed back starting Tuesday, instead.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 20
On top of the Graduate programs enrollment tomorrow, those who started their enrollment (last Monday to Wednesday) but failed to finish may so resume. Pls. present your number stub at the UAC. Thank you.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 19
Due to the onslaught of Supertyphoon Lawin, all classes Thursday are suspended. We will keep everyone posted on the new enrollment schedule.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 17
With all these items already processed since early today, the enrollees yesterday may resume come FRIDAY when the expected enrollees are from the ranks of the graduate students. Thank you.
The enrollees today with stubs starting 1,101 shall resume their enrollment come Monday, October 24, with assured enrollment slots and without late payment charges.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 October 16
CRS Enrollment Steps/Procedures: SY 2016-2017, 2nd Semester
Weather Advisory ::
2016 October 16
Due to inclement weather brought by Typhoon Karen, the Sunday classes are suspended.
InfoBoard Release :: ::
2016 October 07
Prof. Melvin Jason S. de Vera of CBM won the Deloitte-FINEX 2015-2016 Outstanding Educator Award for the National Capital Region. Congratulations, Professor De Vera!
InfoBoard Release :: ::
2016 October 05
To all PLM teachers:
Today we celebrate the wonder that a teacher is. You might think that your students and the administration don't see the passion, the effort and the proverbial extra mile that you go to and put in each time you teach. Rest assured that you are very much appreciated and that we are very glad that you are part of the PLM faculty and the PLM family.
Happy Teacher's Day!
September 2016
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 September 27
You are cordially invited to the seminar on Social Media this Friday, Sept 30, 2-4PM, at the Justo Albert Auditorium. Two officers from the Anti-Cybercrime Group of the PNP will talk on "Using Social Media Safely and Responsibly" and "Hacking Social Media."
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 September 26
PLM won as CHAMPION in 2 of 3 categories of the NCR leg of the 2016 ICpEP National CpE Student Challenge, besting 14 other schools in Metro Manila! As champions, the PLM Computer Engineering teams will represent NCR in the national competition that will be held on Nov 23-26 in Cagayan de Oro City. Way to go!
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 September 26
A landmark Golden Anniversary Lecture Series is slated at 2pm today, Justo Albert Auditorium: Public Policy Forum on the Peace Talks between the Philippine Government and the National Democratic Front, with Labor Sec. Silvestre Bello III and NDF Chief Negotiator Luis Jalandoni as speakers.
Photo Release ::
2016 September 13
The nobility of PLM's existence is expressed through its VMO statement. How soon can you learn our core institutional values and principles by heart, PLMayers?
Achievement/Award: PLM is 3rd top performing school, Produces 9th placer ::
2016 September 06
PLM clinches the 3rd rank as the top performing school in the August 2016 Psychometrician Licensure Examination, with 81.58% passing rate (124 out of 152). A 9th placer with an average of 83.80% shares the limelight.
Holiday Alert: Eid'l Adha ::
2016 September 06
Based on R.A. No. 9849, Monday, September 12, is declared a national holiday in observance of Eid'l Adha through Proclamation No. 56.
Official Cover Photo Release ::
2016 September 02
P20-M Grant-in-Kind for PLM.
The Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) last August 23 with the One-Meralco Foundation (OMF) and the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company-Smart Foundation (PSF) for a P20-million grant. The grant will be used by the Foundations to put up the MVP Technology Center at the Gusaling Villegas. Shown signing the MOA are (from left) PLM Board of Regents chairman Benjamin I. Espiritu, PLM president Dr. Ma. Leonora V. de Jesus, OMF and PSF chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan, PSF president Esther O. Santos and OMF president Jeffrey O. Tarayao.
August 2016
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 August 26
With the first bus having been delivered last Friday by no less than Mayor Joseph Estrada, the second bus is now on its way to PLM with President De Jesus on board! These are gifts from the City of Manila and its leaders to the scholars of the capital city!
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 14
With monsoon rains still hovering over large swats of land in Luzon and Visayas, classes in all levels and admin works remain suspended tomorrow, Monday, except for skeletal forces from security and admin.
InfoBoard Release: PLM Student Manual ::
2016 August 13
To ensure a meaningful and productive college life, the PLM Student Manual serves as the scholars' comprehensive guide in their stay in the University. Don't forget to download your copy thru the link below.
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 13
With the prevailing condition and in view of the weather forecast for tomorrow, Sunday, classes in all levels are suspended for the safety of our scholars. Admin works are likewise suspended, while Security force remains.
Media News Release: CPT scores 100% passing rate in August 2016 board exam; 2 PT graduates among Top 10 ::
2016 August 12
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 12
In light of inclement weather, Mayor Joseph "Erap" Estrada has suspended classes in all levels tomorrow, Saturday, 2016 August 13. Stay safe, PLMayers!
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 12
To ensure the safety of all scholars, Mayor Joseph "Erap" Estrada announces the suspension of classes in all levels today, effective 1pm for those with ongoing exams, and 12nn for others.
Achievement/Award: August 2016 Physical Therapist Licensure Examinations ::
2016 August 10
PLM lives up to its reputation as the leading Physical Therapy school nationwide by delivering its usual perfect performance, as well as in clinching two (2) placers (6th and 8th) in the August 2016 licensure exam season! Congrats, CPT!
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 10
Due to "low pressure area" affecting the metropolis, the class suspension in all levels announced by Mayor Erap Estrada continue until today, Wednesday. Always keep safe, dearest scholars!
Weather Advisory ::
2016 August 09
To ensure the safety of all scholars, Mayor Joseph "Erap" Estrada announces the suspension of classes in all levels this afternoon, effective 1pm for those with ongoing exams, and 12nn for others.
July 2016
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 July 30
PLM is the reigning Accenture's Program the Future national grand champion for Game of the Future (2015). In the new 2016 Challenge, let's keep our banner afloat by supporting our new finalist teams!
Official Cover Photo Release: ASEAN Community ::
2016 July 30
InfoBoard Release ::
2016 July 30
Scholars and public servants are full of creative juices, especially if it is for their Pamantasang Mahal! Get the chance to win cash in making the official video of your University, and the prestige of being its creator/author!
Official Cover Photo Release: Thanksgiving Benefit Concert ::
2016 July 10
Weather Advisory ::
2016 July 08
Classes in all levels shall be suspended at 10am. Keep safe, PLMayers!
Protocols during Typhoons ::
2016 July 08
Reminder: Let us be reminded of the important things to keep in mind during Floods and Typhoons in order to keep us safe.
Achievement/Award: June 2016 Architects licensure exam ::
2016 July 02
PLM is the 2nd best performing school in Architecture in the Philippines in the June 2016 Architects licensure exam, next only to the University of the Philippines, based on the ranking released by the United Architects of the Philippines for the 20-49 examinees category. PLM garnered 85.19% (23/27) performance rate, while the national percentage is only 55.89%.
June 2016
Official Profile Photo Release: PLM InfoCast
and free SIM cards ::
2016 June 16
Official Profile Photo Release: Class Opening Announcement ::
2016 June 16
May 2016
Official Profile Photo Release: Enrollment Info ::
2016 May 23
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 May 20
The 3rd and last batch of CLAT qualifiers for admission to the College of Law is now publicly announced through the Official PLM Website, www.plm.edu.ph.
CLAT: College of Law Admission Test
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 May 18
The list of CLAT qualifiers for admission to the College of Law is now publicly announced through the Official PLM Website, www.plm.edu.ph.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 May 17
The list of MCAT qualifiers for admission to the College of Medicine is now publicly announced through the Official PLM Website.
Report at the PLM-CM for the confirmation of slot on or before May 26. Failure to confirm on the designated date automatically forfeits the slot.
MCAT: Medical College Admission Test
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 May 16
The Grade 11 qualifiers for the Senior High School are now posted on the Official PLM Website. Pls. wait for instructions on how and when to proceed with the enrollment procedure.
Enrollment Advisory ::
2016 May 16
The Grade 11 qualifiers for the Senior High School are now posted on the Official PLM Website. Pls.
January 2016
List of Promoted Faculty Members
2016 January 07
2nd Batch - Effective 2015 September 01
October 2015
October 2015 Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination ::
30 October 2015
PLM shines anew as two (2) alumni obtained spots on the Top 10 successful examinees of the October 2015 Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination.
6th Place: Tristan T. Estepa
9th Place: Bon Axl S. Feeser
PLM Passing Rate: 60.71%
National Passing Rate: 39.94%
Likewise, PLM also obtained 100% passing rate for the Electronics Technician Licensure Examination.
Official PLM Accounts of Freshmen
26 October 2015
FRESHMEN, you can now log-in to your eGrades using your Official PLM Accounts with your Student Number as password. Proceed to the ICTO at any time of your convenience to activate your Official PLM Emails.
eGrades Advisory
25 October 2015
A total of 69,417 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local PLM-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of today.
List of Promoted Faculty Members
2015 October 19
List of Promoted Faculty Members:
1st Batch - Effective 2015 July 08
PE Enrollment Advisory::
2015 October 16
Procedures for P.E. Enrollment for Second Semester, SY 2015-2016
List of Available PE Schedules for Second Semester, SY 2015-2016
June 2015
Announcement on PLMAT ::
2015 June 03
Announcement for Accountancy Students ::
2015 June 02
Enrolment Advisory ::
2015 June 02
Revisiting the Events webpage ::
2015 June 01
May 2015
PLM President in Turo Turo sa Teleradyo »
2015 May 23
PLM president Dr. Lenny de Jesus is a resource guest in DZMM's Teleradyo at 5pm today. Turo Turo is a teleradyo program for the discussion of issues on education in the country & beyond. Tune in to 630Khz AM radio, or watch thru its TV/cable channel, or listen thru its live online audio stream.
PLMAT Advisory »
2015 May 21
PLM is the premiere scholars' university of choice for HONOR GRADUATES of DCS-Manila public high schools who are qualified for Freshman Admission by virtue of BOR Res. No. 2956.
PLMAT Advisory »
2015 May 21
With the prevalence and ubiquity of technology, PLMAT takers can always check on the Official PLM Website for the PLMAT results. Never miss new lists in the pipeline -- right at your fingertips. Everything is publicly posted on the cloud in the spirit of full transparency!
PLM Academic Calendar for SY 2015-2016 »
2015 May 14
Cover Photo Release
2015 May 14
PLMAT Advisory: Additional Qualifiers »
2015 May 13
MCAT Qualifiers: Additional List »
2015 May 12
MCAT Qualifiers: Confirmation of Slots extended until Monday »
2015 May 09
MCAT Qualifiers: Results for SY 2015-2016 »
2015 May 06
April 2015
Message from the President »
24 April 2015
Learn about nuggets of wisdom from the University's foremost teacher. Take a closer aperture to her caring thoughts as the mother of your "alma mater," even as you appraise the roadmap she had crafted with the essential support of the various stakeholders in honing scholars of competence and integrity.
New PLM Vision »
23 April 2015
In her SOPA last Tuesday, the University President publicly unveiled the new PLM Vision statement, as part of our core institutional values that are envisioned to guide, inspire and unify the academic community in translating the PLM's strategic goals into an unassailable repute and lofty pedestal.
PLMAT Advisory »
23 April 2015
PLM releases the PLMAT 2015 results for all Manilans, and all those who took the PLMAT until 2015 April 15. Congratulations!
To give chance to all previous PLMAT examinees (Manilans and Non-Manilans) who are not in the lists (April 8 and 23 releases), PLM is scheduling a re-take on 2015 May 05, Tuesday.
Application starts on 2015 April 24, Friday (Pls. bring your Test Permit and an ID for easy identification). New applicants are also welcome.
PCACS Summer Workshop Schedule »
22 April 2015
The PLM President unveiled the PCACS' free Summer Workshop on Dance and Music for the staff and faculty members, and their immediate family members! This program is in support of PLM's thrust on the development, preservation and revival of arts and culture.
eGrades Advisory »
21 April 2015
A total of 51,665 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
Official Profile Photo Release »
21 April 2015
State of the PLM Address (SOPA)
Official Cover Photo Release »
20 April 2015
All roads lead to one direction tomorrow as the first State of the PLM Address (SOPA) in PLM's history will be delivered by the Mother of the University.
Summa cum Laude's valedictory address »
17 April 2015
UP President addresses PLM's graduating batch »
17 April 2015
MVP's speech before PLM's 2015 graduating batch »
14 April 2015
Official Profile Photo Release
12 April 2015
47th Commencement Exercises
The Blood of our Heroes: Graduation Message of the EVP »
12 April 2015
Congratulations, PLM Batch 2015!
The Scholars' University is extremely proud of you!
PLMAT Results released Online »
09 April 2015
ICYMI: In the spirit of prompt public service and full transparency, for the first time in PLM's history, the PLMAT results were released first on the cyberspace -- publicly accessible anytime, anywhere! Download the initial list of 600 qualified freshmen as posted late afternoon yesterday on the Official PLM Website!
March 2015
Official Statement: Speakership in Medicine Hooding ceremonies of a PLM alumnus »
31 March 2015
Lenten Holiday »
30 March 2015
To give ample time for all concerned to prepare for the Lenten Week, His Honor Joseph Ejercito Estrada has declared the Holy Wednesday (2015 April 01) a non-working day in the City Government of Manila.
Open Application Policy »
28 March 2015
Open Application for Everyone:
The PLMAT on 2015 April 15 is not exclusive to the non-Manila valedictorians and salutatorians, but also for all Manilans and non-Manilans who are qualified to take the PLMAT.
Open Application Policy »
27 March 2015
As per advice of the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), the deadline for submission of PLMAT applications for valedictorians, salutatorians and other interested applicants is at the close of office hours (5pm) on 2015 April 13 (Monday).
Processing of applications is at the OUR.
Open Application Policy »
23 March 2015
PLMAT for valedictorians & salutatorians:
Exam Date: 2015 April 15 (Wednesday)
Deadline of application: 2015 March 27 (Friday)
Official Profile Photo Release
19 March 2015
College of Law Admission Test
How to configure your Official PLM Email in an Android Smartphone »
18 March 2015
1. Enter your email and password. Click Next.
2. Choose Exchange (for Jelly Bean or older) or Exchange ActiveSync (for Kitkat).
3. Notice that the email has changed. Append @plm.edu.ph to look like \<name>@plm.edu.ph.
4. Change the server name to pod51053.outlook.com while retaining the port 445.
5. Click Next. The phone will connect with the server in the cloud.
6. A message will appear to finish setting up the account. Click OK.
7. Click OK for the "Smart Push" Power Saving.
8. Choose the days to sync your mails. Default is 3 days. You can choose 1 week. The IT Director prefers 2 weeks.
Click "Send email from this account by default."
Retain the check on the other checkboxs, but do not check the "Automatically download attachements when connected to Wi-Fi" so you can save space in your phone.
Click Next.
9. The screen will show "Activate device administrator?" Click Activate.
10. Name this Account as "Official PLM Account" by replacing the email shown on the screen.
11. You are done! Congratulations! Enjoy the use of your Official PLM Account!
Official PLM Account (Access Page):
Bookmark this access address in laptops/desktops:
Configure your mobile smartphones/PDAs (Android):
Type of Account: Choose "Exchange"
Username: \[email protected] (Ex.: \[email protected])
Server: pod51003.outlook.com
Check "Use secure connection (SSL)"
Port: 443
Remote security administration: Click OK
Power saving option: Click OK
Inbox checking frequency: Automatic (Push) [Recommended]
Days to sync: One month [Use your preference here:
One month is recommended]
Check "Send email from this account by default" then click Next.
Activate device administrator? Click Activate
Change the account name into: Official PLM Account
Concerns? Text 0935-2381177 (Globe) or 0998-9677696 (Smart)
Official Statement: Scholarship and ITR Submission »
14 March 2015
PLM Accountancy scholars champ in Young Economists' global conference »
14 March 2015
Media News Release: PLM Law school conducts Legal Aid Program in Tondo »
13 March 2015
Media News Release: UN body cites PLM scholars' designs for Luneta and Rizal Park »
13 March 2015
Official Profile Photo Release
05 March 2015
Women's Month
February 2015
Media News Release: PLM president's priorities are 'basic needs' not 'wishes' »
28 February 2015
Media News Release: The Mehan Garden Design Competition »
28 February 2015
Official Cover Photo Release
24 February 2015
PLMusikahan: A Tribute to the PLM achievements and achievers
Photo Journal: "PLMusikahan: A Tribute to Excellence in the Golden Year" »
24 February 2015
Official Profile Photo Release
24 February 2015
Oathtaking Ceremonies: Nov 2014 Nursing Boards Topnotcher and Passers
Earnly Announcement Submission o »
24 February 2015
Media News Release: Early Announcement: Submission of ITRs by Manila Scholars »
16 February 2015
Photo Journal: PLM Law debate team through to ANC Square Off Semifinals »
14 February 2015
Media News Release: PLM Team wins special award in the 11th SWEEP Awards »
12 February 2015
PCAC Golden Anniversary Concert Series »
11 February 2015
A festival of music and the arts with the rest of the country as PLM reaches its Golden Anniversary.
EVP issues Memo on deadline for submission of Grades »
05 February 2015
Photo Journal: PLM Law debate team wins in ANC Law Debates Season 10 elimination round »
03 February 2015
Photo Journal: Nursing Board topnotcher pays courtesy visit to alma mater »
03 February 2015
Manila now one of top 30 cities in the world - study »
02 February 2015
PLMAT Advisory on Open Application: » »
02 February 2015
January 2015
PLM's Message on the National Day of Mourning »
30 January 2015
Cover Photo Release: Top 1 in Nursing Board Exams »
29 January 2015
Open Applications Policy for PLMAT, MCAT and CLAT »
28 January 2015
Media News Release: PLM grad tops Nursing board anew in a back-to-back feat »
26 January 2015
Media News Release: PLM Law Debate Team wins in an ANC Square-Off Season 10 elimination round »
26 January 2015
Cover and Profile Photo Releases: Pope Francis Papal Visit 2015 » »
16 January 2015
Profile Photo Release: Back to School 2015 »
12 January 2015
December 2014
Profile Photo Release: Christmas 2015 »
24 December 2015
October 2014
eGrades Advisory »
21 October 2014
A total of 74,253 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
Presidential Statement on the University Code of 2005 »
21 October 2014
I would like to thank our concerned students for bringing this problem to my attention. I shall look into it right away. I assure you this will not cause a change for the first semester policy. I have directed the Concerned key officials to inform me of all other problems, conflicts, and issues that may arise from the adoption of the 2005 University Code. I have made it clear to all of them that our foremost objective is to ensure that we provide the proper support for our students as you are our primary reason for being here. I do appreciate your sending feedback and comments for the improvement of our University.
-Lenny de Jesus
eGrades Advisory »
17 October 2014
A total of 71,591 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
eGrades Advisory »
16 October 2014
A total of 68,327 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
University Code of 2005 »
15 October 2014
Pursuant to Board Resolution No. 3697 dated 09 October 2014, the University Code of 2005 shall be adopted as the continuing, operative University Code and that said Code is, in itself, the implementing guideline.
eGrades Advisory »
15 October 2014
A total of 55,760 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
eGrades Advisory »
14 October 2014
A total of 40,275 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
PLM hits big anew in the 8th BIDA Awards »
13 October 2014
Besting 73 universities nationwide, the CME's Junior Entrepreneurial Society was adjudged Champion (Service category), 2nd place (Technology) and 3rd place (Food). Organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Business Idea & Development Awards had the JES consistently landing as winner for three consecutive years!
eGrades Advisory »
13 October 2014
A total of 31,623 grades from the Official Reports of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
Photo Release »
12 October 2014
PLM law students landed on a top spot in the Sunday Philippine Daily Inquirer's front page's banner photo.
eGrades Advisory »
10 October 2014
A total of 17,737 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 6pm.
eGrades Advisory »
09 October 2014
A total of 6,216 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local OUR-SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 6pm.
Photo Release »
06 October 2014
The GV rest rooms are now under renovation.
Photo Release »
06 October 2014
How to access the eGrades.
Official PLM Accounts of Freshmen »
04 October 2014
As the semester has just drawn to a close, it is time for upperclassmen to get their eGrades in the past semester/s if they need copies.
FRESHMEN, you can now log-in to your eGrades using your Official PLM Accounts (check on the link below) with your Student Number as password. Be advised, though, that you don't have any grade as of yet.
Proceed to the ITC at any time of your convenience to activate your Official PLM Emails.
September 2014
Photo Release »
23 September 2014
PLM ushers into a new milestone era with the appointment of two (2) top technocrats into the Board of Regents (BOR), namely, Benjamin E. Diokno and Ma. Leonora V. de Jesus.
Appointed by former President and now Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada, and confirmed by the City Council, pursuant to the provisions of the PLM Charter, they were later elected by the BOR as chairman and president (vice-chairman), respectively.
Photo Release »
23 September 2014
CET peeps, check out the Organizational Fair at the UAC today!
Media Advisory »
19 September 2014
PLM President Leonora de Jesus suspends classes and administrative works in PLM tomorrow, Saturday, due to widespread flooding.
Keep safe, PLMayers!
Media Advisory »
19 September 2014
The Graduate School Qulloquium, originally scheduled tomorrow in celebration of the Research Month 2014, has been cancelled in favor of a new schedule.
Seniors represent PLM in the Jenesys 2.0 Marathon »
14 September 2014
The Philippine Sports Commission chose two (2) senior BPE students, Jose Mari de Castro Jr. and Rhey John de Guzman, to represent PLM in the JENESYS 2.0 Marathon that is now being held in Tokyo, Japan, 14-23 Sep.
Wave the colors of PLM with dignity and pride!
CLA's 11th Founding Anniversary celebration »
11 September 2014
Sep 11, 8am-3pm, JA Auditorium:
Tanghal Sining
Speech Choir
SILIP (SIning at LIPunan) film-making competition
Sep 12:
CLA All-In: The Big Day, 8:30-11:30 am, Bukod Tanging Bulwagan
Mr. & Ms. Philosophy 2014 pageant, 6-9pm, Tanghalang Bayan
Photo Release »
10 September 2014
After clinching honors in the past years, PLM is AFP's 2014 national awardee as the "Best ROTC Unit" conferred on the closing ceremonies of the 35th AFP National Reservist Week celebration held in Camp Aguinaldo last Sunday, 07 Sep 2014.
Fire Safety Seminar »
08 September 2014
The PDSPO invites you to the FIRE SAFETY Seminar by the Bureau of Fire Protection at 9:30am today, Justo Albert Auditorium. You are also invited to the live demo of fire extinguisher use at the PLM Field this afternoon.
PLM as among the best Medical schools »
04 September 2014
PLM landed on the 6th top slot among the best Medical Schools in the Philippines with a 97.79% passing rate!
Congrats to the 133 new PLM physicians!
04 September 2014
The water lines in some of PLM areas are being serviced. Notice is hereby given that the water at these areas may NOT be consumed today (pls. refrain from drinking the water at these areas):
G.Lacson, Gym, ExecBldg, G.Bagatsing, G.Katipunan.
For your guidance, pls.
Photo Release »
02 September 2014
In a continuously expanding partnership with the alumni community, PLM formally accepted today the CET Alumni Batch 1985's design plans for the GV-310 and all three (3) GV rest rooms into modern facilities, to be renovated at the donation cost of P2.4-Million in time for the latter's Pearl (30th) anniversary celebration which will coincide with PLM's own Golden (50th) next year.
August 2014
Buwan ng Wika »
31 August 2014
Sa araw na ito ay nagtatapos ang pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika, ngunit ito'y dapat na simula lamang ng walang humpay na paglinang natin ng Wikang Filipino tungo sa tugatog ng kabatiran at unawaan sa lahat ng larangan ng pakikipag-ugnayan.
Ito'y kumakatawan sa ating lakas bilang nagkakaisang lahi at kultura.
Photo Release »
28 August 2014
Sa kasagsagan ng biglaang pagbaha nitong Lunes, naabot na ng opisyal na pahinang pang-FaceBook ng PLM ang ika-30 libong nag-nais nito. Sa patuloy na paglago ng opisyal na tagapagpahayag ng ating Pamantasang Mahal, Mabuhay!
As the flash flood has raged on last Monday, the Official FB Page of PLM has breached the 30,000 mark of fan page likes.
Cheers for the continued growth of the Official CEP Media of PLM!
Suspension Advisory »
26 August 2014
Due to persistent heavy rainfall & flash floods since last night, classes in PLM are suspended today.
Keep safe, PLMayers!
PLM wins the Market-Market Kadayawan Festival Celebration »
24 August 2014
PLM is a back to back to back champion in the Market-Market Kadayawan Festival Celebration today!
Grand Winner
On-the-spot Mural-making contest
(Kevin Villar Cubinar, BS Architecture 4th Year)
Grand Winner
On-the-Spot Flower Float-making contest
Cultural Dance Competition
PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company and the PLM Rondalla
Photo Release »
08 August 2014
A teacher touches lives even beyond the universe of the mind.
PLM Grad always tops PT state licensure »
05 August 2014
Year-in and year-out, as if on cue, PLM is the unbeatable hall-famer in the Physical Therapy state board in the Philippines, clinching the 1st, 6th and 10th places, led by Ernest Paul Y. Calasanz.
PLM got 89.36% passing rate (42 out of 47), way above the national passing rate of 58.46%.
Congrats, College of Physical Therapy!
Health Advisory »
05 August 2014
As the rainy season grips the country, let us be mindful of the dangers that mosquitoes bring. As we lean towards a healthy corps of scholars and public servants, we urge everyone to look out for and clean stagnant waters and other breeding grounds.
July 2014
Microsoft Student Partners »
30 July 2014
Accenture Technology Academy's 4th annual Shaping the Future Forum »
29 July 2014
PLM's strong industry-academe institutional linkage program makes our University a priority ELITE development partner of the biggest industry brand names across the globe.
As a fitting tribute to PLM's academic excellence, PLM takes a front seat in the Accenture Technology Academy's 4th annual Shaping the Future Forum today with a professor emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston as guest lecturer.
ELITE: Education that Leads to IT Employment
Photo Release »
28 July 2014
Eid'l Fitr »
27 July 2014
Malacanang Palace has issued Proclamation No. 826 declaring 29 July 2014 (Tuesday) as a Regular Holiday in observance of Eid'l Fitr (Feast of Ramadhan).
Today is likewise a National Holiday, rendering the ROTC and CWTS classes suspended.
Semestral stat of student population »
26 July 2014
Semestral stat of student population (1st Sem, SY 2014-2015) as released by the OUR:
CET 2237, CME 1546, CHD 1357, CAE 1021, CTHTIM 718, CS 582, CM 555, CMC 523, CPT 463, CAUP 417, COPERS 200, CN 194 & CL 117.
GSM 454, GSASE 154, GSE 106, GSHS 75, EC 38 & GSL 13.
The largest department (Dept. of Computer Studies) of the biggest college (CET), as always, is larger than the majority of the colleges (635).
Photo Release »
25 July 2014
GMA News wishes to notify the Official CEP Media's followers that its "Pasabay: Libreng Sakay" program has adjusted its bus schedules to resolve traffic issues and serve the public better.
Photo Release »
23 July 2014
Led by Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero, PLM is at the forefront of expanding the realms and frontiers of wisdom in the capital city.
As the crown jewel of Manila that illumines the minds of its youth and produces double topnotchers and placers in board exams, PLM joins Mayor Joseph Ejercito Estrada in his 1st State of the City Address today.
Photo Release »
23 July 2014
Town Hall Forum with H.E. Philip S. Goldberg, US Ambassador to the Philippines.
Photo Release »
14 July 2014
The ArchiTechy turns-over the renewal of the license certificate of progeSOFT Italy's donation (progeCAD Professional 2014) today at simple ceremonies at the Ideas Exchange Room.
progeCAD is a powerful Computer-Aided Design software for the professional drafting needs of the Architecture & Engineering fields.
It may be installed in Computer & CAD laboratories, as well as in the personal laptops of PLM professors and scholars, for educational purposes. This translates to millions of pesos of savings for PLM.
On hand to receive on behalf of PLM were: the ITC director, deans and college secretaries of CAUP & CET, and the CET department chairs and computer laboratory coordinator.
Photo Release »
03 July 2014
GMA News TV Pasabay Campus Edition: a FREE bus ride from Trinoma to Manila City Hall (all the way to Taft-Vito Cruz), 14 July-08 August (M-F only).
(A public service of GMA News & our very own Official CEP Media)
Photo Release »
02 July 2014
Today marks the 1st Manila City-wide Multi-Disaster Drill. See traffic advisory below from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Expect heavy traffic & take alternate route.
This drill aims to keep us alert & ready for such eventualities which may occur at any time of less expectation.
Photo Release »
01 July 2014
Hello scholars! Have you witnessed the soft-launching of the Library Information System during the 49th Foundation Day (19 June 2014)? View the pictures for the highlights of said event.
Thank you for being a part of this historical affair in our University Library!
June 2014
Photo Release »
26 June 2014
University President Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero has administered today the oathtaking of the highest representatives of the studentry to the Supreme Student Council at the Office of the President.
PLM alumnus is 1st placer in June 2014 ALE »
19 June 2014
Having produced topnotchers and placers in the past with a high institutional passing rate, PLM got a 94.59% school passing percentage, with former CAUP scholar Rodrick Paul V. Mendoza Jr. landing as the clear top placer of the June 2014 Architect Licensure Examination!
Cheers for a great 49th birthday treat for PLM!
Photo Release »
19 June 2014
Let us greet the outstanding University a "Happy 49th birthday!"
Photo Release »
18 June 2014
For everybody's guidance: General Walkthrough of the June 19 morning events.
Download files relevant to the 49th Foundation here:
Photo Release »
18 June 2014
Ahead of its Golden Year anniversary, PLM is celebrating its 49th foundation anniversary starting tomorrow as a run-up to the exciting events that will dot the year-long celebration! Kicking-off on 19 June 2014, the highlight events will climax progressively as the 50th foundation day nears in next year! Check out our official Web media for details!
Photo Release »
17 June 2014
(Seal courtesy of your Supreme Student Council)
Everdearest PLMayers!
See you all on Thursday, 19 June 2014, to celebrate the 49th year of birth of our Pamantasang Mahal!
Download the Programme: http://plm.edu.ph/notices-main.html#PLMgold2015
Photo Release »
16 June 2014
A MILESTONE event in PLM's history:
Ms. Gerel Ann E. Felix (right) was the first scholar to avail of the complete Summary of Grades from the eGrades system this afternoon. On hand is the IT Director/CIO of PLM (left) to hand-off her Certified Summary of Grades. Cheers!
"Umagang Kay Ganda" in PLM »
05 June 2014
While the Freshmen's Orientation still rages on tomorrow with free treats from SMART, the excitement over the school opening is just warming up! Catch Atom Araullo in the campus early morning tomorrow with his "Umagang Kay Ganda" field spree of interviewing PLMayers! You might be that lucky one!
Freshmen Orientation »
05 June 2014
PLM is excited on the meet and greet event with the freshies tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! Keep your ears glued to the words of wisdom, esp. on the scholastic status so you won't get waylaid on your quest for knowledge!
Photo Release »
04 June 2014
Mrs. Rizalina M. Mauricio
OIC-University & Board Secretary (01 July 2009-28 August 2009: latest)
Chief Presidential Executive Assistant (1989-1995; 2000-2006)
Photo Release »
04 June 2014
During the 2-day Freshmen's Orientation (05-06 June 2014), SMART will distribute free Smart Jump-In (dual-cut LTE) SIMs. Just load P15 to activate! With free photobooth-taking & free lemonade drinks, this is PLM's additional welcome treat to one and all!
Your SIM will be automatically registered to the Official PLM InfoBoard to keep you updated thru institutional advisories and important announcements! Don't miss it!
Photo Release »
02 June 2014
The PLM Facade and the Main Gate were opened for the first time today for public use by no less than the University President himself, Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero, as a symbolic milestone welcome treat for everyone on the first day of classes for SY 2014-2015.
For nearly 50 years, the Facade was barely enhanced as a symbol of PLM's lofty ideals. Come 19 June 2014, in a major lift that showcases the essence* of a Caring University, it would be formally unveiled together with the apt testament of PLM's true mettle of scholarship: The Eternal Flame of Excellence!
*Brace up for the story behind, and the significance of, the new design on the launching of the PLM Golden Anniversary 2015 come 19 June 2014.
PLM opens new SY by welcoming its scholars at the flag ceremonies »
01 June 2014
As the entire PLM community will showcase once again its unity tomorrow at the flag raising ceremonies, its new members (freshmen) stand to be personally welcomed with a red carpet by no less than the University President.
Breathing in an inspiration to backstop and goad them forward, Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero's own life experience (born a humble farmer) -- as a scholar to one of our country's legal luminaries and transformational academicians -- may serve as a lodestar in their quest for the Holy Grail of a successful life
May 2014
Confirmed 66 slots in the Medicine Freshmen Admission »
20 May 2014
The applicants are to personally report to the College of Medicine on or before 23 May 2014 from 8:00 am–4:00 pm only. Those who fail to confirm the slots by 23 May 2014 automatically forfeit the slot.
The slots of those included in the list of accepted to the PLM College of Medicine (posted last 13 May 2014) but FAILED to confirm their slots as of 19 May 2014 have been considered forfeited.
Institutional Fees »
19 May 2014
PLM's transparency advocacy has long been deeply entrenched through its Official CEP Media tools. To keep its important stakeholders abreast with essential public information, the Official PLM Website contains important details, including the schedule of fees for the highly-subsidized (minimal-paying) scholars.
eGrades Advisory »
19 May 2014
With the endorsement early today by the OUR-SIS of 3,845 more grades, with the last update made on 11 April 2014 (totaling 67,505 grades), a total of 71,350 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 11am.
Let us know what subjects are not yet complete in your eGrades so we can check if your professors are yet to submit their Official Report of Grades, or the like.
Public Notice on MCAT »
12 May 2014
MCAT 2014 Results released simultaneously at the College of Medicine and through the official PLM Website today.
Accepted applicants need to confirm their slots personally at the PLM College of Medicine on or before 19 May 2014. Failure to confirm on the designated date automatically forfeits said slot. Instructions regarding the processing of documents and registration will be given during the confirmation.
Public Notice on PLMAT »
12 May 2014
Find out the 2014 PLMAT results here.
Public Notice on PLMAT »
09 May 2014
The results of the 23 April 2014 PLMAT were released shortly past 5pm Friday at the University Activity Center.
Congratulations to the passers!
HP's invite for PLM graduates »
06 May 2014
Join HP!
HP's 1-day Fast Track Interviews will help you jumpstart your HP Career.
Brought to you by PLM's Industry-Academe Institutional Linkage Program.
April 2014
Manila vice mayor conferred an honorary degree »
28 April 2014
“This is not just about me or my achievements, but rather giving the thousands of Manilenos out there a glimpse of HOPE: Ang isang dating basurero at side car boy ay pwede palang maging bise alkalde ng Maynila and can actually make a difference."
-Vice Mayor Isko Moreno
Photo Release »
28 April 2014
Engr. Karen L. Leyson
Chief, Physical Development & Special Projects Office
Photo Release »
28 April 2014
Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero
University President
Previous eminent posts:
Secretary of Justice
Associate Justice, Court of Appeals
Chief State Prosecutor
President, Universidad de Manila
Law Dean: UE, MLQU, UdM, UCU
Photo Release »
24 April 2014
A grandiose graduation rite was offered by PLM to the capital city's brightest scholars as a red-carpet send-off -- a fitting tribute to their indomitable spirit to hurdle arduous challenges and to master the rudiments of life.
The high repute and unsullied integrity of PLM, the prestige ascribed to its name -- Pamantasan -- is a diamond of epic proportions.
Tested by time, "Pamantasan" has evolved into a powerful brand name with Excellence as its birthright -- unscathed by any scorching fire and unperturbed by any vilification.
The PLM phenomenon -- secure on its pedestal. Then, now and beyond.
Graduation Souvenir Program »
23 April 2014
The digital copy of the Souvenir Program for the 46th Commencement Exercises is publicly available at the Official PLM Website (www.plm.edu.ph) for posterity and reference of one and all.
PLM's Easter Sunday message »
20 April 2014
Eternal life is the priceless gift of the mystery of Christ's resurrection -- a symbol of God's inexhaustible divinity & endless love of His precious creation.
Happy Easter, PLMayers!
PLM's Good Friday message »
18 April 2014
Christ has suffered from grisly battering and offered His life as a supreme sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.
Let us follow His teachings as we keep our faith in the glory of our salvation.
Public Advisory »
16 April 2014
Just a few hours left to stock water supply before the start of the first wave of interruptions.
CONSERVE WATER. It is PRICELESS more than you think.
Photo Release: Commencement Exercises »
13 April 2014
Photo Release: Baccalaureate Ceremonies »
13 April 2014
Photo Release: Official PLM Seal »
13 April 2014
The Official PLM Seal, as approved by the Board of Regents under BOR Res. No. 3637 (06 Dec 2013, 487th regular meeting), upon the recommendation of Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero, University President, pursuant to the Official Blazon as approved by the pioneer Board of Regents under BOR Res. No. 39 (17 June 1967, 16th official meeting).
Ref.: www.plm.edu.ph/university-profile/seal-and-colors.html
Photo Release: Rotary Global Essay Winner »
11 April 2014
What medical schools are the best in PH? »
04 April 2014
Two state universities, University of the Philippines and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, head the Top 11 list of the nation's best schools for doctors, consistently scoring a 100 percent passing performance in board examinations.
-House committee on Higher and Technical Education
PLM president is doctor of law recipient »
01 April 2014
More than being a legal luminary who merited numerous awards and citations all his professional life, university president Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero was conferred an honorary Doctor of Laws degree for being "worthy of exemplary commendation due to his meritorious contributions and incomparable performance" in the law profession and in the academe.
Dr. Tuquero was inducted as the newest alumnus of the university that conferred said degree.
March 2014
Video Release: Official PLM Seal »
29 March 2014
The Official PLM Seal, as approved by the Board of Regents under BOR Res. No. 3637 (06 Dec 2013, 487th regular meeting), upon the recommendation of Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero, University President, pursuant to the Official Blazon as approved by the pioneer Board of Regents under BOR Res. No. 39 (17 June 1967, 16th official meeting).
Photo Release: Commencement Exercises » »
28 March 2014
Photo Release: CLAT 2014 »
22 March 2014
PLM added 10 new lawyers into its roster in the recently released Bar Exam results, with a 66.67% passing rate, or 4 out of 6, for the first batch of 2013 Juris Doctor program graduates!
PLMAT Public Notice »
21 March 2014
The PLMAT application for non-Manila valedictorians and salutatorians will open come Monday, 24 March 2014, and will end on 21 April. The PLMAT will be administered on 23 April.
Manilans who have not yet applied previously may also do so.
Public Notice »
19 March 2014
The DOLE shall conduct an Earthquake & Fire Drill tomorrow, Thursday, 10am onwards.
Pls. be guided accordingly.
PLM placed in inter-school Science tilts »
16 March 2014
The College of Science has placed in inter-university competitions in Biology and Mathematics conducted in UP-Manila and TUP, respectively.
PLM scholar wins international essay tilt »
15 March 2014
PLM congratulates Ms. Rednaxela R. Calderon, 3rd year Social Work scholar, for winning the FIRST PRIZE in the Rotary Global Essay Competition (ROGEC 2013), among thousands of essays worldwide, with Nigeria & Russia as 2nd & 3rd placers.
She subsequently won the Regional Best Essay (for the East Asia & the Pacific), clinching one of the 7 regions with 3 other earlier category winners.
PLM makes PLMAT publicly available thru Online media »
14 March 2014
In a pioneering act of PLM -- showcasing its drive to innovate in the spirit of transparency & public service -- the online/web results of PLMAT has been approved by Dr. Artemio G. Tuquero, University President, to be henceforth uploaded to the Official PLM Website for public convenience.
CAE wins 3rd place in Economics research contest »
11 March 2014
After advancing to the final round, PLM won the 3rd place in the research paper contest of the Economics Research Conference organized by the UP Economics Towards Consciousness (UP ETC) held 10 March 2014, with 7 teams from 4 best universities slugging it out in the finals. Congrats, CAE!
Entry: The Effects of Selected Monetary Instruments and Foreign Exchange to Domestic Liquidity, 1986-2010.
Photo Release: Magwayen screenings »
11 March 2014
The Magwayen Creative Scholars' Guild cordially invites you to the screening of "Walang Umaga sa Casa Ligaya" on:
March 26: 1pm & 4pm
March 27: 4pm & 7pm
March 29: 1pm, 4pm & 7pm
ALCUlympics Update »
11 March 2014
PLM emerged as the 2nd overall placer, with the following awards:
13 Gold medals: Swimming (Overall Event Champ)
1 Gold medal: Men's Touch Rugby Team
1 Silver: Women's Touch Rugby Team
1 Silver: Men's Futsal
1 Silver: DanceSport-Latin
MVP (Men's Touch Rugby Team): Julius Casidlac
Congrats, PLMayers!
Philippines bid to set record for biggest woman symbol »
08 March 2014
PLM is a strong partner of the Philippine Commission on Women and all other public agencies in empowering women, which Women's Month Celebration is being observed this March. Earlier today, PLM public servants were part of this bid to set a record in the Guinness World Records.
Blood-letting activity »
05 March 2014
Spearheaded by CUES, in cooperation with the Cluster B (CET, CAUP, CM & COPERS), everyone is encouraged to donate in the blood letting activity at UAC today until 4pm.
ALCUlympics Update »
04 March 2014
The PLM Rugby Team won spectacularly in the ALCUlympics held today at the University of Makati!
Men's Team: Gold
Women's Team: Silver
Wave PLM's colors higher even more!
February 2014
Photo Release: CET Recognition Day »
26 February 2014
CET conducts its 2014 Recognition Day tomorrow at the Justo Albert Auditorium.
CMC's 11th Anniversary Theme Party »
26 February 2014
Welcome aboard!
The College of Mass Communication unveils its 11th Anniversary Theme Party, "CMC on seA," at the UAC tonight as it levels up to the next decade! Teeming with production numbers inspired by movies with a sea motif, 7 blocks would slug it out to clinch the best presentation!
CS celebrates foundation year »
21 February 2014
PLM congratulates the College of Science in celebrating its foundation year today! Your feats in producing well-refined professionals over the years (and the decades prior to the creation of the College of Science from the former College of Arts & Sciences) are etched in the annals of PLM's history!
CSD celebrates Pearl anniversary year »
20 February 2014
The largest department of the biggest college (PLM CET Computer Studies Department) celebrates its 30th year or Pearl anniversary of exuding academic excellence starting today!
Photo Release: Honoris Causa »
18 February 2014
PLM braces for another milestone tomorrow!
PLM plays host to the high-level delegation of the Mayor of San Francisco, California who arrived today to renew the ties between Manila and San Francisco as sister-cities since the 1960s.
PLM is set to confer an honoris causa degree upon Mayor Edwin M. Lee. He stands out particularly in exemplary public service, through hands-on, compassionate, and effective governance as Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
He is noted for his exemplary character, commitment to optimum efficiency in the delivery of basic public services, balancing the budget to keep San Francisco safe, solvent and successful, reforming City pensions, economic development, job creation and public safety and taking responsibility for building San Francisco’s future, making the city responsive, efficient and accountable through innovation and technology.
Official PLM Seal »
15 February 2014
PLM approved the unified use of the Official PLM Seal. Find out the history and all about our University's iconic symbol, its long journey towards finally finding the resolution to the controversy it figured in from the time the discrepancy between the Official Blazon and the unofficial emblazon was discovered in 2009.
Now and forever, everyone is sure that the blazon and the emblazon are in harmony with each other.
Photo Release: American Shelves Road Show »
06 February 2014
Wanna see various hidden treasures of knowledge?
The US Embassy-Manila, thru the Thomas Jefferson Information Center (TJIC), will hold its AMERICAN SHELVES ROAD SHOW tomorrow, 07 Feb. 2014, at the PLM Library! You are invited as the US Embassy will promote its various resources.
Answer trivia questions and get a chance to win some prizes.
NO LIBRARY SERVICE tomorrow, but exciting surprises await you in the Roadshow!
Photo Release: CAUP in competition »
06 February 2014
With your help, PLM-CAUP student-entries are poised to win the People's Choice in the competition, "Alter 2013: The Adaptive Reuse of Manila Metropolitan Dream Theater"
Job Fair 2014 »
05 February 2014
Calling all graduands to the JOB FAIR 2014, tomorrow, Thursday, 06 Feb, 8am-5pm, at UAC! Come in business attire & bring your career portfolio. See tarp ads for details.
PLM LAW in FINAL FOUR of the ANC Square Off Law Debates »
05 February 2014
College of Law Debaters RENA CUIS, BRIAN BALIO and AZA ALFONSO flank Board of Judges Prof. Oscar Franklin Tan (Constitutional Law Professor, U.E. College of Law), RTC Judge Rainelda Montesa, RTC Branch 46 Manila (Chairman) and Atty. Ma. Sophia Editha Cruz-Abrenica (V&A Law) after winning their match last Friday.
After their preliminary victory over Lyceum last December, PLM defeated Cebu Quarterfinalist University of San Jose-Recoletos to reach the semi finals for the second year in a row. We will be facing the winner of the quarterfinal match between San Beda and St. Louis.
January 2014
Official FB page of the PLM Golden Anniversary 2015 »
29 January 2014
The official FB page of the PLM Golden Anniversary 2015, serving as the social media hub for exchanges of essential info about this milestone event.
www.FB.com/PLMgold2015, [email protected], #PLMgold2015
CTHTIM alumna vies for Bb. Pilipinas tilt »
27 January 2014
Someone to look forward to:
Julian Aurine Flores, candidate no. 75 in this photo, belongs to the Top 40 to become an official candidate for 2014! Let us express our support as she proudly brings with her the dignity, pride & honor of a true Pamantasan scholar!
PLM statement on the feast of the Holy Child »
19 January 2014
PLM joins the whole Christendom in celebrating the feast of the Holy Child, especially across the capital city of Manila (Tondo & Pandacan), including the Intramuros Sinulog at neighboring San Agustin Church, even as PLM extends its best wishes to its scholars who will undertake their Midterms this coming week.
LIS training on »
12 January 2014
This week is going to be pretty too exciting!
Aside from the PLMAT's 3rd batch, President Tuquero proudly announces the upcoming unveiling of the LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM!
Library Chief Fe Haico and her librarians are set to undergo a week-long hands-on training at the Library Internet Station which will be closed on 13-17 Jan 2014.
PLM President addresses the PLM community on the first school day for 2014 »
06 January 2014
Read through the inspirational message of the University President on the occasion of the first flag-raising ceremonies for the year 2014 before the faculty, staff and scholars.
06 January 2014, 8am, PLM Field, PLM Campus.
Public Notice: Facade Renovation »
02 January 2014
In light of the ongoing facade renovation & perimeter fence repainting -- leading to the temporary closure of the PLM facade -- the OIC-VP for Administration announces that all employees & scholars shall temporarily use the gates of:
1) Gusaling Corazon Aquino (adjacent to ITC)
2) Executive Office (near the Justo Albert Auditorium)
Always wear your PLM ID to ensure security & safety.
December 2013
PLM wins in the C2 Christmas Tree-making contest »
28 December 2013
Through everyone's collective effort, PLM landed 3rd place in the first-ever C2 Christmas Tree-making Contest, receiving P40,000 as prize in an judging/awarding event held at Market Market in Taguig today!
Photo Release: CET & CN's 44th founding anniversary »
17 December 2013
PLM joins its biggest college in the celebration of its 44th founding anniversary today and tomorrow! CET & CN are the oldest colleges of PLM, having been established in 1969.
Photo Release: Pasko sa Pamantasan »
13 December 2013
A merry #PaskosaPamantasan will bring joy to everyone come Monday, 16 December 2013! Continue to bring more empty C2 bottles (even until Sunday) and heap up the Christmas Tree!
NOW on SPOTLIGHT: Accenture »
03 December 2013
Accenture, in a new milestone of its inst'l linkage with PLM, opens an in-campus roadshow for the nationwide Student Leadership Conference 2014 today at the Main Lobby!
PLM belongs to the few Accenture ELITE* schools recognized as shaping a great future for the youth.
Visit their booth, register & get a chance to win an iPad Mini 32Gb!
ELITE: Education that Leads to IT Employment
Video Release: Anti-Violence against Women & Children »
01 December 2013
Respect our WOMEN & CHILDREN!
The whole nation is on an 18-day VAWC awareness campaign!
End violence against women & children now!
November 2013
CL wins in debate inaugural match »
29 November 2013
Accenture, in a new milestone of its inst'l linkage with PLM, opens an in-campus roadshow for the
The PLM College of Law wins the inaugural match of this season's Square Off Debates on ANC. PLM defeated Lyceum of the Philippines University to duplicate last year's record of victory in the first round!
Photo Release: Bonifacio Day »
28 November 2013
Come 30 Nov, our nation will commemorate the sesquicentennial (150th) celebration of the birth of the late Gat Andres Bonifacio, the foremost son of Manila.
PLM will join the festivities at 8am. Employees and assigned freshmen will converge at Gen. Luna St. and march to Plaza de Roma (Palacio del Gobernador) by following the "kalesa" parade carrying the contingent of the honorable City Mayor.
PLM team wins top award at 2013 PR grand prix »
28 November 2013
Seven mass communication students from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) bagged the coveted grand champion award at the recently concluded 2013 Students Grand Prix Competition organized by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).
PLM’s Team Inovace devised a public relations strategy dubbed “Project Unlike,” aimed at raising awareness among the young online population on the need to pass a law against cyberbullying. The team used the popular cyber term ‘unlike’ as an action word to reiterate to the netizens that online content does not always need to be ‘liked’ and that they have an option to ‘unlike’ the inappropriate ones.
High passing rate for CE licensure exam »
28 November 2013
PLM got a 95.83% passing rate (23 out of 24) for first-time takers in the November 2013 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination, or an overall rate of 92.31%! National passing rate is only 48.11%.
Congrat, CET-CE Dept!
High passing rate for LET »
24 November 2013
In the just-released September 2013 Licensure Examination for Teachers-Secondary, PLM got a passing rate of 89.33% (67 out of 75) for first-timers, or an overall rate of 69.31%. National passing rate is only 39.75%.
Congrats for an annually increasing passing rate!
N.B.: Only this March 2013, PLM got the Top 1 with 94%, which is reputedly the highest-ever rate in the history of PRC's Board for Professional Teachers.
PLM partners with GMA Network for Yolanda relief »
18 November 2013
PLM is a proud partner of GMA Network in sending relief items to the victims/survivors of catastrophic calamities like that of Yolanda.
CUES is leading the entire PLM community in helping Visayas heal.
Yet to donate? Indispensable items are:
Toiletries: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste
Kitchen utensils: disposable spoons, cups, plates
Free trainings at Microsoft Virtual Academy »
18 November 2013
Register for free trainings in programming through the Microsoft Virtual Academy and more! See us at the PLM Lobby starting tomorrow!
PLM announces the opening of PLMAT application today »
18 November 2013
Qualification: Manila resident with 85% GWA in the 3rd-year level OR 4th-year's 2nd grading period.
Documentary submittals (Orig & photocopy):
*High school ID
*Proof of Manila residency: Parent's latest Voter's Reg w/ Voting Record &/or applicant's SK voter's certificate OR Parent's 2013 Income Tax/Real Property Tax w/ company ID; plus Barangay certificate (if available)
*NSO-certified birth certificate
PLMAT fee: PhP 605
Photo Release »
13 November 2013
The PLM College of Medicine announces the preliminary visit of the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) accreditors on 14-15 November 2013. It is the first step towards the recognition and accreditation of the CM as an excellent medical school.
The Power of Social Media »
12 November 2013
GMA News, on the power of social media amidst absolute devastation & total chaos:
Ngayong panahon ng kalamidad, mas pinadali ng social media ang paghahatid ng tulong at ng impormasyon sa mga apektadong pamilya. Pwedeng mahanap ang nawawalang mahal sa buhay o 'di kaya nama'y magbigay ng impormasyon tungkol sa isang taong napaulat na nawawala.
CEP Statement on Yolanda »
11 November 2013
As we enjoy sifting through our newsfeeds & SMS conversations, millions of homeless survivors of the worst super typhoon in history are suffering from utter physical hunger, torn lives and shattered hopes -- with nothing left to start over.
But nay, they have us -- our hearts & compassion -- more than enough to heal from miseries & traumatic scars we were fortunate to have been spared from.
With communities completely wiped out in the Visayas, our Caring University calls for relief donations for disaster victims through our strong Bayanihan spirit. Share just a little & it goes a long way as they stand up on their own feet again & reach for their dreams!
CEP Statement on Yolanda and Miss Universe 3rd Runner-Up »
10 November 2013
At the backdrop of painful obliteration, our continuing saga of rising after falling, like the proverbial/legendary Phoenix magnificently rising from the ashes, is immortalized by Miss Universe 3rd Runner-Up Ariella Arida of Philippines!
You seized the declining Filipino spirit and shot it high! :)
CEP Statement on Yolanda »
09 November 2013
Words are inadequate to describe how wrenched we all feel about the total devastation by the violent onslaught of Yolanda over the Visayan region.
As we open our hearts, let us feel how fortunate we truly are for being spared, which calls for our moral obligation to outpour our endless prayers and aid.
PLM has partnered with GMA-7 to bring our message of hope to our countrymen. Together, let us make a difference.
Class suspension: Yolanda Super Typhoon »
08 November 2013
Due to the onslaught of super storm Yolanda, classes at all levels in PLM are suspended.
CUES continues in accepting donations for calamity victims.
Official CEP Media release »
07 November 2013
The Campus Ministry invites you to the mass sponsored by the CMC, tomorrow, Friday, 12nn, at the Shrine of Jesus, the Divine Teacher (PLM Chapel).
Let us pray together for our brethren who are along the path of the super storm Yolanda's onslaught.
President's Bio-sketch »
06 November 2013
On Monday, PLM president Artemio G. Tuquero addressed the whole PLM community after leading the first flag-raising ceremonies in the new semester.
How much do we know our new President?
Let's have a close aperture of his biosketch: »
President to address PLM community on Semestral opening day »
03 November 2013
PLM ushers into a new horizon tomorrow, marked by the start of a new term.
Once again, President Artemio G. Tuquero leads the entire PLM community in the flag-raising ceremonies!
On top of the usual attendees (PLM officials, faculty with administrative post & admin staff), all SCHOLARS & FACULTY members with CLASSES at 7am tomorrow are likewise enjoined to attend at 7:45am, PLM Field.
PLM: Where community means “come in unity!”
October 2013
eGrades Advisory »
24 October 2013
A total of 71,190 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of 5pm today.
eGrades Advisory »
22 October 2013
A total of 70,829 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of this posting.
CPA Licensure Exam results »
22 October 2013
PLM's annual passing rate in the CPA state licensure exams keeps on getting higher! With 70.69% for first-takers and 60% overall in the October 2013 CPA board, at the backdrop of a mere 40.84% national passing rate, PLM has everything to rise as a formidable dark horse CPA powerhouse soon!
eGrades Advisory »
18 October 2013
A total of 65,222 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of this posting.
eGrades Advisory »
17 October 2013
A total of 52,988 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of this posting.
CL conducts Legal Aid Clinic program » »
14 October 2013
The People's Law School will conduct its first Legal Aid Clinic Program for indigents at Barangays 829 and 832, Otis, Pandacan, Manila on 16 October 2013 with the theme: "PLM College of Law: Upholding the Rule of Law for the Public Interest."
Monday class suspension »
13 October 2013
In case you missed it, classes at all levels in Manila have been suspended Monday. The #WannaBeOnPOP SALT orientation, though, will push through at 8am, Justo Albert Auditorium. See you there!
CAE got 100% success rate for Certified Bookkeeping Exam »
12 October 2013
PICPA-Metro Manila's Education Assistance Program has sponsored randomly selected students from all over the metropolis in taking the Certified Bookkeeping Examination, with 17 from PLM's CAE passing the same in a 100% success rate!
This validates PLM's formidable curricular foundation as a prelude to a strong standing in the CPA board examinations.
PICPA: Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
eGrades Advisory »
11 October 2013
A total of 35,227 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of this posting.
eGrades Advisory »
10 October 2013
A total of 18,635 grades from the Official Report of Grades in the offline local SIS database are already residing in the online cloud-based eGrades database as of this posting.
eGrades Advisory »
09 October 2013
A total of 7,916 grades from the Official Report of Grades submitted to and encoded by the OUR-SIS, were endorsed to the ITC for uploading to the online eGrades database today.
New PLM Grading System »
09 October 2013
As transparency is the new fad in the Government, the academe leads in enhancing and ensuring the same with the issuance of the New University Grading System, thereby mandating transparency on the computations of grades and enjoining the faculty members to be available in responding to students ’ queries.
Download PAO No. 2013-14 here: »
eGrades Advisory »
08 October 2013
The first wave of grades, consisting of 1,146 entries from the Official Report of Grades submitted to and encoded by the OUR-SIS, was endorsed to the ITC for uploading to the online eGrades database.
High-impact strategies in the Pipeline »
08 October 2013
Since 2012, the Supreme Court has taken the road of evolution thru technology, opening itself up and its reticent culture to the public, thereby enhancing transparency. PLM, as a school of learning, stands on the right pedestal to match, if not surpass, all efforts of other government agencies at evolving and at enhancing transparency -- starting with the eGrades System and further high-impact strategies in the pipeline.
PLM bags BIDA awards anew »
06 October 2013
The PCCI, once again, has conferred winning slots to the 3 finalist entries of PLM in the 7th BIDA annual awards rites last Friday, 04 Oct 2013 at the PCCI National Office, Global City!
Kudos to the creative minds from the BS Entrepreneurship scholars of CME including their adviser, Prof. Gau Raganit III!
2nd Place, Service Category: KASIPAGJUAN, INC.
4th Place, Non-food Category: STAR SOLUTION
5th Place, Food Category: COCONUG
The Business Idea Development Awards national tilt is organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
General Assembly for Graduands »
05 October 2013
ATTN: All Graduating Scholars
General Assembly for Graduands
Agenda: Clearance Requirements, Graduation Photo & Yearbook
Justo Albert Auditorium
07 October:
08 October:
8am (CAE, CS, CPT, CM)
1pm (CMC, CME, CL)
Official CEP Media Release »
04 October 2013
Today is the first Friday of the month while tomorrow is World Teachers' Day. Let us hear a mass of thanksgiving at 12nn today, PLM Chapel, in honor of our best professors who have guided the minds and heart of our scholars.
What is the eGrades System? »
03 October 2013
Capping into a full-scale implementation last 1st Sem, SY 2012-2013 (after a series of a 2-year pilot transition), the eGrades has been institutionalized as the official conduit for grades distribution in the undergraduate programs -- intended to completely shelve & supplant the old, archaic paper classcards from PLM's operations.
BS Nursing program to open »
03 October 2013
Great news! The BS Nursing program opens this 2nd Sem! Shifters from other PLM colleges & transferees* from the Nursing schools of other universities in Manila (including UdM) are now accepted!
Inquiries? Call 5250115.
*Nursing transferees must pass the Special Admission Exam
PLM garners 100% passign rate in ME licensure exam »
02 October 2013
PLM garners a 100% passing rate for the 2013 Mechanical Engineering batch (12 first-time takers) in the September 2013 ME Licensure Exam!
Congratulations, CET!
September 2013
PLM is BIDA finalist »
30 September 2013
Now poised to make waves in the finals cup, CME made it for the 2nd time in the Business Idea Development Award (BIDA) national tilt!
Organized by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry, all 3 entries of BS Entrepreneurship scholars and their adviser have made it as finalists!
Bring on your entrepreneurial acumen & spirit!
Ms. Philippines is crowned Ms. World 2013 »
28 September 2013
Philippines is back into the map of world beauties!
Congrats, Megan Young!
You made your country and fellow Filipinos proud and beaming with pride, dignity and honor once again!
Research Month: Book Fair launch »
25 September 2013
As the Research Month rages, PLM likewise promotes the reading culture of its stakeholders!
Visit the PLM Book Fair at the GV Lobby which opened at 9:30am! See you there! :)
Class suspension »
23 September 2013
His Honor, Mayor Erap Estrada, has suspended classes up to the college level.
Keep safe everyone!
Buzzword of the day:
Climate ChangeD
Microsoft Dreamspark »
22 September 2013
PLM's scholars under STEM* courses, especially CS/IT & CpE under the CET, are privileged with a benefit to download and use hundreds of FREE LICENSED software, including Windows 8 and development tools. This is made possible by PLM's institutional linkage with Microsoft, the largest global software company, which recognizes PLM's high repute and academic excellence.
On Spotlight: PLM is Accenture ELITE »
20 September 2013
PLM is feted in the Accenture ELITE* Night in a special milestone of inst'l linkage.
PLM belongs to the 1st batch of few ELITE schools recognized as shaping a great future for the youth.
Prospective PLM graduates have since been offered premium jobs as early as July prior to graduation.
Pushing the limits further, PLM is securing a milestone where PLM graduands are assured jobs more than a year prior!
*ELITE: Education that Leads to IT Employment
26th Aliw Awards nationwide search »
20 September 2013
The finalists to the prestigious 26th Aliw Awards nationwide search include the PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company under the Best Dance Company category!
Winners shall be announced during the awards night on 08 October 2013 at the Manila Hotel.
Eat Bulaga's IKAW AT ECHO Ka-Voice ni Idol Auditions »
19 September 2013
Eat Bulaga's IKAW AT ECHO Ka-Voice ni Idol Auditions in PLM, tomorrow, 20 Sep, 1-5pm, Accenture IER (GV-311).
Interested? Bring whole body & close-up 3R pics, photocopy of birth cert, valid ID & music material. Open to PLM students & employees only.
Photo Release: SMART's Teachers' Month contest »
18 September 2013
Celebrate Teachers' Month with a big bang courtesy of Smart!
2013 activation of Official PLM accounts »
17 September 2013
Activation of the freshmen's official PLM eMail accounts will be on Thursday and Friday! Check out your college's schedule!
Access your official PLM eMail accounts thru www.outlook.com/plm.edu.ph!
Research Month: Colloquium of Best Researches »
16 September 2013
The "3rd Research Colloquium of Best Researches" is on amid the rainfall! 8am-4pm, TOP Room, GA.
Eyesight issues? Check out quality eyewear thru the PLM Clinic the whole week!
PLM wins big in 1st AV Faith Video Awards »
14 September 2013
CMC wins big in the 1st AV Faith Video Awards at MOA-SMX, winning the top 5 awards out of 6 finalists (and besting 40+ entries):
Buklat, 1st place; Lundayan, 2nd; Bitaw, 3rd; In Magno Silentio, 4th; Autumn, 5th; and Ere (by DLSU), 6th!
Research Month: Research Forum »
13 September 2013
The biggest Research Month salvo comes just as yet this morning as a RESEARCH FORUM brings you well-respected luminaries from CHED & NRCP!
8am-12nn, JA Auditorium.
Research Month: Groundbreaking »
12 September 2013
Research Month celebration ground breaks tomorrow!
9am: Thanksgiving Mass, PLM Chapel
10am: Poster Presentations & Exhibits, GV Lobby
11am-5pm: Sine-liksik (Film Showing of Documentaries), GB 106
Photo Release: Microsoft Student Partners »
11 September 2013
Bringing home the honors to PLM, the new batch of Filipino Microsoft Student Partners (MSP) consider MSP not just a title to gloat of, but an adventure to explore the horizons and share their learning experiences to everyone!
Photo Release: PLM leads in SWEEP national scholarship »
09 September 2013
PLM leads other public universities nationwide with a front-row privilege in the Batch 3 (2013) of SWEEP national scholarship grantees from all over the Philippines!
PLM clinched 3 scholarship slots instead of the usual single slot per school.
CLA's 10th founding anniversary »
08 September 2013
The CLA's 10th Founding Anniversary celebration opens tomorrow, 09 Sep 2013 with the ff. exciting events:
8am: Eucharistic Celebration (Univ. Chapel)
9am: Parade (Univ. Grounds)
9:30am: Opening Program & Street Dance (Field/TB)
Theme: Weaving Proactive Professionals
IBM's Career Exploration »
08 September 2013
A virtual event experience designed for graduating students and recent graduates to engage in an information exchange with IBM experts, and learn how to thrive in a corporate environment. IBM maintains a strong institutional linkage with PLM as among the elite group of top 5 universities that IBM recognizes for their high repute and academic excellence.
PLM is PT-TOA tilt champion »
08 September 2013
Just in: The PLM Student Choral Society once again bested other performing groups by winning the championship at the Philippine Travel and Tour Operators Association's 24th Philippine TravelMart Eco Choral competition held at SM-MOA!
Congrats, PCAC! It's more Fun in PLM! :)
CSD alumni employment profiling »
07 September 2013
Attention: CS/IT graduates who graduated in 2008 to 2012.
The Computer Studies Department is profiling the employment history of its recent graduates (from 2008 to 2012) after graduation and their current job (data mining on their first job after graduation and current job).
This seeks to establish the course alignment with their current career path, as well as their employability in the industry.
PLM-CMC in Radyo Veritas 846 Campus Hour once again »
07 September 2013
Mga ka-Isko at ka-Iska, magsisimula nang umere ang PLM-CMC sa Radyo Veritas 846 Campus Hour ngayong Sabado, ika-2:30 n.h. mamaya!
Samahan ang mga taga-Barangay Simbago sa pagtalakay ng mga napapanahong isyu sa bansa!
Sumali rin sa Text Poll: Paano mababawasan ang krimen sa inyong barangay? Ipadala ang inyong sagot sa 0918-VERITAS.
Makinig, makikanta at makisaya dahil Sabadobidoo na!
I-like ang FB page: Sabadobidoo.
Sundan sa Twitter: @plmsabadobidoo
2013 Annual activation of the official PLM accounts »
06 September 2013
Annual activation of the official PLM accounts:
Freshmen are slated to activate their accounts on:
20 Sep (Fri): CAUP, CET, CMC, CPT, CS
9am-5pm, Library Internet Station, GK
Your formal-looking & corporate-sounding official PLM account is your gateway to PLM's modern academic innovations like the eGrades.
2013 Student Intramural Games »
04 September 2013
The 2013 PLM Student Intramural Games are slated to debut its opening ceremonies tomorrow, Thursday, 05 Sep 2013, 9am, at the Tanghalang Bayan!
No less than President Artemio G. Tuquero will preside over the ceremonies and deliver the inspirational message, on his first public appearance before the PLM community since his election.
UAP-PLM Presents »
03 September 2013
The United Architects of the Philippines-Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Chapter, in cooperation with United Architects of the Philippines-Manila Corinthian Chapter, presents ELIXIR: The Architectural Antidote for the Modern World. Part 1: September 4. Part 2: September 18.
Notice to the Public »
02 September 2013
Mr. PATRICIO R. MAMOT is not connected with nor part of PLM, nor is there an Autism Foundation of the Philippines-Autism Institute of Manila in PLM College of Medicine.
Photo Release: Pride March unveils in PLM »
02 September 2013
PLM's first ever PRIDE MARCH will be finally held on 04 Sep 2013 (Wednesday). Assembly: PLM Tanghalang Bayan, 1pm. Everyone is invited! SPREAD LOVE. MAKE PEACE. AIM FOR EQUALITY!
August 2013
CET Organizational Fair »
30 August 2013
Visit the fair booths and org attractions at UAC showcasing the strengths of Engineering & ICT courses, and their contribution to societal progress!
Launch ceremonies at 10am; booth fair follows. See you there!
Photo Release: Official FB Page of PLM reaches 20,000 likes »
29 August 2013
Today, in a milestone event in the history of the Official FB page of PLM, one of Official CEP Media's web tools, it has reached more than 20k likes, thereby breaching the 20,000 mark!
PLM will unceasingly provide public service excellence to its thousands of important stakeholders, now and beyond, even as we are marching towards our Golden Anniversary in 2015!
Patimpalak ng Kagawaran ng Filipino ng Dalubhasaan ng Malayang Sining »
29 August 2013
Ating panuorin ang mga patimpalak ng Kagawaran ng Filipino ng Dalubhasaan ng Malayang Sining sa Tanghalang Justo Albert, ika-1 n.h., ngayong araw!
Tinatampukan ng mga pantas na magpapaligsahan sa Tuwangang Pagkukwento at Maramihang Awit!
PLM is top Medical school in the Philippines »
27 August 2013
In a usual show of force, PLM ranks as the top Medical school in the Philippines with a 100% passing rate in the Aug 2013 Physician Licensure Exam released today!
PLM ranks 1st together with the University of the Phils.-Manila, Ateneo de Manila (School of Med. & Public Health) and Cebu Institute of Medicine.
SUNSET program postponed »
23 August 2013
PLM is among the SUNSET partners that clean the Manila Bay of garbage. CUES advises that the clean-up drive tomorrow, Saturday, has been POSTPONED due to the ongoing relief operations.
*Socially responsible and United in Nurturing and Sustaining the EnvironmenT
PLM resumes classes after Habagat onslaught »
22 August 2013
After welcoming back its public servants today to lay a red carpet for its scholars, PLM is excited to greet its scholars once again tomorrow in the campus that is their haven!
Welcome back!
Accolades for the Official CEP Media »
21 August 2013
Donnpebbles, thru Twitter, said: hinihintay ko pa ung official announcements... daming nag sasabi na wala na daw eh... pero mas safe pag si @PLM_CEP_Media galing.
CEP says: As you may understand, the Official CEP Media is the single point of contact for institutional advisories. Lots of confusion will arise if it does not come from a single trusted source. Once fired out, we have partners who would help forward our message to everyone, like the SSC, etc.
Accolades for the Official CEP Media »
21 August 2013
Laicheey, thru Twitter, said: In @PLM_CEP_Media, I trust.
CEP says thank you for the immense trust! We simply value the welfare of our important stakeholders which is why we provide them with a non-stop, 24x7, public service excellence.
Severe flooding due to combined Habagat's & Maring's onslaught »
21 August 2013
The combined wrath of Maring & Habagat has left even Ondoy-unscathed areas under a state of calamity. With Mayor Estrada's suspension of Thursday CLASSES (only), this tragic situation calls for the unity of our human spirit: COMPASSION to aid the needy & RESOLVE to remediate the recurring floods. Support the SSC's relief drive! Curb "Climate Change" together at the institutional level!
Microsoft Virtual Academe is free »
21 August 2013
Because school is always in session when you have Microsoft Virtual Academy! Check out the latest on-demand courses: http://aka.ms/ODMVA
Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) provides free online IT training & learning of Windows, Microsoft Technologies through courses designed by industry experts. Join the growing MVA community today! Start here: http://bit.ly/1d3yQ3p
Class suspension: Maring and Habagat »
20 August 2013
Due to persistent severe flooding, PLM suspends administrative works (office operations) anew.
Keep safe, everyone!
Malacanang won't issue suspension order »
20 August 2013
Malacanang Palace will not issue suspension orders for government works today. Public services in national government agencies resume.
Localized suspensions in respective local jurisdictions that are already in place, it advised, will be enforced, though. We will await developments in Manila, with updates to be delivered directly to the mobile devices of PLM employees.
Class suspension: Maring-enhanced Habagat »
19 August 2013
With a state of calamity still ravaging Luzon due to typhoon Maring-enhanced Habagat, Mayor Estrada, in keeping with EO No. 66, has declared a localized suspension for all 20 Aug 2013 classes across all levels in Manila's public & private schools.
Our thoughts and our hearts are inclined to those affected by the continued flooding all over Luzon.
Official CEP Media release »
19 August 2013
Persistent rains last night caused severe flooding in many Luzon areas. While the situation in Manila may be reaching normalcy, big swats of land continue to suffer the brunt of enhanced Habagat, including Laguna. While Manilans are more fortunate than others, let us continue praying for our fellow countrymen, most of whom have homes still under water or already ravaged by raging floods.
Official CEP Media release »
19 August 2013
Amid another non-storm-signal weather phenomenon that halted even the courts & financial institutions, let us keep our faith strong, even as we indulge in prayers for the safety & security of our brothers all over.
Let us likewise reflect on how we can help mitigate the sultry effects of climate change.
Work suspension due to severe flooding »
19 August 2013
Just in:
Admin works (office operations) are suspended due to continued widespread flooding.
Keep safe!
Class suspension: Maring-enhanced Habagat »
19 August 2013
As validated by the official social media of Mayor Estrada, all Monday classes at all levels in Manila are suspended, as per EO No. 2012-66 of Malacanang Palace.
As of yet, public services continue, though, to provide non-stop services to Manilans. That's the hallmark of serving the people at its best!
We will keep everyone updated all through the night up until morning.
Official CEP Media release »
18 August 2013
We ASSURE our important stakeholders that PLM is currently on a heightened red alert for any eventuality amid the heavy rainfall. The Official CEP Media, as always, will keep everyone company on a 24x7 public service fashion.
Photo release: Seminar on SciCal Techniques »
18 August 2013
Manila City Mayor Estrada opens Social Media »
16 August 2013
Recognizing the imperative need to to connect and interact with his constituents, the "Father of the City," Mayor Erap Estrada, goes online through Social Media, using both FaceBook and Twitter.
dISKOvery 6.0 audition »
15 August 2013
The PLM Iskolars Dance, Inc. wishes to notify that the dISKOvery 6.0 audition, originally slated tomorrow, has been re-scheduled on Saturday, 17 Aug, at UAC (New Registration Time: 11am-1pm).
Be dISKOvered!
Class & work suspension: Fumigation »
15 August 2013
To keep PLM a disease-free haven for learning and to safeguard us from the threats of dengue, a fumigation is slated at 3pm tomorrow, Friday, 16 Aug 2013. Classes and administrative works are suspended effective 2pm.
Mass observance invite »
15 August 2013
The Campus Ministry cordially invites the faithful to a mass at 1pm, PLM Chapel (Shrine of Jesus, the Divine Teacher) in solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Celebrant: Bishop Broderick Pabillo, D.D.
Photo release: PLM leads in SWEEP scholarship's nationwide search for grantees »
13 August 2013
PLM announces that all 3 nominees to the SWEEP scholarship (SY 2013-2014) were accepted by Smart! They will join grantees from other prime universities set to receive benefits, including: Up to P6K reimbursement of assessed school fees, P2K semestral book allowance & P3K monthly cash stipend; plus lodes of other benefits like priority hiring after graduation, exclusive trainings for future leaders, product packages and a lot more!
Class suspension: Labuyo »
12 August 2013
Due to inclement weather, and based on Mayor Estrada's announcement at 10am thru media outfits, PLM suspends classes 12 Aug.
GMA-7 media outfit clears earlier suspension announcement »
12 August 2013
We regret that GMA News has issued a correction that classes in Manila are suspended from pre-school to elementary only.
Holiday: Eid Mubarak »
09 August 2013
PLM joins its Moslem brothers in their celebration!
May LOVE and PEACE reign all over the world!
Microsoft Student Partners invite »
08 August 2013
Attention: All CS, IT and CpE lowerclassmen Jumpstart your career by becoming a MSP Junior. See details from PLM Microsoft Student Partners. Apply until Tuesday, 13 August 2013!
CPT is undisputed national leader »
07 August 2013
PLM, the hall-famer as the legendary home of the unbeatable champions, made it once again as the top PT school in the Philippines -- the only one deserving of such an honor! With 60 out of 63 successful examinees, or 95.24% passing rate, also in tow are the 4th, 6th & 10th top placers! Kudos, College of Physical Therapy! :)
Rescheduling of affected Midterm exams »
06 August 2013
All Midterm examinations slated on 09 August 2013 (Friday) covered by the celebration of Eid'l Fitr are re-scheduled on 13 August 2013 (Tuesday). -OUR
Wikang Pambansa »
04 August 2013
Ang WIKANG PAMBANSA ay susi sa malawakang pagkakaunawaan, lalo't higit ito ang humuhulma sa ating pagkakakilanlan bilang isang bansang may paninindigan.
Bilang salamin ng kasaysayan at kultura ng ating lahi, ito'y ating pagyamanin!
Ngayon, higit kailanman, ano ang mai-aambag natin bilang Pamantasan na ang ngalan ay nililok sa wikang Filipino?
MSP Video Link »
02 August 2013
Microsoft Student Partners: Jumpstart your Career!
Do you have the passion to learn, share, lead & grow? Be a MSP!
Share & connect worldwide! Unlock your dreams & passions! Lead discussions & events! Take charge & lead others! Grow your skills & reputation! Change your life & make this world a better place!
It's not just a title, it's an awesome adventure!
Geek is the new rockstar! Create & innovate for life!
Regular Holiday proclamation: Eid'l Fitr »
01 August 2013
PLM joins the whole nation in paying respects to the observance of Eid'l Fitr by our Moslem brethren on 09 Aug 2013, which is a regular holiday by virtue of Proclamation No. 629, s. 2013.
July 2013
Pagbubukas ng Buwan ng Wika »
31 July 2013
Bigyang-diin ang Buwan ng Wika nitong buwan ng Agosto!
Magpasalamat sa Banal na Misa bukas, ika-9 n.u.
Lumahok sa mga darating na timpalak!
Handog ng Dalubhasaan ng Malayang Sining, katuwang ang Sentro ng Sining at Araling Manilenyo, at ang Kagawaran ng Filipino!
Photo release: IECEP-NCR Quiz Bowl 2013 »
28 July 2013
Congrats to the team of CET-EcE scholars who landed as 1st runner-up in the 19-corner IECEP-NCR Quiz Bowl 2013 yesterday held at LPU-Manila! Advancing to the national level come November with TUP, MIT and DLSU, PLM has shown a strong prowess in the past as the revered national quiz defending champion yet again! We can make it once more!
Photo release: New Microsfot Student Partners » »
25 July 2013
Congratulations to the new Microsoft Student Partners of the Philippines (SY 2013-2014), with four (4) from PLM's Computer Studies Department (3) and Computer Engineering Department (1)! Jonas Jude, Matthew Buena, Zeychelle Hundana & Chester Hogar. You brought honors to PLM's name, thus making the CET proud!
Official PLM Brochure »
21 July 2013
To further enhance our information and communication media, the Official PLM Brochure was released during the 19 July 2012 University Council meeting. Its updated version was distributed to the new set of Board of Regents exactly a year after (19 July 2013) as part of the CEP's primer to the new governors of the University.
Strengthening the Official CEP Media »
20 July 2013
Just as how institutions are necessarily intensifying their social media tools to touch base with their important stakeholders, part of the rationale for creating the Transparency Coordinating Council (PAO No. 2013-12), aside from following the law, is to strengthen the Official CEP Media in enhancing information sharing in PLM.
This is an impetus for an upcoming robust PLM website (among other major CEP media tools) as the foremost digital public face of PLM.
Announcement on the BOR's election of University President »
19 July 2013
By virtue of BOR Res. No. 3587, Justice Artemio G. Tuquero, PLM Regent, has been elected as University President for a term of 6 years effective 03 July 2013 to 02 July 2019.
List of accredited student organizations for 2013 »
15 July 2013
The Office of Student Development & Services (OSDS) has released the new list of accredited student organizations for 2013.
The Official PLM InfoBoard »
12 July 2013
The Official PLM InfoBoard, thru SMART, broadcasts official institutional information and urgent advisories to keep everyone updated and guided.
Photo release: STEP »
10 July 2013
The GMA News and the Official CEP Media »
09 July 2013
Ang GMA News at ang "Official CEP Media" of PLM ay iisa ang prinsipyo: Umulan, bumagyo, mabato man ng kung ano-ano, tuloy pa rin ang pagbabalita! Serbisyong totoo!!! Para sa bayan 'to!!! Non-stop 24x7 public service regimen, even during calamitous weathers... Driven by passion for excellence... Keeping PLM's important stakeholders informed!
The Library v.2 »
09 July 2013
Expanded seating capacity awaits our intelligent scholars at the PLM Library (Celso Al Carunungan Memorial Library).
Visit the new Reference Section at the Ground Floor!
Like and follow their official accounts:
FB: fb.com/PlmLibrary.
Twitter: @plmlibrary.
PLM Account: [email protected]
Who's Who? »
08 July 2013
The Supreme Court en banc, in A.M. No. 13-05-02-SC, appointed Dean Ernesto P. Maceda Jr. of the PLM College of Law as a new member of the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) governing board. Maceda is the incumbent national president of the Philippine Association of Law Schools (www.pals.org.ph).
He is joined by the UP Law dean and the Ateneo Law dean.
Factly Yours »
08 July 2013
PLM is one of the fully-compliant Nursing schools in the Philippines -- certified by no less than the CHED!
That's another proof of the unbridled excellence of a top scholars' university that consistently produces board topnothchers!
Cheers! :)
New CEP mobile medium: Blackberry Social »
06 July 2013
Test message from Blackberry. Checking on a new facility to serve our stakeholders better!
Anytime, anywhere, 24x7 non-stop service regimen! -CEP Media
Announcing the coming in of a new University President »
04 July 2013
To ensure that PLM's academic welfare is well taken care of, Mayor Joseph Estrada is tapping Justice Artemio Tuquero for the presidency of Manila's foremost scholars' university. A homegrown academician is set to formally join his top management team.
(As broadcasted earlier thru the official PLM InfoBoard and the CEP mobile media tools)
Announcing the oathtaking of a new University President »
04 July 2013
As Mayor Joseph Estrada's choice, former Justice Artemio Tuquero took his oath of office for the leadership of Manila's foremost university.
Smart's PLM iQuiz winners »
02 July 2013
The winners in the Smart #PLMiQuiz held at UAC are: CN, CTHTIM, CAUP & CHD. The'll represent PLM in the national #SMARTiQuiz! Congrats, PLM!
Smart's PLM iQuiz »
01 July 2013
Catch sports broadcaster Anthony Suntay as he hosts the PLM-Smart Jump-In iQuiz tomorrow at UAC! Quizzers from 8 colleges, forming 2 teams, will slug it out as the best quizzers to represent PLM in the prestigious national iQuiz arena! #PLMiQuiz
New Father of the City takes oath »
01 July 2013
Half-a-day ago, newly-elected Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada took his oath of office. At the strike of 12 mid-night, his first day of public service ensues. A kick-off event is slated at 8:30am, with PLM public servants rendering a "Community Street Sweeping" at the U-Belt area (near McDonalds and La Consolacion) as part of His Honor's "Manila Urban Renewal for an Inclusive and Sustainable Development" program.
June 2013
Class suspension: GSM »
30 June 2013
Doctoral classes in GSM are also suspended due to inclement weather, as per GSM Dean Neri Pescadera. Keep safe, PLMayers!
Class suspension: CWTS »
29 June 2013
This just in: As per the OSDS Dean, the CWTS training tomorrow is likewise suspended due to inclement weather.
Keep safe, PLMayers!
Class suspension: ROTC »
29 June 2013
This just in: As per the ROTC Commandant, the ROTC training tomorrow has been suspended. Pls. standby for more advisories.
-USG Chief Fe Cawit
Official CEP Media release »
29 June 2013
PLM is a scholar's comfort zone, a cradle of lofty ideals, a breeding ground for excellence and, best of all, a caring university.
PLM takes countless characters, indeed. What makes it the beacon of pride of the Philippines, though, is the set of countless hearts that beat as one -- united for the best interest of the school, the country and its people!
PLM has widely-opened opportunities to its scholars and public servants -- they who will never let PLM stray in harm's way, ever!
Official PLM InfoBoard »
27 June 2013
Notice to all Block Presidents:
Your contact details were already endorsed by your college to the ITC-Official CEP Media for urgent advisories.
SMART subscribers have since been enrolled to the Official PLM InfoBoard. GLOBE & SUN enrollment to the "CEP's official mobile media" will be finished by tonight until tomorrow.
You will all receive a confirmation of enrollment starting Friday.
Should you fail to receive one until Sunday evening, pls. proceed to the ITC on Monday for validation.
SUNSET's Manila Bay cleanup drive »
26 June 2013
PLM joins once again in the Manila Bay cleanup drive thru the SUNSET* partnership program come Saturday, 29 June 2013, 7am. Volunteer faculty, staff and scholars will render this community extension service at the Manila Bay's catch basin, just beside the US Embassy.
*Socially responsible and United in Nurturing and Sustaining the EnvironmenT
PLM is invited to exclusive Smart Jump In inter-school dance tilt »
26 June 2013
Hurry, you only have until June 28 to join the country's first ever Smart Jump In inter-school dance competition! With more than P4 million in prizes up for grabs and school pride at stake, this is a chance you can't afford to miss. Sign up today! Visit www.smartjumpin.com for more details. #SmartJumpIn
48th PLM Foundation's Thanksgiving Mass »
25 June 2013
As PLM has just reached 48 fruitful years, we have lots to endlessly thank for: dedicated public servants, competent professors and brilliant scholars -- then and now!
Today, let us all join hands in the Thanksgiving mass (9am, UAC), even as the public servants will converge for the Service awards rites (2pm, JAA).
June 2013 Licensure Examination for Social Workers »
22 June 2013
PLM got an 86.36% passing mark (19 of 22) for first-time takers, or 77.78% overall, in the June 2013 Licensure Examination for Social Workers released yesterday!
National passing rate is only 55.55%. Congrats, CHD's Social Work Department!
48th Foundation Day snippets » » »
PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company: Open for audition »
20 June 2013
The Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company is now open for audition! Interested scholars may visit HMDC's info booth in front of the PLM Gym, 20-21 June, 10am-4pm.
Photo release: Ryan Mark Leonardo's tweet (@yanyanleonardo): »
18 June 2013
The ever so fluent PLM page! #PLM48 http://t.co/0fw7ffIol6
48th Foundation Day eve's midnight salvo »
18 June 2013
In just a few moments, PLM will be 48 years old.
Congrats to the best scholars' university of the Capital City!
Congrats to the service awardees, though the awards rites have been postponed until next week!
Congrats to the students led by the Student Councils!
Congrats to the alumni who are making great waves in the industry!
Together, you all make PLM proud with your good deeds that made "Pamantasan" a strong brand name for academic excellence! :)
48th Foundation Day advisories » » » » »
Mass & Service Awards postponed »
But student events continue »
Class & Work suspension »
18 June 2013
For those who are yet to come to PLM, pls. be advised that everyone has been sent home in anticipation of a heavy thunderstorm. Keep safe!
June 2013 Architect Licensure Examination »
14 June 2013
PLM got a 100% passing mark (18 out of 18) for first-time takers, or 86.36% overall, in the June 2013 Architect Licensure Examination released today!
National passing rate is only 50.99%. Congrats, CAUP! :)
Official CEP Media advisory »
14 June 2013
Block presidents & secretaries (colleges/CL/CM) are advised to submit their contact details to their department chair/college secretary/dean. This is in line with PLM's institutional efforts to update the contacts database of its Official CEP Media.
Scholars who have SMART/TnT numbers that are not yet registered with the Official PLM InfoBoard are advised to register directly with the ITC at GCA-104 (submit a list per block).
The Official PLM InfoBoard »
13 June 2013
The Official PLM InfoBoard is the flagship mobile medium of the Official CEP Media of PLM, with the ability to simultaneously reach thousands of registered Smart subscribers in a flash!
They usually receive the first wave of mobile broadcasts during emergency situations and inclement weathers. #PLMCEP
CEP Advisory: Quake/fire drill at 3pm, Friday »
CEP Advisory: Classes suspended Thursday »
13 June 2013
Due to heavy rains and extreme flooding, classes at all levels and admin works in PLM are suspended effective 4pm.
Keep your family safe. Don't use plastic & styro items!
CET Orientation »
12 June 2013
The CET is slated to conduct its freshman orientation come Friday, 14 June 2013, 10am-1pm, at the Justo Albert Auditorium.
Independence Day celebration »
12 June 2013
PLM joins Manila and the entire nation in reliving a shining moment in our history when the weak fought for and won their right to self-rule and self-determination. :)
115th Independence Day Event
11 June 2013
Bantayog ni Gat Andres Bonifacio, Liwasang Bonifacio (harap ng Phil. Post Office), ika-7 n.u.
Inspiration for a Hero from a Hero »
09 June 2013
Hero dog Kabang lost her snout for willingly sparing two (2) girls from a fatal collision. A canine with a hero's heart & spirit to serve others, even those not of her kind, is an inspiration for PLM, itself a community of heroes, to look beyond personal comfort & sacrifice in realizing its noble life purpose.
PLM's proactive stance precedes that of the National Government »
08 June 2013
Due to the 5.7-magnitude quake that hit Cotabato Friday last week, the NDRRMC announced yesterday that a nationwide drill is set on Monday, 10 June. Weeks before these, PLM has since proactively set a drill on 14 Jun, Friday, 3pm, to keep everyone aware and alert.
Official CEP Media release »
08 June 2013
On the first weekend of the new school year, PLM greets its brilliant scholars, erudite faculty and devoted staff!
Raise the bar of our excellence even more! :)
Official CEP Media release »
08 June 2013
Enjoy watching Eat Bulaga at 12 noon today as the PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company will perform once again!
PCAC's various groups also invite you to join them as they are recruiting more members, including the PLM Student Choral Society and the PLM Rondalla.
Call for MSP application »
07 June 2013
Calling all BSCS-IT, BSCS-CS and BSCpE scholars! Learn like a Pro and expand your Network! The ITC announces the opening of the annual application for the Microsoft Student Partners (MSP). Submit your CVs and your filled-up Application Form at GCA-104 until 21 June (Friday) and brace up for an interview (to be announced). Open to all BSCS (IT & CS) and BSCpE, all levels!
Call for ROTC officership application »
06 June 2013
Officership call among freshman ROTC enrollees: The DMST is calling for a new breed of Cadet Officers. Filled with leadership learnings, disciplined maturity, patriotic solidarity and more! Enlistment starts on 09 June (1st Training Day)! You still have a few days more to think seriously about this offer!
Message to all Freshmen »
04 June 2013
Congrats for making it in Class 2013 which, in itself, already makes you a winner! As a scholar's university, entrance requirements are selective, while screening for academic performance continues up to graduation.
Exert the best efforts that would hurdle the rigors of an excellent yet exacting university scholarship at PLM. Do not waste the opportunity as this is your only window to a brighter future!
We wish to see you as among the Batch 2017 (or 2018 for Eng'g scholars). :)
Quoted from ABS-CBN News » »
04 June 2013
MANILA - Graduates of information technology (IT) will realize they chose the right course once they enter the job market.
Class & Work suspension: Erratic power supply »
03 June 2013
Classes & work are suspended starting 4pm due to widespread erratic electric power supply. Keep safe.
Welcome message on the School Year opening »
03 June 2013
Isang tulog na lang! Ang Tropang Pantas ay handa na!
Mga KAWANIng tigib sa sigasig ng maaasahang paninilbihan!
Mga DALUBGUROng mas pina-iigting pa ang karunungang pang-aralin, pananaliksik at lingkod-komunidad!
Mga PANTAS na matatag na haharap sa hamon ng natatanging pamantayan!
Saan ka pa? Tatak PLM ito!
Photo Release: The Chosen Ones »
08 June 2013
It's pretty fashionable to complain about the youth of today -- but here are just some of the young people who give hope for the future. They have the drive, the focus and the motivation to find novel discoveries of lasting impact! Are the PLM scholars among those young heroes? Let's prove it right, starting by learning our own craft well!
May 2013
Welcome message on the School Year opening »
31 May 2013
As the month changes to June & the week advances to the opening of the new SY, PLM is so excited to meet & greet its new breed of future heroes!
Photo Release: PLM wecomes its new breeds of future heroes »
31 May 2013
As the month changes to June and the week advances to the opening of the new school year, PLM is so excited to meet and greet its new breed of future heroes!
Remember, the future has so much in store for you!
See you all on 03 June! :)
Opening of Classes: Monday, 03 June 2013 »
University Calendars since 2009 »
Post-Graduation Advisory »
30 May 2013
The releasing/distribution of graduation pics (Manila Hotel rites last 12 April 2013) will be on Friday, 31 May 2013, 1pm, UAC. Only those who have pre-ordered shall be released. Those who wish to order theirs may directly transact with the company separately.
Makati bans non-biodegradable materials » »
28 May 2013
Over 17,500 retail and food establishments in Makati are already banned from using plastics, Styrofoam and other non-biodegradable packaging starting June 20.
Photo Release: Call for nomination for SWEEP scholarship » »
24 May 2013
PLM announces the opening of the single biggest privately-funded scholarship program from a Development Partner through the PLM Industry-Academe Institutional Linkages under the management of the ITC Director.
RA 10535 fixes Philippine Standard Time » »
24 May 2013
A Philippine Standard Time has been set, thru RA 10535, which is about 2mins and 37secs earlier than the US Atomic Clock, the latter, as the US standard time, being used around the globe.
GSL graduation commencement speech » »
24 May 2013
Supreme Court's senior associate justice delivered his commencement address before the graduates of PLM's Graduate School of Law at the Manila Hotel, 18 May 2013, focusing on the ongoing UNCLOS adjudication of the disputed shoals and islands in the West Philippine Sea.
Pre-calamity period Advisory »
23 May 2013
CEP: Come July & August, natural calamities traditionally ravage the Metropolis. PLM broadcasts its announcements & essential advisories thru the Official CEP Media tools:
1. PLM Website
2. PLM InfoBoard
3. FB Page
4. CEP Mobile Tools
In a flash, thru its Official InfoBoard, PLM can reach out to regular scholars even if they don't have any load to access any other medium -- anytime, anywhere! Any Smart/Talk 'N Text SIM can be registered to the Official PLM InfoBoard! Got one? Register at the ITC!
Be one of the 2013 SWEEP scholars! »
09 May 2013
PLM maintains a robust industry-academe institutional linkage program. SMART is one of PLM's development partners delivering a plethora of benefits, including the nationwide SWEEP scholarship -- the biggest type of private scholarship in PLM's history.
Now on its 3rd year of supporting deserving scholars, SMART has opened only one (1) slot for PLM's 4th year CS/IT scholars.
BENEFITS: Payment of assessed school fees not exceeding P6,000 per semester; Book allowance of P2,000 per semester; and a Stipend of P3,000 per month!
Interested? See posters in PLM or log on to www.smartsweep.ph!
Law School admission test slated Friday »
09 May 2013
The College of Law announces its last Admission Test to be conducted tomorrow, Friday, 10 May.
Submission of requirements is until this afternoon.
Tel. No.: 527-9074
Summer Community Service »
07 May 2013
Non-partisan Voters' Education film-showing & seminar, 2pm, Joy Kiddie Center Auditorium, Real St., Intramuros.
Sponsor: PCEC
Brought to you by CUES & partners.
More meaningful community services to come!
(First broadcasted on 16 April 2013)
Photo Release »
06 May 2013
Official CEP Media Advisory »
06 May 2013
For the full guidance & convenience of our newest scholars, a comprehensive Freshman Enrollment Advisory, including NSTP & uniform concerns, is now posted on the Official FB page of PLM, www.fb.com/116919698379368.
A FAQ Section on "Post-PLMAT Concerns" has since been posted in 2009 on the official institutional website of PLM, www.plm.edu.ph.
Welcome to the Best Scholars' University of the Capital City!
Comprehensive Freshmen's Guide 2013 »
05 May 2013
Official CEP Media Advisory »
05 May 2013
Sundays are best enjoyed with those closest to your heart under the Divine Grace of the Almighty.
As always, though, should you have any curiosity you wish to be satisfied, the Official CEP Media of PLM is always ready to keep you company, on a 24x7 public service regimen. Anytime, anywhere. :)
Official CEP Media Advisory »
03 May 2013
We have to make science & technology attractive to the next-gen of Filipinos by making the right investments. Banatao argued for an increase in the budget for science & technology... to enhance the country's capacity for innovation. To strengthen the country's competitiveness, industry experts/analysts recommend the establishment of science & technology centers of excellence; and the implementation of more focused manpower and institutional development programs, such as the Engineering & Science Education Program.
Opening of SY 2013-2014 »
03 May 2013
Exactly 1 month from now, PLM will open wide its doors to brilliant scholars! Freshies, are you ready to face the challenge? Upperclassmen, are you ready to shift your gear to the higher aspects of excellent scholarship? Competent professors are waiting to sharpen your talents! A corp of dedicated staff is ready to support you with excellent services! Exert your best & your CARING PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY will hone you as morally-upright professionals, effective transformational leaders and socially-responsible citizens!
2nd Batch of PLMAT Qualifiers Released »
03 May 2013
The new set of successful PLMAT examinees (passers) is already posted at the University Activity Center.
Congratulations, freshies! :)
Official CEP Media Advisory »
03 May 2013
KEEP SAFE, PLMayers! :) Metro Manila will have to brace for another scorching Friday, with temperatures "feeling" like 40 to 41 degrees Celsius, state weather forecasters said.
Photo Release »
01 May 2013
Are you one of the HIGHEST PAID in the Philippines?
-JobStreet.com Philippines
Inquiring about the schedule of fees? »
01 May 2013
Ref.: www.plm.edu.ph/faq.html#Registration
5. I am a highly-subsidized (minimal-paying) scholar. Are the fees publicly available?
Yes, it is of high import for public institutions like PLM that information are freely accessible to the public -- anytime, anywhere. The complete list of schedule of fees are uploaded at PLM's official institutional website.
Official CEP Media Advisory »
01 May 2013
As we brace up for PLM's foundation anniversary next month, have you been wondering about what happened in the last 48 years? How our colleges and courses have evolved?
Take a snapshot of PLM's historical milestones at the official PLM website (www.plm.edu.ph), the public silo of PLM's institutional memory, for your research and nostalgic pleasures. :)
April 2013
Official CEP Media Advisory »
30 April 2013
With fresh bright scholars joining in by June, PLM's thoughts and heart are focused on laying down a red carpet for their entry to its campus!
Brace up for pleasant surprises come opening of classes as we beef up our Academic, Research and Extension juggernauts!
The PLM phenomenon: Never a myth. Truly a legacy! :)
PLM is 4th top Law school in Metro »
27 April 2013
PLM is the 4th top law school in Metro Manila behind traditional powerhouses UP, Ateneo & San Beda!
With a high passing rate of 50% for first-takers in a national average of merely 17.76%, the latter being known as the second lowest in history, PLM's performance in the 2012 Bar is another plaudit of its stature as a respectable institution of higher learning!
Official CEP Media Advisory »
26 April 2013
Most of us at the academe are on the go for the Summer spree. Taking a vacation (local tourism) supports the local economy.
As we enjoy, let's also CARE for the environment & wildlife species thru responsible garbage disposal, etc. "Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time."
COPERS alumni in March 2013 LET »
25 April 2013
PLM figured prominently in the latest Licensure Exam for Teachers, with the Top 1 from CN & the Top 10 from CS.
Most hailed from CHD.
Little is known that COPERS has likewise contributed to the success of making PLM the 5th best school, with the following new teachers:
Alvin John Besin
Rose Annie Camara-Quiambao
Juan Miguel Osmena
Arman Angelo Ramos
Diana Mari Tambot
Thru their efforts that would replicate, if not surpass, their mentors', our youth would be on a greater pedestal!
PLM dominated March 2013 LET with Top 1 & Top 10 »
18 April 2013
PLM takes deep pride in dominating the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET) with Top 1 (94%) and Top 10 (90.20%) ratings! With 84.06% passing rate (58 out of 69), PLM rises as the 5th best school nationwide!
PLM's high repute is undoubtedly beyond reproach and a class of its own.
Top 1: Percival Byron Salazar Bueser
Top 10: Paolo-Niño Herrera Arceo
Photo Release »
17 April 2013
If necessity is the mother of invention, we are looking for her kids! The Young Innovators Competition!
eGrades Advisory »
16 April 2013
A total of 64,719 grades have been uploaded as of 5pm, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 59,882 five (5) days ago.
15 April 2013
On its 3rd year, Meralco recognized today the top universities (previously 6, now 8 top schools that Meralco trusts) with two (2) "Power Campers" from CET's EcE 5th years.
Highlighting the need to infuse superior talents into its top management team, Meralco relies on the best innovative minds to fill its "Power Innovators" from equally innovative schools like PLM!
The new Meralco maintains a strong industry-academe institutional linkage with PLM since 2011.
Official CEP Media Advisory »
14 April 2013
The graduation is over!
It's high time to prepare for the opening of classes and the 49th PLM foundation anniversary. More importantly, let's focus our sight on RESEARCH in our scholarly pursuits!
Keep yourself abreast with official advisories! »
12 April 2013
The Official PLM InfoBoard is the flagship mobile medium of the "Official CEP Media" of PLM. It has the ability to reach thousands of PLM stakeholders in a flash, which feature is essential for or during urgent situations and emergencies! It currently caters to Smart subscribers but would soon cover Sun users, too!
Graduation Advisory »
12 April 2013
A milestone well-reaped and rightfully deserved!
With a bright future ahead of you, bring the name and colors of PLM with dignity, pride and honor!
Returning of rented togas at UAC tomorrow, Saturday, starts at 9am.
12 April 2013
The momentous day has come, after hurdling in victory 4 or 5 years of their lives in the mettle of academic learning, when the graduands would turn into graduates!
They are bringing with them not only a prime academic preparation and a cutting-edge competence in their respective disciplines. More importantly, they are honed up or deeply ingrained with the most fitting professional and ethical values that are envisioned to set them apart from others in their fields and bring them to places where their hearts truly belong.
eGrades Advisory »
11 April 2013
A total of 59,882 grades have been uploaded as of early morning, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 47,486 six (6) days ago.
Photo Release »
10 April 2013
Official back-drop of the "Ika-45 Taon ng Araw ng Pagtatapos"
of PLM.
Photo Release »
09 April 2013
Official back-drop of the "Pagkilala at Gawag Parangal" of the College of Medicine.
Graduation Advisory »
09 April 2013
Graduands, be at your best tomorrow at the Baccalaureate Mass (Misa ng Pasasalamat), 8am, UAC. Toga distribution & official rites pic subscription will follow after.
Take your barkada's jubilant photos at the Pride Hall courtesy of SMART Jump In Sim's photo booth starting 7:30am. Coordinate with your Department Chair for an orientation of graduation house rules and the claiming of 2 graduation tickets for your guests.
Araw ng Kagitingan »
09 April 2013
Exactly 71 years ago, after months of grisly battles in the scorching jungles of Bataan, about 70,000 outgunned Allied soldiers surrendered to the modern-equipped Japanese Imperial Army, leading to the infamous Death March. Tested for valiantly repelling foreign aggressors, Filipinos sacrificed precious lives to guard liberty and freedom in their lands.
Today, as the fangs of regional instability once again hang as a Damocle’s sword, we commemorate the valor and gallantry of our forebears, yet recognizing the deep pains and heavy price of war, its wicked atrocities against humanity and horrendous repercussions against social progress.
Graduation Advisory »
05 April 2013
The University Council approved Wednesday the final list of graduands which was subsequently ratified yesterday by the Board of Regents, with the ff. schedule:
AM Session (7am):
Graduate Schools (GSE, GSM, GSASE, GSHS & Emeritus College)
Professional Schools (CM & CL)
Colleges (CAE & CET)
PM Session (12nn):
eGrades Advisory »
05 April 2013
A total of 47,486 grades have been uploaded as of this late afternoon, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 39,510 as of yesterday morning's statistics.
eGrades Advisory »
04 April 2013
A total of 39,510 grades have been uploaded as of this morning, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 35,080 as of the other day's statistics.
eGrades Advisory »
02 April 2013
A total of 35,080 grades have been uploaded as of mid-afternoon, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 28,334 as of the last working day's statistics. :)
eGrades Advisory »
01 April 2013
A total of 28,334 grades have been uploaded as of today, based on the last database endorsed by the OUR-SIS to the ITC, up from 15,402 as of the last working day's statistics. :)
March 2013
Public Holiday Advisory »
28 March 2013
Please be informed that PLM will be closed on 28-30 March 2013 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) in observance of the Holy Week.
Normal office hours will resume on Monday, 01 April 2013.
PLM will keep you company round-the-clock, though, as always on a 24x7 fashion, to satisfy urgent concerns whenever necessary. Have a blessed Holy Week, scholars! :)
eGrades Advisory »
27 March 2013
A total of 15,402 grades were uploaded to the Cloud this morning, up from 12,017 yesterday by 3,385.
Happy a blessed Holy Week, everyone! :)
eGrades Advisory »
26 March 2013
A total of 12,017 grades were uploaded to the eGrades database, covering mostly of grades for graduands submitted since last week and encoded into the offline local SIS database, and endorsed this morning for uploading to the online web-based eGrades database. More grades coming up! :)
Volunteerism is more fun at Pamantasan! »
26 March 2013
PLM joins Gawad Kalinga's annual BAYANI CHALLENGE in Intramuros! Gathering 2,000+ volunteers all over the country for a 5-day test of courage and love for country, it's now on its 4th day but it's not yet late for PLM volunteers to join in building homes, repairing schools, embarking on health missions, tree planting, care for the kids and more!
Contact the CUES or go directly to Maestranza Park.
33 Provinces, 1 Philippines!
Official CEP Media release »
26 March 2013
With the old classcards no longer a fad since ages ago, welcome the eGrades deployed thru PLM's official web portal!
How? Simply log on to plm.edu.ph/egrades!
eGrades v.3.0 and eGrades Android coming soon! :)
Official CEP Media release »
22 March 2013
Are you raring for new innovations in the campus?
Watch out for an Android mobile app for eGrades!
As Android smartphones have gone so ubiquitous and affordable even to PLM scholars, what is the best way to innovate than optimizing your gadget's use with PLM-customized eServices?
With the software design and coding already underway, once the quality assurance test is finished, it shall be uploaded soon to the Android Marketplace for your downloading pleasure!
Keep yourself tuned, smart PLMayers! :)
Graduation Advisory »
22 March 2013
Due to insistent public demand, graduation services will come the graduands' way once again!
05 April, 1-5pm, UAC:
1) Toga releasing for CM's Hooding Rites
2) Toga fitting for all others
3) Official rites photo service
Graduation Rites:
12 April 2013
Eminent Speakers:
7am: Mayor Alfredo Lim
12nn: Sen. Chiz Escudero
N.B.: A few days after, Grace Poe-Llamanzares has agreed to speak in the afternoon. Hence, Sen. Chiz Escudero joined Mayor Alfredo Lim in the morning session.
Did you just notice? »
20 March 2013
The Official FB page of PLM has just breached the 17k mark!
May our community of scholars continue to grow! :)
Official CEP Media release »
20 March 2013
Renowned inspirational speaker and corporate trainer Francis Kong, in his latest Philippine Star Business Sunday column, lamented about an epidemic outbreak in our midst:
The emergence of workers who are impatient (jumping from one company to another); outspoken and articulate but low on substance; and mouthing cliches without understanding them.
Their work ethics suck and their work values suck even more. Push them a little and they whine & wimper. Stretch them a little and they moan & groan. Correct & reprimand them a little and they quit right there & then. Mentor them a little and they think they know more than their mentors.
Francis Kong suggests values training in the area of developing personal excellence and work values.
He asks "Where are the classic lectures on hard work, persistence, patience and sacrifice that are the true ingredients of success?"
Great thing our graduands have been deeply steeped in those golden values! Congrats, PLMayers! :)
CEP's Graduation Advisory »
19 March 201
10 April: Misa ng Pasasalamat (Baccalaureate Mass), 8am, UAC
10 April: CM Hooding, 12nn, UAC/Gym
12 April: Ika-45 Araw ng Pagtatapos (Commencement Exer.)
Distribution of Toga (Academic Gown):
For CM: 05 April, 1-5pm, Gym's Dance Area
All Others: 10 April, right after the Baccalaureate Mass (BM)
ATTIRE (Ceremony Dress Code)
BM: Proper Church attire or Sunday dress
CE: (For female only) No pants; Closed black shoes; Toga must be longer than the dress. (For M&F) No corsage.
To maintain the solemnity of the rites, the ff. shall be strictly enforced:
Children are not allowed in the venue.
"No camera" policy" (Only the official photographers are allowed).
Each graduand is allocated 2 guests only.
The Clearance, including all pending items and requirements, must be finished, accomplished or fulfilled, as the case may be, on time. Pls. coordinate with your department &/or college for details.
Failed to have your toga sized up? Pls. coordinate thru:
09178254255, 09197150935, 4274548
Official CEP Media release »
17 March 2013
A study of a team of researchers in the Ohio State University has unlocked the elusive anti-cancer property of Vitamin E by manipulating its molecular structure. Published in the 19 Mar 2013 issue of journal Science Signalling, the University has filed a patent for the agent which had non-toxic and 20 times more potent anti-tumor effect.
Official CEP Media release »
17 March 2013
His Holiness Pope Francis has imprinted a strong impression of greatness as he began his papacy in earnest with deep humility, passionate concern for social justice, and an apostasy of crass materialism -- winning countless hearts with his unvainful style and setting a tone of leadership heralded by spiritual renewal.
Official CEP Media release »
15 March 2013
With the much-anticipated graduation already coming up, the graduands and their parents are excited to prowl out the world with the best companies to apply for.
Use your formal-looking and corporate-sounding official PLM email <@plm.edu.ph> to impress your prospective employers, just as how Ivy Leaguers in the United States do!
Be in the loop and keep yourself impressive, PLMayers!
Official CEP Media release »
14 March 2013
Habemus Papam! No longer Sede Vacante!
Photo Release »
13 March 2013
Women's Month Celebration 2013: Join a group of PLM employees rave it up with Zumba Dance Aerobics tomorrow, 9am, at UAC. Then find novelty items & more that suit your taste at the Tiangge sa Pamantasan. Brought to you by the collective feminine power of PLM, with CUES as the lead organizer.
Official CEP Media release »
13 March 2013
The 3rd Law School's admission test shall be on 06 April 2013. Tip off your kins! Upcoming PLM graduates are likewise encouraged to take! Check the official PLM website or call 527-9074 for details.
Official CEP Media release »
12 March 2013
Retweeted ABS-CBN News Channel (@ANCALERTS):
Cardinal electors now inside Sistine Chapel for the #conclave http://t.co/KwqBxDxS64
Photo Release »
12 March 2013
Festival of Dances 2013
Official CEP Media release »
08 March 2013
Congratulations to the awardees of the DAKILANG PAGKILALA (University Recognition 2013) early this afternoon!
Ating isa-isip na ang tunay na sukatan ay hindi ang mga tropeo o sertipiko, kundi ang tunay na nilalaman ng ating sariling puso.
Kamitin natin ang mas mataas pang antas at panuri ng karangalan sa mga susunod na taon!
See you all again next year!
Official CEP Media release »
07 March 2013
Let us pause, pray and pay respects to a fallen Pantas. A cum laude honoree, a loving daughter, a true friend, a hardworking professional. Young, full of vigor, and oozing with a pleasant persona or an inviting demeanor.
A victim of senseless crime, but downed not by a senseless death.
Photo Release »
05 March 2013
An IBM RoadShow, with no less than its Country Delivery Services Executive coming over, will benefit close to 400 CS/IT, CpE and EcE/EE graduands on Wednesday, 06 March, at UAC.
A new addition to the ever-growing institutional linkages of PLM, eminent global IT company IBM tags PLM as one of the its very few trusted universities it had selectively partnered with to deliver its commitments to other leading companies globally.
Official CEP Media release »
04 March 2013
To serve the scholars better, the public Wi-Fi services at UAC was re-calibrated to "PLM-UAC" as the new Service Set Identifier (SSID). The password will be broadcasted tomorrow by the CEP media tools to the block presidents and student leaders, while one may freely inquire with the ITC. :)
Photo Release »
04 March 2013
University Recognition 2013
Dakilang Pagkilala
Friday, 08 March 2013, 1pm
Rajah Sulayman Gymnasium
Halalan 2013: Araw ng mga Isko »
Itatak ang inyong boses para sa responsableng liderato sa Sanggunian! Huwag maliitin at ipagwalang-bahala ang karapatang mag-halal sapagkat ito rin ay responsabilidad bilang tunay na Isko. Isang maliit na boto, malawakang pagbabago ang dulot!
Dalhin ang iyong ID upang makuha ang iyong balota.
February 2013
CM's Groovy Night »
28 Feb 2013
PLM joined the College of Mass Communication in its Groovy Night at UAC early tonight, with dance showdown inspired by musical numbers from your favorite musical movies!
Harapan sa Pamantasan »
26 Feb 2013
Makilahok at alamin ang mga plataporma ng mga tumatakbong pinuno ng Kataas-taasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral, gayundin ng mga Sangguniang Pandalubhasaan!
Sa nalalapit na halalan, ating isakatuparan ang responsableng pag-ganap ng ating tungkulin bilang mga pantas, at ating kamtin ang mataas na bilang ng paglahok!
1-5pm, Tanghalang Bayan
PLM Industry-Academe Institutional Linkages Program grows stronger »
24 Feb 2013
With the likes of international giants Accenture, Microsoft & other finest industry brand names as our current development partners, there's an influx of newcomers (in growing recognition of PLM's high repute) to firm up a meaningful partnership with the best scholars' university in the Philippines!
IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, Analog Devices & a host of others are in the pipeline! With strong benefits like superior learning experience, a unique aperture to stateful industry environments, and an expressway between the academe and the industry -- PLM stakeholders are assured of a better footing, now & beyond!
Photo Release »
23 Feb 2013
University Recognition 2013,
08 March 2013, PLM Gym (New venue)
PLM garners 80% passing rate in the Feb 2013 Physician Board »
23 Feb 2013
PLM fielded only 5 examinees in the February 2013 Physician Licensure Examination, yet managed to garner 80% passing rate for having 4 passers. PLM usually takes the main August board exam, in which PLM took 97.65% last 2012 (83 out of 85).
Official CEP Media release »
22 Feb 2013
Classes are suspended 22 Feb 2013 effective 12 noon.
Keep safe, PLMayers! It's a long weekend, too, as Monday is a school holiday. :)
Photo Release »
21 Feb 2013
Sayaw Ko, Para sa Tagumpay Ninyo: Alay sa Atletang Isko
Photo Release »
21 Feb 2013
The BerryVolution: Spicing up the Flavors of Berries
Unang Dekada: Isang Paggunita »
19 Feb 2013
An exhibit on the struggles & consequent gains of the College of Mass Communication (CMC) on its first 10 years as a college. Launched on 18 and will run until 28 Feb at the Main Lobby.
Habang tumatahak pa-unlad, tayo'y magbalik-tanaw!
Photo Release »
18 Feb 2013
Be Unique through a Technique: Innovating the Art of Blogging with Style
Official CEP Media release »
18 Feb 2013
Today until tomorrow, PLM's Sub-Committee on Recognition, composed principally by college secretaries, has been convened to evaluate the verifiable credentials of awards aspirants.
Fittingly, the PLM Pride Hall is the venue of choice for this undertaking as it showcases the symbols of the landmark achievements of and the contributions to quality education by the unified PLM community.
PLM's Recognition awards rites is slated on 08 March.
Onwards with Volunteerism »
18 Feb 2013
The Spirit of Volunteerism in PLM is getting stronger! The "Dugong Alay, Dugtong Buhay" of Cluster 1 at UAC starts at 9am until 4pm. Cluster members: CAE, CHD, CPT and CTHTIM.
Video Release »
18 Feb 2013
This video is about a remote island in the ocean, 2000 km from the nearest coast line.
Nobody lives, only birds, and yet...
You wouldn't believe your eyes how hapless, innocent victims are affected by humanity's culture of impunity!
Patimpalak SURISIK (Suring Pananaliksik) »
17 Feb 2013
Ika-1 n.h., Lunes, 18 ng Pebrero, sa Speech Lab
Ito'y tungo sa kalinangan ng kakayahan sa mabisang pagsulat, kritikal na pag-iisip at matalinong pagpapasya sa larangan ng pananaliksik.
Handog ng Kagawaran ng Filipino sa ilalim ng Dalubhasaan ng Malayang Sining.
Concert for a Cause »
"Sayaw ko para sa Tagumpay nyo. Alay sa Atletang Isko"
Friday, 22 Feb, 2pm & 6pm, PLM Gym
Featuring: PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company and PLM Iskolars Dance, Inc.
Tickets are available at PCAC, just outside the Gym! Support our athletes for P50 only & enjoy this full gala concert w/ your friends!
Official CEP Media release »
13 Feb 2013
Watch the first leg of "Takutan sa Araw ng mga Puso: PLM-CMC Short Film Festival" today at the Radio Lab, GL 5th Floor, featuring classic films from the legendary film-makers & artists.
Tribute schedule:
10am: Mario O'Hara
2pm: Dolphy
4:30pm: Celso Ad Castillo
Official CEP Media release »
13 Feb 2013
As the Day of Love nears in, there's no better way of celebrating this occasion than putting our God of Love at the center today.
Ash Wednesday mass, PLM Chapel (Shrine of Jesus, the Divine Teacher): 10am, 12nn & 4pm.
Official CEP Media release »
12 Feb 2013
The CLA unveils its "2013 Lecture Series" with the theme, "The Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Human Formation," tomorrow, 13 February 2013, 8am-12nn & 1pm-5pm, at the Bulwagang Manileño.
Phenomenology of Love
Changing Sexual Perception & Health of Adolescents
Official CEP Media release »
12 Feb 2013
Faithfuls are called upon to flock at the PLM Chapel on Ash Wednesday, in observance of the start of the Lent.
Mass schedules: 10am, 12nn & 4pm.
You may bring your old palaspas at the Campus Ministry office.
Official CEP Media release »
12 Feb 2013
The College of Mass Communication unveils the "4th Pluma Lecture for Leadership & Excellence in Communication & the Mass Media" at 10am today, Bulwagang Manileño. Julius Anthony Segovia, senior new correspondent of GMA Network & CMC batch 2004 alumnus, will serve as its resource speaker.
Broadcasted thru the Official CEP mobile media tools & the Official PLM InfoBoard on Friday »
11 Feb 2013
As an offshoot of PLM's strong industry-academe institutional linkage program, 50 CET graduating scholars went to Accenture McKinley Hills to attend the exclusive, by-invitation-only technology session of select students from top universities in the country.
This is a clear testament of the industry's recognition of PLM's high repute and excellence as one of the top 5 school choices of an industry giant like Accenture.
Video Release »
18 Feb 2013
The CMC and JPRPP jointly announced this evening during the FOCAL awards night, at the UAC, the Five Outstanding CAmpus Leaders 2013 awardees, out of 22 original nominees:
Noliver Barrido (CL/YFR)
Kei-Ann Baritugo (CS-BioSoc)
Mary Joy delos Reyes (CET-MICROS)
Rachel Ann dela Peña (CHD-Cadet Teachers Org)
Jeane Therese Saulog (CMC/Marulaya)
Congrats, too, to the other 3 finalists:
Mark Andrei Cacatian (CET-EMS)
C/Col. Monica Orbe (ROTC)
Roggie Nicole Aquino (CPT-SC)
Photo Release »
11 Feb 2013
Job Fair 2013
1st Jesse Robredo Youth Leaders Camp » »
11 Feb 2013
PLM joined 14 other top schools nationwide in the prestigious 1st Jesse Robredo Youth Leaders Camp last weekend, gathering a select group of 33 pioneer youth leaders empowered by high-profile national leaders as agents for change in good governance & ethical leadership towards nation-building.
CN student & SSC PRO Jerom Yamat was selected by the organizers, thereby representing PLM in said event.
Official CEP Media release »
10 Feb 2013
Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Kung Hee Huat Tsai!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Kiong Hi Huat Tsai!
Xin Nian Kwai Le!
Hong Pao Na Lai!
Official CEP Media release »
10 Feb 2013
The Dragon is gone! Welcome the "Little Dragon" (Water Snake)! Kung Hei Fat Choi!
(Hoping for lesser water disasters despite global warming)
Official CEP Media release »
09 Feb 2013
As the Recognition Day draws near come 08 March, the spirit that makes all PLMayers stand out behooves all scholars once again to cast their deep respects to this year's laureates, even as our passion for excellence has reached the apex in the past year.
Remember the faces, their exploits and the time of their bounty. :)
Official CEP Media release »
07 Feb 2013
In recent board exam performances, PLM got a passing rate of:
100% in the Physical Therapy and
77.78% in the Architecture (90.91% for first-timers),
both released yesterday (06 Feb 2013).
Official CEP Media release »
07 Feb 2013
With its recent plaudit of producing topnotchers (No. 1 & No. 4) in the 2012 Chemist Board, PLM congratulates the College of Science in its 10th anniversary celebration starting today until Saturday! Kudos! :)
Lim: No Truth PLM will be Shut Down »
07 Feb 2013
With PLM's solid track record as among the consistent top universities in the Philippines, with the like of the college of Physical Therapy as the acknowledged No. 1 PT school (of all time) nationwide, among several others, such rumors were nothing better than they are: mere rumors, no truths, pure fallacies.
Indeed, no one in his right mind would ever wish an excellent institution, whose social mandate is beyond reproach and remains most relevant even until half-a-century hence from its foundation, to close down. It never did... and until one Manileño is still willing to learn and improve his lot, PLM never will.
Official CEP Media release »
03 Feb 2013
Ngayong araw ng Linggo, kasama natin ang buong pamilya sa Simbahan na suma-ilalim sa grasya ng Panginoon. Sa Martes, pamilyang Pamantasan naman, kaisa ang CMC, ang ating makakasama sa pagdinig sa mga ginintuang Salita ng Poon sa pamumuno ni H.E. Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, Arsobispo ng Maynila, sa UAC, ganap na ika-9 ng umaga.
Photo Release »
01 Feb 2013
His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila and Cardinal Primate of the Philippines, will grace PLM and celebrate the thanksgiving mass in celebration of CMC's 10th anniversary on Tuesday (05 February 2013), 9am, UAC.
Come in unity with Christ as we listen to the Holy Words of God through His Eminence!
Photo credits to the owner.
January 2013
Official CEP Media release »
31 Jan 2013
The first month of the year ends with a wonderful news of PLM's unbridled excellence reverberating thru the horizons!
Let us welcome another month full of exciting wins & victories as the culmination of PLM's high repute!
Karunungang tungo'y Kaunlaran na may Kadakilaan! :)
Philippines' 3rd best Nursing School »
30 Jan 2013
PLM is Manila's golden star in excellence!
With 95.45% passing rate in the Dec 2012 Nurse licensure exam, the College of Nursing is this year's 3rd top Nursing school nationwide and the only one from Metro Manila!
Undoubtedly, PLM holds the distinction as the consistent top placer of all time!
Call for Recognition awardees on »
22 Jan 2013
Efforts to bring honor to the name and colors of PLM deserve to be formally recognized!
See your College Secretary for mechanics.
College of Law Admission Test schedules »
21 Jan 2013
The College of Law schedules the CLAT as follows: 02 Feb, 02 March and 06 April.
Viva, Pit Señor! »
18 Jan 2013
PLM joins the Christendom in celebrating the feast of the Holy Child (Sto. Niño) all over, most especially to our very own community in Tondo, as the faithfuls thank the Almighty for the bounties and blessings over the past year, even as they vie for better opportunities ahead. Keep happy and safe, everyone!
Official CEP Media release »
17 Jan 2013
President Aquino called on all HEIs to join the government in pushing for its advocacies of peace, education, opportunities and an improved way of life for all Filipinos.
PLM has long been a solution to the Filipino dream that "education is solely dedicated to the better instruction of our people." Being a PLM scholar -- PANTAS -- is a life-changing milestone in one's life. It is a universal passport to an improved way of life, even as PLM has built opportunities with, not merely a bridge but an expressway to, the finest industry names thru institutional linkages.
ANC Square Off: Debate team wins anew »
11 Jan 2013
In an outstanding performance against a mighty Goliath, PLM played a victorious David by beating the Ateneo Law School at ANC's Square Off Law Debates. The advanced to the Semi-Finals stage.
09 Jan 2013
On SPOTLIGHT: The Official CEP Media is on-site, among the vast ocean of Maroon devotees, with the Jesus Nazareno along C. Palanca St.
Viva Senor de Padre Jesus Nazareno! »
09 Jan 2013
The Traslacion has already reached the Jones Bridge and about to start wading through the skirts of the Quiapo area and knock at the doorsteps of His flock. May His passion bring everyone back to the Almighty. :)
Official CEP Media release »
08 Jan 2013
Once again, as PLM joins the Christendom thru a class suspension, Manila will be on a stand-still, but the fulcrum of an annual national phenomenon, as the nation focuses on the Feast of the Black Nazarene Wednesday.
Young web celebrity in PLM »
07 Jan 2013
Shot to Internet stardom by his masterful wordsmith of love and heartbreaks, young web celebrity Marcelo Santos III comes to PLM to share his skills Tuesday, 08 Jan 2013, 1-5pm, at Justo Albert Auditorium.
Official CEP Media advisories »
07 Jan 2013
In recent years, unlike with the past administrations, the incumbent Mayor of Manila has been including PLM in his pronouncement of suspension of classes of public schools during the Feast of the Black Nazarene. PLM echoes such announcements to the PLM community in due deference and respect, as during inclement weathers and similar situations obtaining in the Metropolis and in the Capital City.
07 Jan 2013
In light of the early build-up than usual of Nazarene devotees today, PLM advises all to travel earlier tomorrow or find an alternate route.
Official CEP Media release »
05 Jan 2013
The Sin Tax Law has since taken effect, thereby increasing alcohol & cigarette prices. PLM, as a community of scholars, has since promoted against Sin commodities. It's a good fortune that "true scholar's wisdom" knows what's best for one's health -- that there is simply no need for this law to be passed at all, if only to veer PLMayers away from those. :)
Official CEP Media release »
04 Jan 2013
Starting tomorrow, 05 Jan 2013, the Campus Hour United goes on air again every Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm, all January-long at Radio Veritas 846 or www.veritas846.ph. The first episode tackles "Why Change?" featuring Msgr. Vicente Bauson, Campus Ministry director of the Archdiocese of Manila.
New GSE master's program » »
04 Jan 2013
Master of Science in Management Engineering is a master’s degree that is not profession-specific but generic to a wide array of engineering, science and management professions.
It is offered to professionals who assume leadership roles in corporate management. Graduates of this program can also become effective project managers in a technology-based organization.
-To be offered this 3rd Trimester, SY 2012-2013
-Registration starts on 22 January 2013
-Encourage your friends & relatives to become PLMayers!
03 January 2013
Designation of Dr. Maria Isabel T. Lucas as College Secretary at the Graduate School of Arts, Sciences and Education effective 03 January 2013, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
Welcome back, PLMayers! »
02 Jan 2013
As a community of scholars, PLM is home to true scholars.
Whether a student, professor or staff, you are a public servant and you belong to the community of PLM scholars. An epitome of scholarly deportment & enthusiasm in amplifying skills and wisdom for the betterment of the society. That's what you are!
Official CEP Media Release »
01 Jan 2013
A spectacular ensemble of magnificent lights shimmered in the skies! Let the revelry of lights keep our path guided as we challenge ourselves anew with another year full of new insightful learnings!
December 2012
Official CEP Media Release »
31 Dec 2012
As 2012 draws to a close, a new cycle offers a FRESH START to a better shot at excellence. By all means, the God of Love will favor you with His grace!
During the raucous revelries, keep safe, everyone! Be merry, but wise! After the extremely long holidays, PLM is excited to welcome you all back to its heart on Wed, 02 Jan. :)
Official CEP Media Release »
28 Dec 2012
The Holidays still fill the air!
Even as our celebration focuses on a NEW BEGINNING full of bounty and better life, let's pray for and save those who are in dire need of renewed hopes to rebuild their shattered dreams.
Natural calamities due to extreme environmental changes, ie, Pablo storm;
Social maladies like Violence Against Women (VAW) & children;
Substance abuse like drugs leading to crimes;
and many others!
Happy Holidays, PLMayers!
26 Dec 2012
Resumption of classes from the long holiday will be on 02 Jan 2013, Wednesday, as per the BOR-approved University Calendar »
Official CEP Media Release »
26 Dec 2012
Christmas is a timeless story of love.
Timeless, because love does not only happen on the 25th of December, but abounds year-round & forever... a mystery like no other!
Your new chapter of love story starts today, 26 Dec, until the next Christmas. Go ahead! Make each day a story worth writing on the Book of Love, as CHRIST did 2012 yrs ago. Even in the darkness of night, it's your time to shine with the halo of love!
Love one another as our Father loves us!
Official CEP Media Cover Photo Release »
24 Dec 2012
PLMayers, this CHRISTmas, realize your true worth!
With PLM as the "bright star" that guides your pathway to greatness,
be the "erudite pantas" enlightened by the mettle of wisdom,
the "precious gift" destined to deliver humanity from sheer ignorance & crass materialism to greatness!
Christ be with us all!
Official CEP Media Release »
21 Dec 2012
The PLM debate team from the College of Law won big in ANC's Square Off law debates vs the Lyceum of the Philippines!
Further, the best speaker, Jan Adriene Ferrer, hails from PLM!
Watch the replays in ANC 21 on your TV screen. :)
Official CEP Media Release »
21 Dec 2012
PLM served as the impetus for a “new dimension in Philippine Education,” now immortalized as the “PLM phenomenon” and the inspiring story emulated across the country in educating the youth. Distinctively, excellence is an “inalienable birthright” of PLM. PLM is a success story in fulfilling the Filipino dream.
As Christmas sets in and a new year comes, PLM continues to fulfill the peoples’ dream as the bedrock of all that is best in transforming lives for the better and enriching the community. Viva, PLM!
PLMayers: Be the "bright star" that guide the pathway! Be the “pantas” who enlighten the multitude! Be the "precious gift" that will deliver the world from sheer ignorance to greatness!
Christ be with you all!
Official CEP Media Release »
20 Dec 2012
Watch as the PLM Law School figures in again at ANC Square Off Law Debates this Friday, 7pm, on Sin Tax Law vs the Lyceum of the Philippines.
Official CEP Media Release »
20 Dec 2012
PLMayers! Tomorrow unveils a momentous event as we Pledge Change for the National Elections this 2013!
Enjoy the FREE Christmas concert with Barbie Almalbis, Rivermaya, Moonstar88, 6Cyclemind, Bugoy Drilon, and many more! Live telecast on ABS-CBN, with a special participation of our very own PLM-SSC!
Save the date tomorrow! Come & join the concert for free!
OUR releases 2nd Term Stats »
20 Dec 2012
CET: 2,043
CME: 1,231 + 173 Off-campus
CHD: 965 + 82 Prof-Ed
CAE: 773
CS: 537
CMC: 486
CPT: 391
CN: 349
CAUP: 343
CM: 577
CL: 79
GSM: 604
GSASE: 152
GSHS: 106
GSE: 78
EC: 46
GSL: 13
Largest dep't of the biggest College
(Computer Studies): 571
Total UnderGrad: 8,054
Total ProfSchool: 656
Total GradSchool: 999
Total Overall: 9,709
Official CEP Media Release »
20 Dec 2012
A coup de grâce, sudden death answer to a judge's question has imprinted wildly among the international audience. Miss Philippines Janine Tugonon is now crowned as the 1st Runner-up of the Miss Universe 2012! Replicating the earlier feats of other gutsy and intelligent Filipinos with the likes of Ms. International Queen Kevin Balot in Thailand, Janine Tugonon stroke the final nail for this year's feats in the beauty arena! Proud to be a Filipino!
Official CEP Media Release »
17 Dec 2012
As we usher into our celebrations of the Holy Nativity, let us pray for the: (1) Grief-stricken Pablo victims down South, (2) Stable economy & environment, (3) Best future ahead and (4) World Peace! Merry Christmas! -Official PLM InfoBoard
Official CEP Media Release »
14 Dec 2012
CET climaxes its foundation celebration at the Tanghalang Bayan with the CarolFest, D' Kilabots, Dance Mania, BandWidth and Mr. & Ms. CET Night!
Official CEP Media Release »
14 Dec 2012
PLM greets the CAUP family as it celebrates its CAUP Day! Keep homing in the accolade as among the best Architecture schools in the country!
Official CEP Media Release »
14 Dec 2012
PLM employees celebrate the birth of Christ this morning by amassing & sharing toys to bring utmost joy to children. Theme: #TOYgetherness.
Official CEP Media Release »
13 Dec 2012
PLM congratulates the CPT family as it celebrates its 19th year of exuding excellence! Keep the banner of PLM afloat! Kudos! :)
Official CEP Media Release »
13 Dec 2012
PLM joins in the celebration of the 43rd annual foundation of PLM's biggest college of all time -- CET -- as it marks its 2nd day of worthwhile festivities that cut across all the triadic functions or tri-focal mandates of PLM: Academics, Extension and Research!
Further to the apex, CET Knights!
Official CEP Media Release »
12 Dec 2012
Anti-AIDS advocacy: PhiloMedicaScientia presents "BandAIDS 2012: Look Deeper," 4-10pm, T.Bayan, featuring KAMIKAZEE & your own college band!
Official CEP Media Release »
12 Dec 2012
12-12-12: It's a rare & special day for everyone across the globe! In PLM, the biggest college celebrates its CET@43 foundation celebration!
Official CEP Media Release »
11 Dec 2012
CLA unveils "Patimpalak Dumay: Himig ng Pasko" on Thursday, 13 Dec, 1pm, JAlbert Auditorium. Damhin ang diwa ng pag-ibig ngayong Kapaskuhan!
Official CEP Media Release »
10 Dec 2012
CHD blasts off today and tomorrow with its 10th foundation celebration! Congratulations to the CHD Dean, faculty, staff and student council!
New PLM Organizational Chart v.2012 »
06 Dec 2012
The new PLM Organizational Chart v.2012, approved on 03 Dec 2012, has been released to all colleges and offices.
Free online training from Microsoft »
05 Dec 2012
For CS/IT/CpE scholars and more: How about a free training on emergent technologies right at the comfort of your home?
A free content delivery mechanism from a development partner of PLM thru the Industry-Academe Institutional Linkage Program.
Official CEP Media Release »
05 Dec 2012
The PLM Student Chorale Society requests your help in liking its photo entry to win (Like the CF main page, as well, so your vote will be counted). Click on the pic below before liking. Voting is until 06 Dec (Thursday) 11:59pm. Wave the PLM banner! (Note: For 21 y/o and older only.)
Official CEP Media Release »
04 Dec 2012
The iTech celebration raged w/ SMART & MICROSOFT (PLM's dev't partners) setting seminars yesterday at Justo Albert Auditorium.
Official CEP Media Release:
03 Dec 2012 »
The Campus Ministry Week (04-08 Dec) opens today. Theme: KAISAMPALATAYA (Kapatid, Isabuhay ang Pananampalataya). Drop by the PLM Chapel!
03 Dec 2012 »
The largest department of PLM's biggest college (Computer Studies Dept.) celebrates its 29th year of foundation. It marks its formal celebration this Monday with an Ecumenical Service at UAC, 8am.
Official CEP Media Release:
02 Dec 2012 »
PLM wishes well all scholar aspirants who are taking today the first PLMAT for SY 2013-2014! Take your best shot & unleash your brain power!
02 Dec 2012 »
PLM takes a front row seat as Intramuros hosts the 2012 Grand Marian Procession at 4pm today in a showcase of the Filipino's Christian faith.
Official CEP Media Release »
01 Dec 2012
PLM joins the largest dept. of the biggest college in its iTech celebration starting today. Viva, Computer Studies, on its 29th foundation!
November 2012
Official CEP Media Release »
30 Nov 2012
Manila's foremost hero, A. Bonifacio, is venerated today, in apt memory of his great historical feat as the true father of the Revolution. More than a century hence, we now face the challenge of imprinting our own brand of heroism, either as servants of the public or scholars of the people.
Official CEP Media Release »
29 Nov 2012
PLM congratulates its 2nd largest college as CME caps its 3-day 10th foundation celebration! Keep your best entrepreneurial acumen ablaze!
29 November 2012
Designation of Dr. Erlinda A. Cayao as OIC-Dean, Graduate School of Arts, Sciences and Education effective 01 December 2012, with ETU of 15 units and RATA of PhP 8,000 per month.
Official CEP Media Release »
28 Nov 2012
PLM's CET raved once again as it ranked prominently in the Nov 2012 Civil Engineering state board! Taking the 2nd, 5th and 10th places with whooping ratings, PLM's performance is 92% (first timers: 95.83% or 23 out of 24)!
Top 2: Arjay A. Bustos, 95.60
Top 5: Archibald M. Lorenzo, 94.90
Top 10: Saturnino E. Diamzon III, 94.20
Official CEP Media Release »
26 Nov 2012
PLM congratulates Mr. Regin Raymund Delfin Dais, alumnus from CHD, for clinching the 9th place (87.40%) in the September 2012 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) released early tonight!
PLM is JPIAlympics overall champion »
26 Nov 2012
CAE's JPIA-PLM Chapter (BSA scholars) won yesterday as Over-all Champion of the 10th NCR JPIAlympics, both in Academic & Non-academic categories, besting 54 other universities, including UP-Diliman & DLSU!
PLM scholars from CET will join tomorrow in the annual Smart Leadership Summit of a select group of top schools nationwide.
PLM is IECEP national quiz show champion »
23 Nov 2012
CET's EcE Dept. won as IECEP National Quiz Show's champion! Besting 26 other regional leaders, including the 3 fellow Manila regional elimination qualifiers, PLM's name reverberates as the supreme name in EcE quiz battle nationwide!
CAE celebrates first decade anniversary »
23 Nov 2012
PLM joins the College of Accountancy & Economics (CAE) in celebrating its first decade (10th anniversary) of exemplifying excellence! The UAC is filled with joy and excitement as it caps its 2-day celebration tonight! :)
Renowned King of Talk Boy Abunda in PLM »
20 Nov 2012
CMC's JPRPP brings another luminary to PLM in its 2nd Inter-school PILLARS Lecture, 27 Nov, 1-4pm.
Watch as he transforms the JA Auditorium into a venue of insightful learning!
PLM Start-App 2012 »
16 Nov 2012
Are you an IT, CS or CpE scholar? Join & be an early starter to upscale your future career! Be trained to be a MSP Junior! Register using your official PLM account thru http://sdrv.ms/XBocsX. For further details, www.fb.com/events/527445567283355/.
Official CEP Media release:
15 Nov 2012
Enrollment period for the 2nd Semester will be until Friday, 16 Nov 2012 »
07 November 2012
Designation of Mr. Ronie M. Tiamson as Chairman, Instructional Nursing in the College of Nursing effective 07 November 2012, with ETU of 9 units and honorarium of PhP 1,500 per month.
05 November 2012
Designation of Dr. Marivic F. Flores as College Secretary, College of Management and Entrepreneurship in concurrent capacity as Department Chairperson, Finance and Management the effective 05 November 2012, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
October 2012
31 October 2012
Designation of Dr. Angeline D. Alabastro as Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research, College of Medicine, in concurrent capacity as Clerkship Coordinator, Comprehensive Examinations, effective 01 November 2012, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
Designation of Narcisa Sonia C. Comia as Department Chairman, Internal Medicine, College of Medicine effective 01 November 2012 with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
Designation of Carolina Paula Martin as Department Chairman, Obstetrics/Gynecology, College of Medicine effective 01 November 2012 with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
Designation of Francisco A. Victoria as Department Chairman, Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine effective 01 November 2012 with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
Designation of Carlos T. Nuñez, Jr. as Department Chairman, Pediatrics, College of Medicine effective 01 November 2012 with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
Designation of Harry L. Go as Department Chairman, Surgery, College of Medicine effective 01 November 2012 with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
New eGrades system blazed online »
25 Oct 2012
An enhanced eGrades platform blazed online this dawn!
Featuring exciting innovations, both in design and features, it is an essential step to our shared commitment in further innovating our academic services -- led by the PLM Management and driven by important stakeholders like you!
You can also post your feedbacks directly on the eGrades wall!
What do you think of it and what further enhancements are in your wish list? Post it on the new eGrades wall now! :)
Updated Schedule, 2nd Sem Enrollment: »
22 Oct 2012
25 Oct: CHD, CN
27 Oct: GSASE, GSM, EC, ProfEd
29 Oct: CS, CPT, CME
30 Oct: CET
31 Oct: CL, CM, CMC
05-09 Nov: Late, Add/Drop
eGrades database update: »
22 Oct 2012
Tonight's eGrades database update already shot up to 57,144 total grades, up from 32,781 last Friday, and 4,698 last Wednesday. :)
PLM soars higher to Excellence: » »
22 Oct 2012
PLM soars higher and scales greater heights as alumni -- new and then -- continue to bring accolades to the name of PLM!
Recent CPA 4th placer Marc Arca, with a stunning 93.43% rating, acknowledged PLM's post in this Official CEP Media's FB account extolling this feat last 15 Oct.
CMC alumnus Adolfo Alix's "Wildlife" won the NETPAC award for best Asian film in the 28th Warsaw International FilmFest in Poland, besting 250 other films.
But wait, there's more this week! Brace up for more upcoming laurels! :)
20 Oct 2012
In rapid succession, PLM rocked and raved the elite community of excellent schools with recent landmark feats!
Stunning board exam dominance, inspiring research environment, modern academic services, growing institutional linkages and stronger industry recognition -- just a few proofs of PLM's unmistakable presence in the academic landscape!
PLM is a name to reckon with -- Manila's iconic jewel that history will judge well and the future has so much in store for! :-)
PLMayer lands as CPA 4th placer »
15 Oct 2012
A PLMayer got the TOP 4 place in the CPA board exam released today by PRC. Marc Rodolf B. Arca took a stunning 93.43% to clinch the 4th place in a close fray dominated by usual fellow top schools UST and UP-Diliman.
Our send-off greetings last 06 Oct 2012 have paid off! Congratulations!
08 October 2012
Designation of Mr. Rogelio S. Angco as Athletic Director, College of Physical Education, Recreation and sports in concurrent capacity as Department Chairman, Service PE Program effective 01 November 2012 until 30 May 2013, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 1,500 per month.
How to access the eGrades: » » » »
A picture tutorial walks-thru the scholars on how to access PLM's first innovative academic service.
eGrades now an institutional reality » » »
07 Oct 2012
It's official!
The eGrades is now an institutional reality in PLM!
Covering the entire undergraduate colleges this upcoming end-of-semester, it highlights the PLM leadership's vision to continuously modernize PLM's academic services in apt recognition of the clamor of the entire PLM academic community enunciated in 2010. Memo » PPT » PDF » Photos »
HRD releases form on staff duties »
Can't find it? Check out the Downloads folder.
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
This month, starting today, PLM will once again wave the banner of its excellence in licensure exams.
Our future CPAs: 6-7 & 13-14 (2-wk)
Our future Lawyers: 7 Oct (month-long bar)
Our future EcEs: 20-21 (1-wk)
Let's send them our best wishes!
Pantas, ating itaas ang ngalan ng Pamantasang Mahal!
Happy World Teachers' Day »
In most ways, your teachers have touched your life -- to go beyond your imperfections and stretch an extra mile. They inspired your dampened spirit and cleared your blurred vision to reach the apex of your potentials. Today, let us convey our highest respects to our professors who have sacrificed their own financial growth so that you, as their seed -- as the extension of their wonderful personality -- can grow sturdier. Their greatness is beyond measure.
Mabuhay ang mga dakilang Dalubguro ng Pamantasan!
PLM's ME board performance
PLM got a 75% passing performance in the 2012 Mechanical Engineering board exam released today, which is above the national passing rate of 69.86%.
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
03 Oct 2012
01 October 2012
Designation of Prof. Roberto J. Dela Cruz as Chairman, Mathematics Department, College of Science in concurrent capacity as OIC-Dean effective 05 November 2012.
September 2012
PLM rises above all in Skechers Battle »
30 Sep 2012
2012 PLMAT Primer released on the web »
27 Sep 2012
Your PLM account's smartphone settings »
24 Sep 2012
Chemists Board yielded PLM's jewels »
21 Sep 2012
PLM makes waves as the best university in the country! Besting, as always, the University of the Philippines-Diliman and other fellow top schools, PLM clinches the TOP 1 and TOP 4 places in the September 2012 Chemist Board Exam released earlier today. With 93.50%, Rob Jeremiah Nuguid shot the banner of PLM to the greatest heights, as he is joined in by Gremory Dennis Idago with 89.25%. Undoubtedly, there is no other name but "Pamantasan" in the field of academic excellence!
Ideas Exchange Room Inauguration »
19 Sep 2012
Be greater than you imagined! PLM inaugurates the latest and most advanced facility for learning -- Ideas Exchange Room -- another landmark fruition of PLM's Industry-Academe Institutional Linkage program. Accenture's battlecry, "Be > you imagined" rings true for PLM as it reaches greater heights as the undisputed leader in the arena of academic excellence. A milestone par excellence in the life of Pamantasan.
Official CEP Media Advisory
19 Sep 2012
PLM congratulates the CMC's BMC major in PR Sandinawa students for winning big in the Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF), 17 Sep 2012.
Winning in 8 out of 12 categories while besting over 200 entries and 70 participants, they garnered three (3) 1st placers and two (2) placers each for the 2nd-5th places! Kudos! :)
Official CEP Media Advisory »
18 Sep 2012
With half a million graduates entering the labor force each year, finding a job can be a Herculean task. Having good grades is just not enough. To stand out among the multitude of applicants, one must present the entire package of brains and personality to prospective employers. This was not the case for the four graduating ECE/CpE students who were among those granted one-year scholarships by leading telco Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) under the Smart Wireless Engineering Education Program (SWEEP), including that from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila through its industry-academe institutional linkage.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
15 Sep 2012
Due to a validated widespread flooding, classes in PLM are suspended. Keep safe, PLMayers!
August 2012
PLM belongs to Top 5 Medical Schools nationwide »
31 Aug 2012
With 97.65% passing rate (83 out of 85), PLM maintained its accolade as among the Top 5 medical schools nationwide in the Aug 2012 Physician Licensure Examination.
PLM joins 2012 CSC anniv celebration »
29 Aug 2012
Kawani, Ikaw ay Isang LINGKOD-BAYANi!
The battlecry of the 2012 Phil. Civil Service Anniversary, teeming with public-service-rekindling contests and special discounts for public servants.
This September, a month-long anniversary celebration.
Sa pagdiriwang ng BUWAN NG WIKANG PAMBANSA, ang Dalubhasaan ng Malayang Sining, sa pangunguna ng Kagawaran ng Wikang Filipino, ay maglulunsad ng mga gawain ngayong araw at bukas.
Bigyang-tanaw ang tamis ng ating Wika!
29 Agosto:
Ika-8 n.u., Dagliang Talumpati, Bulwagang Manileno
Ika-1 n.h., Hasik Sanayan, JA Auditorium
30 Agosto:
Ika-8 n.u., Katutubong Sayaw, Tanghalang Bayan
Ika-8 n.u., Palarong Pinoy, UAC
Ika-1 n.h., Monologo at Maramihang Awit, JA Auditorium
Mabuhay ang Wikang Filipino!
September is research month »
28 Aug 2012
The "Soul of Learning" is RESEARCH:
PLM celebrates the Research Month (September) with the whole nation. The Research Month Committee has slated exciting events whole of September in tandem with the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) of NEDA.
Watch out for it...!
Official CEP Media Advisories: »
28 Aug 2012
PLM Bayanihan in Action: Collected RELIEF GOODS are to be gifted tommorow to the San Mateo flood victims. PLM staff affected by Habagat also received their relief items at 3pm earlier today.
Watch the Champions perform tomorrow, Wednesday, 4pm, at UAC. The Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company and Rondalla, and the PLM Student Choral Society, winners of the PhilTOA Cultural Dance and Eco-Choral tilts, respectively, will render their special award-winning performance exclusive for the PLM community!
SY 2012-2013 2nd Sem Enrollment Schedule issued by the OUR last 23 Aug 2012.
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
28 Aug 2012
Tomorrow is Heroes' Day.
But who is and how do we define a hero?
He is someone not extraordinary at all nor with magical powers; Just an ordinary person like you and me who rose above his own imperfections, made hard decisions and exerted extraordinary efforts, or even placed his life at risk or in the line of fire for what others -- his family or the society at large -- rightfully deserve. Or simply a friend who rushes to your aid just when you direly need a helping hand.
Every PLMayer is a hero. The SCHOLAR who searches for wisdom to help his community. The TEACHER who unlocks the door to the universe of wisdom. The STAFF who aids the scholar and the teacher to achieve their utmost potential in making this world a better place to live in.
Together, they compose the community of heroes.
As a PLMayer, congratulate yourself. Feel in your heart that a HERO is inside you waiting to be tapped. Make good of it and greatness is now waiting for you in the future.
Happy Heroes' Day, then, PLMayers! Tomorrow is your day!
PLM joins Manila Bay Clean-up »
25 Aug 2012
PLM, through the spirit of volunteerism, has joined the Manila Bay SUNSET Clean-up at Baywalk. As environmental degradation has caused threats to human existence and our planet's survival, PLM is joining the leadership to spark unity towards this advocacy that would have a great impact to all.
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
25 Aug 2012
How do we enhance our academic excellence? One way is through research! September is RESEARCH MONTH!
PLM, as a scholars' university, is intensifying its research capability by slating exciting events! College Research Committees will be mobilized soon to co-opt everyone.
Bilang taga-Pamantasan, IKAW, tayong lahat, ay mga PANTAS at likas na mananaliksik ng karunungan!
Atin pang pagyamanin ang antas ng kalinangang pangkarunungan ng Pamantasan! Sali na, Pantas! :)
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
24 Aug 2012
Have you noticed what scientists have discovered decades back? Did you know that Manila is the "most densely populated city in the world with significant... environmental problems" according to NASA? TOMORROW, you can make a difference!
Join the Manila Bay Clean-Up drive at BayWalk, 6-11am, with CUES through the Manila Bay SUNSET* Partnership Program aimed at engendering volunteerism & environmental awareness!
*Socially Responsible & United in Nurturing & Sustaining the Environment
PLM pays respects to Sec. Robredo »
24 Aug 2012
PLM scholars relegate their respects to a man who served as the living face for good governance. Our country has become a better place because of men like him who we hope can inspire all PLMayers to scale greater heights yet keep their feet on the ground and be a man for others.
We register our dreams and aspirations that we desire good governance to keep its strong foothold forever in our country and in our city.
Official CEP Media Release: »
24 Aug 2012
All undergraduate classes: Suspended starting 9:30am onwards to pay respect to the arrival of the remains of the late Secretary Robredo. Students and their respective faculty members shall assemble at UAC now and proceed ASAP to Padre Faura, Burgos St. & Ayala Blvd.
Official CEP Media Advisory: »
23 Aug 2012
A PLM alumnus, John Derick S. Guillen, clinched Top 9 (84%) in the June 2012 Nursing Board released today, with 77.78% passing rate, way above the National passing percentage of 45.69%.
Congrats, College of Nursing! PRC List
Robredo writes -30- »
21 Aug 2012
PLM joins the nation in grieving for the tragic loss of and in saluting the noble advocacies of the late DILG Sec. Jesse Robredo, a Magsaysay awardee (in Government Service, 2000).
PLM was the host and venue of the historic first-ever interactive chat session with a Magsaysay laureate on 26 June 2003, with the PLM community as the first chat audience and Robredo as the first laureate. Launched in PLM, this RMAF's innovative program gave the public a chance to speak with Asia's living heroes online, which PLM continued with the likes of Mr. Tasneem Siddiqui of Pakistan (1999) and Fr. Eduardo Jorge Anzorena of Argentina (Japan-based, 1994) on 17 July 2003, also at the TOP Room.
Sec. Robredo's demise replicated that of Pres. Magsaysay's in 1957 through a plane crash at the prime of public service.
Undoubtedly, the world is richer and better because of the leadership they have shared and exuded which is worthy of emulation by everyone.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
19 Aug 2012
Indeed, the world is faced with countless problems. PLM comes as a solution to one of those -- with a great impact at solving others -- scholarly learning or quality education.
For one, it alleviates poverty. But more importantly, it enables one to understand the rudiments of life and his environs, and searches for solutions to the entire gamut of problems that beset humanity.
If all PLMayers will make good of his education for the benefit of everyone, no problem is too big to put into oblivion. :-)
Official CEP Media Advisory:
17 Aug 2012
PLM's official FB page now has its formal access path: www.facebook.com/116919698379368
Follow our Twitter updates: www.twitter.com/PLM_CEP_Media
Official CEP Media Advisory:
16 Aug 2012
Environmental degradation, according to the United Nations, has sorely disrupted our climate's pattern and is now a major threat to our planet. Once irreparably compromised, it could mean the end of human existence.
Can we combat it? YES! Be a volunteer!
PLM will join the Manila Bay SUNSET Clean-up on 25 August 2012, Saturday, 6-11am at Baywalk.
For more info: CUES, GV 1st Floor
PLM is Philippines' top PT school »
13 Aug 2012
PLM has firmly nailed its hall-of-fame distinction as the consistent Top Physical Therapy school in the Philippines! PLM is, undoubtedly, the legendary home of the Unbeatable Champions!
PLM dominated the Aug 2012 PT state board with two (2) PLM scholar-alumni taking the helm as TOP 1 and 5 other placers (3, 4, 7, 8 and 9).
Besting, as always, its usual fellow top schools UST (2nd place, 88.76%) and UP-Manila (93.75%), PLM got 97.26% as the No. 1 most outstanding PT school. The national passing percentage is 53.05%.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
13 Aug 2012
Habang sa gabi'y mahimbing
Sana'y damhin ang pighati
Ng mga walang habas na hinagupit.
Sama-sama, ating ipadama
Ang pagkatao nating madla.
Pagkain, inumin, kumot, maging barya
Laking ginhawa sa mga nasalanta.
Pagbangon nila'y ating pagtibayin
Kaluwagan nila'y ating mithiin.
Sa CUES. Hanggang Miyerkules. :)
PCAC's back-to-back performance victory
12 Aug 2012
The PLM Student Choral Society won the top slot in the 2012 PhilTOA Eco-Choral Competition. Early on, 10 Aug, the PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company was also the champion of the 2012 PhilTOA National Cultural Dance Competition also held at SMX-MOA.
PLM bested 6 other finalist-universities in both events. Hats off for bringing honors to PLM!
Official CEP Media Advisory:
11 Aug 2012
PLM will welcome back its scholars with a week-long Midterm exams (13-18 Aug 2012) starting Monday, 13 Aug. Keep your brains fully charged!
PLM, as a Caring University, initiates a Relief Operation, through CUES and in tandem with the SSC, for the flood victims of Habagat. CUES encourages the whole PLM Community to respond to the tragic loss of our fellows thru the spirit of Bayanihan for donations in cash or in kind (blankets and canned goods) until Wednesday, 15 Aug.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
10 Aug 2012
PLM Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company: Champion, 2012 PhilTOA National Cultural Dance Competition, 10 Aug, SMX-MOA. PLM bested 6 other finalist-universities. Hats off for bringing honors to the University!
Official CEP Media Advisory:
10 Aug 2012
As announced by His Honor, Mayor Alfredo Lim, CLASSES at all levels are suspended in Manila on Friday. Public service continues to fulfill the pending work commitments before the public.
PLM resumes classes and work Friday
09 Aug 2012
The PLM community thanks the Almighty for serving as our refuge in the past days, as classes and work are about to resume in Metro Manila. PLM welcomes back everyone as we reflect on the stark lessons Mother Nature has given us in advance.
Let this wake-up call serve us well while we still have time to care for the only planet, precious as it is, we could live in. This, we shall imbue in our hearts as any true scholar would.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
08 Aug 2012
Based on PLM's conscientious monitoring of the situation, CLASSES and office works for Thursday, 09 Aug, are suspended due to continuing inclement weather.
In utmost consideration of the events obtaining in the metropolis, the Midterm examinations are MOVED NEXT WEEK. Should classes resume soon this week as the weather would so permit, those shall be treated as regular classes. Keep tuned in for further
Official CEP Media Advisory:
07 Aug 2012
As announced by His Honor, Mayor Alfredo Lim, CLASSES in Manila, Wednesday, 08 Aug 2012, private and public, are suspended. Rescheduling of exams shall be announced formally.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
06 Aug 2012
As announced by His Honor, Mayor Alfredo Lim, CLASSES in Manila tomorrow, Tuesday, 07 Aug 2012, private and public, are suspended. Rescheduling of exams shall be announced formally.
Scholars, you are afforded more than ample time to review. Give your best shot! PLM believes in you! :)
President Garayblas announces suspension of classes (exams) and work starting 12nn for the safety of everyone! Keep safe!
PLM keeps the spirit high!
05 Aug 2012
As the scholars are to be tested of their worth next week thru the Midterm exams, PLM bids them well with confidence on their competence. Keep in mind to be clad in the scholar's uniform, including all freshmen -- proudly at that. :)
Official CEP Media release: »
04 Aug 2012
To further enhance our information and communication media, the PLM Brochure was released during the 19 July 2012 University Council meeting. Augmenting this soon is the PLM Bulletin of Information, also designed to provide the PLM stakeholders with essential info about our Caring University and its various programs.
Registration to the Official PLM InfoBoard is now made even simpler! You can register your Smart or TnT number to receive essential advisories and urgent announcements direct from PLM. Keep yourself in the loop with the Communication Enhancement Program (CEP Media)!
PLMayers as nationwide SWEEP Scholars »
04 Aug 2012
PLM tops the 2nd year of SWEEP Scholarship with two (2) scholars chosen from a number of PLM nominees. PLM maintains a meaningful institutional linkage with SMART as one of its development partners.
PLM is a Heroes' Lair
02 Aug 2012
Voluntary blood donors under Cluster 3 will give life to fellows in dire need of another lease to precious life.
Friday, UAC, 8am-5pm
Official CEP Media release
01 Aug 2012
PLM suspends classes and administrative works starting 12nn for the safety of everyone from the possible threats of flood in the metropolis. :)
July 2012
Official CEP Media release
We are closely monitoring the situation since evening. Apparently, though, there is yet no supervening factor to declare a suspension of classes under the current circumstances. Mild natural occurrences like the casual rain have been prevalent through history and have not caused any suspension. Should the situation escalate, we will let the public know.
Released: 30 July 2012
Due to intense rains and possible threats of flood, despite the absence of a storm signal in the Metropolis, classes and administrative works are suspended at all levels.
Rainy and stormy days are coming ahead in full swing! To keep its stakeholders updated, PLM will post essential advisories to this official digital public face of PLM, and subsequently broadcast through the official PLM InfoBoard (for Smart/TnT subscribers), the official FB page (for online users) and the various CEP Media's mobile tools.
Keep yourself connected with PLM, especially thru the official PLM InfoBoard (for the vast public) and the official CEP Media's mobile tools (for PLM officials, faculty, staff and student leaders down to the block presidents who are slated to cascade forward all essential advisories from PLM to their respective constituents).
Official CEP Media release
Released: 24 July 2012
To safeguard our health, Acting President Rafaelito Garayblas issues a suspension of classes and work on FRIDAY, 27 July 2012, starting 1pm, re: Fumigation of PLM.
Reminder: Learn how to combat the threat of DENGUE thru our videowalls across the campus. Keep well! :-)
Official CEP Media release
Released: 22 July 2012
Kaakibat ng pagpapalawig ng professionalism ng serbisyo publiko sa bansa tulad ng pag-iwas sa red tape at ng pag-angat ng productivity bilang mga karapat-dapat na lingkod-bayani, sinususog din ng CSC ang "No Gifts Policy" mula sa mga kliyente ng bawat opisina.
MABILIS at TAPAT na paghatid ng serbisyo, tumpak sa PLM!
Official CEP Media release
Released: 22 July 2012
Complementing the issuance yesterday of the Sunday ROTC training cancellation [thru the DMST] is the suspension of the CWTS training this afternoon [thru the OSDS]. Keep safe, everyone! »
Released: 21 July 2012
The ROTC training slated tomorrow, Sunday, has been cancelled. »
Due to inclement weather, despite the absence of a storm signal, the unabated heavy rainpour makes the suspension of classes at all levels and administrative works of high import. »
Intramurals Grand Opening, Friday, 20 July
Excitement grips the air as the Parade and Grand Opening Production unravel at the Gym, 9am!
Watch the Dance Sport groove up our best dancers at 1pm.
Official CEP Media release »
Released: 18 July 2012
With rainy days dotting around, PLM intensifies its campaign against the sultry threats of DENGUE with informational videos playing all around the campus thru the PLM Multimedia tools, SMS infoblasts thru the PLM InfoBoard and other CEP mobile media tools, and a slated fumigation on 27 July courtesy of the Manila Health Department.
PLM's objective is to keep everyone safe thru a comprehensive set of preventive measures, while engendering the cooperation of everyone thru a multi-stakeholder approach. :)
Official CEP Media release
Released: 18 July 2012
All public servants who were beneficiaries of past immunizations are slated to take shots of a free flu vaccine at the University Health Services, Wednesday and Thursday.
New CME OIC-Dean designated
Released: 11 July 2012
Prof. Delia L. Olivar took the helm of the College of Management & Entrepreneurship vice Prof. Neil B. Gamus effective 09 July 2012. She was college secretary of CAE prior to her designation.
Long-time deputy chief librarian is new Chief Librarian
Released: 06 July 2012
Following the retirement of Madam Rebecca Jocson, her long-time deputy Fe Haico was designated as OIC-Chief Librarian effective 06 July 2012.
Words of Wisdom: When an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken from the INSIDE, life BEGINS. Great things always begin from the inside.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 04 July 2012
Joining the Top 5 finalists, winning the Best in Evening Gown major award and two special awards, April Love Jordan visited PLM and toured the campus to thank her fellow PLMayers for the immense support.
Brace up for the visit today of April Love Jordan, a PLM alumna and 3rd Princess of the Miss World Phils., who wishes to thank her PLM family for being too supportive all the way. She brought honors to the name of PLM in the "beauty and brains" arena. Catch up with her at the University Cafe shortly after lunch, around 1pm.
June 2012
PLM in ANC's Square Off »»
Released: 28 June 2012
PLM joins for the first time the "Square Off Debates" on ANC Channel as the PLM College of Law battles it out with the University of San Carlos! Reason vs Reason. Wit vs Wit. The word war is on! Live on your TVs, Friday, 29 June, 7pm.
PLM to unveil an Ideas Exchange Room
Released: 27 June 2012
The Board of Regents on Tuesday (26 June 2012) has accepted a donation from Accenture, a global leader in management consulting and technology, with which PLM maintains a strong and meaningful institutional linkage, to establish an IER where the scholars and faculty members may germinate and ferment small ideas into excellent concepts. The donation was first accepted by the PLM Alumni Association which will undertake the construction, which PLM will, in turn, accept from PLMAAI.
University Dress Code » »
Released: 25 June 2012
For proper guidance and utmost familiarization on the prevailing rules on University Dress Code, undergraduate scholars are advised to access the institutional webpage on University Dress Code. The Revised PLM Student Manual's provisions were enhanced in the interest of making said matter more specific and understandable so as to help guide the scholars in the use of the scholar's uniform with the end-in-view of reducing infractions thereof.
PLMayer is Miss World Phil. 3rd Princess »
Released: 25 June 2012
Top 5 Finalist, Top 12 Semi-Finalist
Major Award: Best in Evening Gown
Special Awards: Miss Manila Hotel & Miss Oracare Confidently Cool
Manila Day Anniversary
Released: 22 June 2012
Mayor Alfredo Lim will lead the commemoration of the 441st Founding Anniversary of the City of Manila on Sunday, 24 June 2012, 7am, at the Gat Andres Bonifacio Shrine.
"Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad"
New Research Director designated
Released: 22 June 2012
Dr. Rebecca C. Tolentino, CAE faculty member, is designated Director, University Research Center effective 20 June 2012. Recommended by Dr. Neri S. Pescadera (OIC-VPAA), Dr. Tolentino has earned her doctorate degree in Educational Administration, and a master's degree in Mathematics before that. Her solid experiences and exceptional job mastery as a University Researcher, along with her educational attainment, exemplary teaching performance and previous work experiences, have prepared her well for a higher area of responsibility.
Graduation and Recognition Committee
Released: 21 June 2012
Acting President Garayblas issued PAO No. 2012-10 creating the 2013 Ad-Hoc Graduation and Recognition Committee chaired by COPERS Dean Susan Mercado. The Commencement Exercises is slated on 12 April 2013
PLM is back to its legendary ways
Released: 21 June 2012
After a wondrous yet sacred celebration of our 47th Foundation Anniversary, we are back to our legendary "PLM way" -- scholarship at its best. With large vestiges of joy and excitement to propel our scholarly values even more, the destiny of our scholars have been written by the stars under the devoted tutelage of our professors and the utmost support of our other public servants.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 19 June 2012
Mayor Lim publicly honors soon-to-retire Rebecca Jocson shortly after receiving a special citation in the Service Awards/Gintong Ani Alumni Awards
Revised University Dress Code »
Official CEP Media release
Released: 01 June 2012
PLM's strong institutional linkage with Microsoft benefits/results to a free 3-day training for the CET faculty on Visual Studio, Windows Phone and Expression Studio which ended today. This is part of the continuing career development program for the CET faculty to keep their technical wisdom in top shape thru the courtesy of development partners from the industry. This will immensely benefit our scholars by having a close aperture to global technology trends.
May 2012
Official CEP Media release
Released: 30 May 2012
Congrats to Dabyd Erickson Catahan (CET) and Grace Joy Fincale (CTHTIM) for besting other schools and winning the Mr. & Ms. SPES Kalikasan 2012. Sponsored by the City Government of Manila's Youth Development & Welfare Bureau, the looks & brains tilt caps its Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) -- a summer program for student-residents of Manila.
Their court is joined in by Carl Laurence Villalon (CTHTIM) and Aira Morales (CET) who both landed as 2nd runners-up.
PLM's most outstanding student is Ultimate Top Performer
Released: 29 May 2012
Accenture recently awarded as PLM's Ultimate Top Performer 2012 cum laude honoree Paolo Briones. Incidentally the 2012 Most Outstanding University Student awardee, he brings to forethe value of balanced focus on erudite learning and leadership acumen. He was the president of the CET Student Council when it was awarded as the most outstanding student council. Both awards partly jolted CET's bid as 2012 Most Outstanding College.
Acting President Rafaelito Garayblas, assisted by Executive Vice President Gladys France Palarca, congratulates him for his latest feat to hopefully inspire more scholars to follow his footsteps.
Wondering on the major events in the Academic Calendar? »
Released: 29 May 2012
Nothing to worry about! It is of high import for public institutions like PLM that information are freely accessible to the public -- anytime, anywhere!
The PLM Communication Enhancement Program aims to touch base with our important stakeholders in PLM, like you, and all over the globe, as well as to effect information sharing for a better understanding of PLM's programs by the public
Revised Guidelines on the Selection of Honor Students »
Released: 29 May 2012
As the incoming freshmen are being oriented on what to expect in their 4 years of prospective stay in a "scholars' university," what better treat is there than to accord them a ready access to a publicly available document that will guide them with utmost precision on how to clinch an academic honor on their way out to the industry? Find the Guidelines on Academic Honors and find your way to the pinnacle of success!
From the official PLM InfoBoard:
Released: 27 May 2012
PLM braces for the 3-day Freshmen Orientation starting tomorrow at the Justo Albert Auditorium! Make way for and welcome the newest batch of the best and the brightest scholars of the capital city of Manila!
Official CEP Media Advisory:
Released: 27 May 2012
The CWTS registration for those who have qualified last 08 May 2012 (who are slated to enroll yet tomorrow, 28 May) is scheduled tomorrow on a first-come-first-serve basis as only 50 slots are available. -OSDS Dean
N.B.: There is no more CWTS slots for those who have qualified last 17 Feb.
Released: 26 May 2012
This official institutional website may suddenly become inaccessible this weekend.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
Released: 25 May 2012
The delegation from the University of Michigan (USA) involved in global intercultural experience program have been enjoying their stay in the Philippines with enriching experiences, thanks to the PLM community and the Student Ambassadors from CTHTIM! Today, CUES opened the UM's aperture to the stark realities of city life in a meeting with barangay captains, capped by a feeding program for street children. We will see more of them in the coming days.
Earthquake & Fire Drill on 15 June, Friday, 3pm
Released: 23 May 2012
Everyone is enjoined to cooperate and participate to keep our disaster awareness and preparedness in top shape.
University of Michigan global interculture
Released: 23 May 2012
PLM hosts the global intercultural exchange delegation of the University of Michigan
which will be in the country until mid-June with learning sessions slated between 23 May and 18 June.
Official CEP Media Advisory:
Released: 22 May 2012
Inquiring about the schedule of fees?
Ref.: www.plm.edu.ph/faq.html#Registration
5. I am a highly-subsidized (minimal-paying) scholar. Are the fees publicly available?
Yes, it is of high import for public institutions like PLM that information are freely accessible to the public -- anytime, anywhere. The complete list of schedule of fees are uploaded at the official institutional website.
We see more of our scholars getting involved in volunteer works and global inter-cultural exchanges in cooperation with CUES!
21 May: Intramuros Student Ambassadors hosted a day-long free guided-tour of Fort Santiago to visitors. They aim to make Intramuros a tourist spot of choice for locals & foreigners.
Starting tomorrow until mid-June, CTHTIM will host a student delegation from the University of Michigan. Don't miss meeting them at 9am-1pm around the campus tomorrow.
Intramuros Volunteers Day, 21 May
Released: 18 May 2012
Get a free guided-tour of Fort Santiago by the Intramuros "Student Ambassadors" from 10am to 4pm (excluding noon break) on Monday. Just drop by the Intramuros Visitors Center and you're in for the ride!
Official CEP Media release
Released: 17 May 2012
All fresh members of the Bar:
PLM announces the offering of Master of Laws come 1st Trimester. Enrollment starts on 24 May 24 until 09 June. Classes start on 09 June. For details, click the link below. For inquiries, 404-0380. »
Official CEP Media release
Released: 14 May 2012
PLM and COPERS are proud to announce that incoming 4th year BPE scholar Maria Loraine A. Javier is among those who will represent our country as a Student Ambassador to the JENESYS Program, 15-23 May, in Japan with the theme, "Japan's Disaster Management and Recovery Efforts."
The Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth (JENESYS) Program is a youth-exchange program sponsored by the Japanese Government with the National Youth Commission as the implementing agency in the country.
Great news for all Iskos and Iskas!
Released: 14 May 2012
Commuters will once again pay P8 minimum fare for public utility jeepneys starting tomorrow (May 15). The LTFRB on Monday issued a recall order on the P0.50 provisional fare increase being implemented since March.
From the official PLM InfoBoard:
Released: 14 May 2012
The celebration of Mothers' Day may be over in the Phils., yet still raging in other countries. What is your best moment with your mom (or wife) yesterday? Post in a photo with caption on the official FB page of PLM and get a chance to win a Starbucks gift certificate!
Should you win, the SMS sent to your official PLM SIM will serve as your claim stub, so dont delete it.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 12 May 2012
The warmth of love and the power of care only a MOTHER can give to a miracle she nurtured in her womb and brought to this world by the grace of the Creator who breathed life to all creations -- that's what this season is all about.
Yes, everything about you or that surrounds you is a miracle, as you likewise are.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 10 May 2012
OSDS releases schedule of Freshman Orientation
28 May, Monday, 8:00am: CET, COPERS, & CN
28 May, Monday, 1:00pm: CHD, CAUP, & CTHTIM
29 May, Tuesday, 8:00am: CAE, CS, & CPT
29 May, Tuesday, 1:00pm: CMC & CME
Venue: Justo Albert Auditorium, Gusaling Lacson
Attendance is a must.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 09 May 2012
Incoming freshman? Check if your parents are eligible:
SSS members who want to apply for educational loans for 4-year degree programs can borrow P10,000 to P15,000 per semester or as much as P80,000 to P120,000 payable within 5 years after graduation. SSS will give a grace period of 1-year (for amortization), enough time for graduates to look for a job to help the sponsor. »
Ang Pamantasan invite for new campus journalists
Released: 07 May 2012
Join the Ang Pamantasan Examinations (APEX) 2012 on May 26. Application forms are available at the official AP Facebook page:www.facebook.com/angpamantasan (Ang Pamantasan).
Deadline of application is on May 24.
PLMAT Advisory:
Released: 07 May 2012
The final release of the successful PLMAT passers has been posted at the University Activity Center and will be available for public viewing tomorrow morning.
For guidance, you may look into this link on how to proceed with the pre-enrollment.
The submission of credentials will be on 09 May to 23 May 2012, while their enrollment is slated on 28 May 2012.
College of Liberal Arts' new OIC-Dean
Released: 07 May 2012
Prof. Deogracia DC. Santos has taken over the helm of CLA as its new officer-in-charge effective 01 May 2012. She was the department chair of the Filipino Department prior to her designation.
OSDS advisory on society re-accreditation
Released: 07 May 2012
Citing BOR-approved changes to the PLM Student Manual, the OSDS issued reminders on deadline schedules:
25 June: Submission of re-accreditation requirements
08 June: Submission of request for Certification of Grades
Conditional renewal, which was permitted then, is already omitted in the new PLM Student Manual.
Enrollment Schedule: 10-26 May 2012 »
NSTP Enrollment: CWTS (20May); ROTC (27May)
Another Law admission test slated
Released: 05 May 2012
The College of Law announced another admission test slated on 19 May, Saturday. Those interested are encouraged to apply soon. For inquiries, 527-9074. »
Free 3-day SMART training for the CET faculty
Released: 02 May 2012
Since 2009, as part of PLM's strong institutional linkage with the finest industry giants, SMART is administering annual technical trainings to CET faculty members to bridge the industry knowledge to the academe. This mid-2012, a total of 32 CET faculty members and ITC tech personnel are being trained starting this morning (02-04 May 2012).
Registration to the official PLM InfoBoard
Released: 01 May 2012
Rainy and stormy days are coming ahead in full cycle! To keep its stakeholders updated, PLM will broadcast essential advisories through the official PLM InfoBoard. Avail of the official PLM SIM card or register your Smart/TnT number to the official PLM InfoBoard. Ask your college how to sign-up!
April 2012
Official CEP Media Advisory
Released: 25 April 2012
PLM congratulates the impressive performance of CET scholars Marwin Tolentino & Mary Grace Medallo in the nationally-televised PINOY HENYO Intercollegiate Edition last Monday. They exemplified the true mark of a scholar of the premier scholars’ university of a capital city and brought honors to PLM as true Henyo or Pantas.
Tulad ninyong lahat, sila ay nahuhubog sa lubusang kalinangang pam-pamantasan tungo sa pagiging tunay na pantas.
Official CEP Media Advisory
Released: 25 April 2012
Start of classes: 04 June 2012
Enrollment Schedule: 10-26 May 2012, as follows:
10 (Th)-11 (F): Freshmen (10: A-K; 11: L-Z)
15 (T): CAE & CMC
16 (W): CME & CTHTIM
21 (M): CET & CS
22 (T): CAUP, CPT & CHD
23 (W): CN & COPERS
24 (Th): CL & CM
25 (F): EC & Prof Ed
21 (M)-23 (W): GSASE & GSHS
24 (Th)-26 (S): GSE, GSL & GSM
28 May (M)-02 Jun (S): Late registration
College of Nursing OIC-Dean designated
Released: 24 April 2012
Dr. Ma. Jesusa Lourdes D. Rodolfo, OIC-dean of GSHS, concurrently serves as the new OIC-dean of the College of Nursing effective 27 April 2012.
Scholarship: SMART Wireless Eng’g Education Program (SWEEP)
Released: 19 April 2012
PLM belongs to the privileged few elite schools under the SWEEP program that is granted said scholarship, which is among the innumerable benefits that PLM derives from the strong and meaningful industry-academe institutional linkage with SMART.
On its 2nd year, the biggest single privately-funded scholarship in PLM doubles the slots! Application is open to incoming graduating scholars under EcE, CpE, CS and IT courses of CET. Send in your application to your department chair. »
PLM: A recognized academic leader by MERALCO
Released: 17 April 2012
For 2nd year in a row, PLM is among the elite group of universities that MERALCO is rooting out for its next breed of top-brass executives. An original part of the pioneer batch last year as a choice of CEO Manuel V. Pangilinan, PLM once again belongs to the breed of UP, Ateneo de Manila, Dela Salle, UST and MIT, which is joined in this year by Don Bosco. The MVP’s Power Camp 2012 hones a select group of 40 high-potential talents from where the new lifeblood will flow in to bring the company to greater heights, or as MERALCO says, they shall compose its future Top Management.
An Appreciation Event was hosted by MVP himself and other top honchos on 16 April 2012.
Challenge the status quo. Innovate. Drive change.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 16 April 2012
Dr. Rose Anna R. Banal serves as the new dean of the College of Medicine, in an OIC capacity, effective 15 April 2012 in lieu of Dr. Isabelita M. Samaniego who stepped down after 2 years of fruitful service. Dr. Banal is previously a president of the Pamantasan Medical Graduates Association, Inc.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 10 April 2012
In the latest eGrades database update provided by the OUR-SIS today and uploaded at 4:00pm by the ITC, the total grades on the cloud are already 17,513, up by 189 new grades from the update last 02 April.
Released: 05 April 2012
At the height of the Lent, as PLM joins the Christendom in observing the sacrifices of Jesus Christ to redeem humanity with Divine Salvation, PLM keeps all PLMayers a company in their Visita Iglesia spree. PLM never sleeps nor falters from providing public service to one and all, even on holidays.
PLMAT Advisory:
Released: 03 April 2012
Non-Manila valedictorians and salutatorians are slated to undertake PLMAT on 24 April (Tuesday). Honorees may now apply for exam slots and submit their credentials soonest.
The March PLMAT results are yet to be released.
Top 5 graduates of DCS-Manila may now start to avail of their admission privilege at the OUR-SIS.
Official CEP Media release
Released: 02 April 2012
In the latest eGrades update provided by the OUR-SIS today and uploaded at 5:30pm by the ITC, more than 17,000 grades have been received by the 1,981 CET scholars.
The eGrades system shall be deployed in full-scale to all scholars across all colleges in the upcoming semester (SY 2012-2013).
March 2012
Official CEP Media release
Released: 31 March 2012
Security of PLM eGrades strengthened » »
The PLM eGrades System, now on pilot to all CET scholars and to be implemented on full-scale across all colleges in the coming semester, is a work in progress with more enhancements in coming days. On Friday (30 March 2012), security features were deployed. A 512-bit-strong encryption algorithm, developed by the United States’ National Security Agency and currently its best unbreakable cryptography, has strengthened its security function. Further, your log-in credentials (email & password) are fully invisible at the address bar. :)
MILC graduation and awarding ceremonies
Released: 22 March 2012
A total of 14 pupils have successfully completed the MILC curriculum. The first honors for levels I and II, respectively, are Kaileen Gillian V. Gesalan and Raelene Christelle D. Fabi.
New PLM lawyers took oath at PICC
Released: 21 March 2012
A total of 17 bar passers from PLM took their oath this afternoon as new members of the Bar after passing the 2011 Bar Exams. College of Law dean Ernesto Maceda said that PLM’s Batch 2011 percentage of 55% (11 out of 20) is the 3rd highest this millennium after the 72.73% of 2005 and 69.23% in 2009. This performance, he added, far exceeds the 46.43% 10-year average of the College for first takers. The national passing rate was 31.93%.
PLM eGrades on webportal unveiled » »
Released: 16 March 2012
President Rafaelito M. Garayblas and his Management Team unveiled last Friday the latest innovation in modernizing the academic services in the University -- the online PLM eGrades -- initially through a web-portal accessible thru the official PLM website, and soon through a mobile gateway using the official PLM InfoBoard. It is one of the top commitments of the current PLM Administration in ensuring a fast, reliable and modernized transaction that is paperless, environment-friendly and empowering to the PLM stakeholders.
Covering the CET scholars this semester, PLM intends to implement the online eGrades to all colleges starting SY 2012-2013. This will offshoot to an orderly and speedy delivery of grades as one of the visible and lasting impacts of this innovation.
The PLM Administration bares that this is the gateway to more innovative academic services in the future and will only be the beginning of PLM's transformation into a technology-enabled community.
Official CEP Media release: Exam Schedule
Released: 16 March 2012
All exams originally scheduled on 15 March that were affected by the cancellation of classes due to the Transport Caravan are moved to 19 March 2012, Monday.
Adjusted tuition rates released » »
Released: 15 March 2012
Approved under BOR Res. No. 3382 on 10 May 2011, the annual 10% increase adjustment in fees will take effect come June 2012 (SY 2012-2013), applicable only to the incoming freshmen and sophomores who are highly-subsidized (minimal paying) scholars. Full (non-paying) scholars, as well as highly-subsidized (minimal paying) scholars from 3rd-5th years, are not affected at all by said fees.
Official CEP media release
Advisory as of 6:15am, Thurs:
Released: 15 March 2012
PLM announces the suspension of classes in light of the expected repercussions of the transport protest. Public service and administrative works will proceed, though, at PLM.
Advisory as of Wed early evening:
Released: 14 March 2012
No suspension as of yet for Thursday. We will quickly issue a public broadcast should there be.
NB: This advisory is updated as of 5:30am, Thurs.
CET is SY 11-12's most outstanding college
Released: 03 March 2012
The University Recognition 2012 was a battlefield well fought by the biggest college in PLM's history -- CET -- which bagged the most major awards, including the Gawad Villegas for best college, Maynilad Award for best college student council, and the most outstanding student of PLM.
eLarawan digital portfolio tilt on » »
Released: 02 March 2012
A converged social advocacy on "Women Weathering Climate Change: A Governance and Accountability, Everyone's Responsibility"
February 2012
University Recognition Day, Friday, 02 Mar
Recognizing the feats and landmark achievements of the PLM community, awardees will be on the road to the hallowed campus of PLM.
Public Service ADVISORY for Tuesday
Scholars and employees are advised to come earlier than usual in light of a grand prayer service at the Quirino Grandstand starting 5pm.
No classes on Monday
Released: 24 February 2012
PLM announced that Monday is an internal holiday.
PLM joins People Power celebration, Saturday, 25 Feb
Released: 24 February 2012
The entire stronghold of PLM will be one in observing the 26th anniversary of the historic revival of democracy in the country. Trooping in yellow shirt to Bonifacio Drive in front of equally historic Manila Hotel at 9:30am, we signify our aspiration to keep the fire of democracy burning.
PLM Law dean elected EVP of PALS
Released: 23 February 2012
Congratulations to the PLM College of Law and Dean Ernesto P. Maceda, Jr. for being elected Executive Vice President of the Philippine Association of Law Schools.The Philippine Association of Law Schools (PALS) is a non-stock corporation composed of 112 law schools all over the country. The PALS is legal education's formal representative to the Judicial and Bar Council, the Legal Education Board, the Philippine Judicial Academy and the Supreme Court Committee on Legal Education and Bar Matters. The Senate and the House of Representatives regularly rely on PALS members to serve as resource persons on constitutional and legal questions of the day. The PALS is also a primary source of advice and assistance for lawyer members of the Cabinet on matters of governance. This is the first time in the history of the PALS that the PLM has been given this high honor.
2011 Bar results to release soon
Released: 23 February 2012
2011 Bar Exams results expected before month's end. The Supreme Court is expected to announce any day now the results of the reformatted 2011 Bar Examinations. For the first time since its inception, the Bar Exams was administered in mixed MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) and Essay format. 28 PLM hopefuls: 19 from Batch 2011 and 9 from previous batches accepted the challenge. PLM has been recognized for its performance in the Bar Exams for the past 10 years. During this period, PLM has ranked 6th among Metro Manila law schools after traditional powerhouses Ateneo, UP, San Beda, UST and Arellano. For the past four years, PLM's Metro Manila rank is as follows: 2007 - 5th, 2008 - 5th, 2009 - 6th, 2010 - 6th. For the same period, PLM's nationwide ranking is a high 8th. Lets all pray for our PLM Barristers to keep up the College of Law's outstanding performance!
PLM SIM card distribution »
Released: 21 February 2012
PLM SIM cards were claimed on 20-21 & 09 Feb. at the PLM Main Lobby and were registered to the official PLM InfoBoard so the subscribers can receive news flash and important advisories.
Earlier on, a distribution was made last 13-14 Dec 2011. More schedules are expected until a substantial number of scholars and employees are covered.
Halalan 2012: Student Council elections
Released: 20 February 2012
Student political parties are on it once again in observance of the annual council elections on Friday, 24 Feb. The campaign started Monday.
MCAT administered to doctor aspirants
Released: 19 February 2012
Applicants for freshman admission in the Medical school trooped down last Sunday to PLM to hurdle the rigors of the entrance test.
PLMAT results released at UAC
Released: 17 February 2012
The Registrar released the first batch of successful PLMAT qualifiers indicating the assigned course.
PLMAT primer & FAQs » » Primer PLMAT FAQs
Official CEP media release
Released: 05 February 2012
Public Service does not only goad us to put public interest over our own, but to recall in our minds and instill in our hearts the heroism and selfless sacrifice of our forefathers who valiantly fought for our freedom -- so that we may be constantly reminded of our responsibilities to keep the fire of service excellence burning.
At 7:30am, let us lock our arms together and join the City Mayor in commemorating the Battle of Manila on its 67th anniversary at the Freedom Triangle.
Official CEP media release
Released: 01 February 2012
The day of love is fast approaching -- a phenomenon in expressing our utmost emotions. This Valentine's Day 2012, post in your commitments on how you can "express your genuine love towards PLM thru concrete actions in your own simple way -- that may leave a modest yet lasting impact to the PLM community."
January 2012
Law school admission opens » »
Released: 30 January 2012
The College of Law now accepts applications for the ff. CLAT (examination) schedules:
24 Feb (Friday), 31 Mar and 28 April (Sat)
PDSPO announces re-routing in GCA 1st floor
Released: 30 January 2012
As another facilities enhancement is slated today (asphalting of the alley in GCA 1st floor), ingress and egress to the College of Nursing, PBAC, ITC & PLM-CPS and CPT will be closed and re-routed, and will instead utilize the entrance doors at the main road of Gen. Luna fronting the Silahis Hotel and AMOSUP.
This temporary inconvenience, from 11am today to 12nn tomorrow, will offshoot to utmost convenience of all stakeholders.
A friendly reminder on MCAT and CLAT (non-Manilans are accepted)
Released: 29 January 2012
The last day of application for the freshman admission to the College of Medicine will end on Friday, 03 Feb 2012. The exam proper for those who have qualified the initial screening of credentials will be on 19 Feb (Sunday).
The first exam proper for the College of Law freshman admission will be on 24 Feb 2012 (Friday). At least one exam schedule is slated a month after, but it is best to become an "early bird" if the credential requirements are already in.
Invite your relatives and friends to become pure blooded PLMayers too!
CEP media release
Released: 15 January 2012
Closely patterned along the correct PLM seal, the Board of Regents approved the GSHS seal under BOR Res. No. 3428 on its 465th Regular Meeting.
PLM goes austere and frugal »
Released: 25 January 2012
To effect a meaningful and judicious utilization of resources thru intensified conservation efforts, a set of austerity measures was issued on 17 Jan and circulated to all university entities on 20 Jan.
President approves revision of Academic Calendar »
Released: 25 January 2012
With the graduation day moved earlier to 25 March (Sunday), the Academic Calendar is pushed back by a week, shortening it by a 3-hour lecture time. Final exams and submission of grades are rescheduled earlier by a week.
Releasing of PLMAT results on 17 Feb 2012
Released: 23 January 2012
After the last of the four (4) PLMAT batches, a computerized checking of answer key will determine the correct answers of the examinees. A cut-off score will determine who among them may be admitted to PLM, the results of which shall be released come 17 February 2012.
Official CEP media release
Released: 15 January 2012
These days have been so momentous. Even as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Child today in various parts of Manila, as well as that of the 1st anniversary of this official FB page the other day, PLM wishes the best of Divine blessings as the scholars start to troop down tomorrow to the hallowed halls of the academe for their week-long Midterm exams.
In a milestone event seen to advance our political maturity and strengthen our democratic institutions, tomorrow also marks the first day of the first-ever impeachment trial of the (only) second Chief Justice to have been impeached in Philippine history.
Anniversary of the Official FB page of PLM
Released: 13 January 2012
Celebrating the 1st anniversary of public service, transparency and serving as an exponent of culture change among the stakeholders of the Caring University.
A vehicle for enhancing harmony and understanding. A harbinger of innovation. A testament of unbridled academic and service excellence.
Official CEP media release
Released: 13 January 2012
PLMAT application opens on Saturdays*
Opening on Saturdays (14 & 21 Jan), the PLMAT application extends to the weekends of the last two PLMAT exams to cater to a greater number of qualified applicants. So get it on!
*As earlier contained a week ago in this official FB page of PLM
Official CEP media release
Released: 12 January 2012
This official FB page of PLM celebrates its first year anniversary of being publicly published tomorrow, 13 Jan 2012. Formally published at 9:54am shortly upon granting approval on the social media policies, and pursuant to the earlier Presidential approval of the EVP's recommendation of Memo ITC-10-1124-01, this CEP media tool of PLM has gone a long way in serving the public. It ushered PLM to touching base with the whole PLM community for purposes of good governance and reasonable transparency.
Gaining ground from the visible positive impact of this public policy initiative, it continues to innovate and mature, even as more strategies will emanate in engaging the public as we vie to further enhance the academic and service excellence of PLM.
*CEP: Communication Enhancement Program
CEP media release
Released: 06 January 2012
Everdearest scholars:
Let us support the Campus Hour United, in which the PLM Campus Ministry is participating, on all Saturdays of January by watching via live streaming thru www.veritas846.ph, 2:30-3:30pm. You can text your comments thru 0918-8374827, or post your comments thru the fan page: https://www.facebook.com/ campushourunitedradyoveritas846 ?sk=wall
PLM president suspends classes in observance of the Feast of the Black Nazarene
Released: 06 January 2012
PLM acting president Atty. Rafaelito M. Garayblas has officially announced the suspension of classes come Monday, 09 Jan 2012, in light of the celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene by the faithfuls and devotees.
PLM joins in the celebration of our enduring faith to the grace of the Almighty.
CEP media release
Released: 04 January 2012
As the height of the celebration of PLM's unbridled academic excellence, the Recognition Awards 2012 guidelines were issued for the information of the whole PLM community.
CEP media release
Released: 02 January 2012
Renewed calls for Relief for Sendong victims
18 Dec 2011, Sunday: A day after Sendong has devastated the Vis-Min region and while Palawan was yet being battered by the storm, PLM has intoned its deep concern over its catastrophic magnitude and stark effects to the localities.
19 Dec 2011, Monday: While CUES & CET were in the thick of a community service with the urban poor's street children [thru Child Hope Asia] and the Manila Correctional inmates [those not visited by relatives for more than a decade], CUES has mobilized to engage PLM, as a caring university, in aiding in the Sendong tragedy.
As PLM was already on vacation then, a community-wide response may only be fully generated these days. CUES is calling on scholars and employees to continue providing physical help in packing relief goods in TV-5, GMA-7 & ABS-CBN-2.
Financial contributions to be coursed thru these networks' foundations are also accepted at CUES.
Let us exhibit how caring we could be to our brothers down south of our nation!
CUES calls for Sendong victims support »
December 2011
CEP media release
Released: 31 December 2011
Happy is a new year that promises better opportunities, better outlook and better virtues for everyone. Remember, though, that everyday is basically a new year for all of us, as we can always make things better everyday!
Happy new year, PLM scholars and public servants!
CEP media release
Released: 29 December 2011
New Year's Resolutions: Corporate Social Responsibility
As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 ushers in, a new beginning unveils and sets in. In PLM, alongside the hype of the traditional New Year’s resolution of the holiday season, the essential CSR advocacies are being strengthened.
Starting off with environment- and health-friendly programs, 2012 will see more exciting public policy initiatives that will greatly impact on the preservation of the dignity and way of life of humanity, now and beyond!
Let us reflect on the lessons of the past, galvanize ourselves into action at the present, and change our future for the better!
CEP media release
Released: 29 December 2011
A friendly reminder of concern from PLM:
The Holiday Season is stark with the prevalence of crimes that would dupe you of your hard-earned finances and valuables. Be informed of what shady characters are usually up to this season.
As a general rule of security, scholars are advised to shun and not to entertain STRANGERS who will approach you anywhere, even near your homes. Target areas are LRT, bus/FX stations, etc. Strategize for your own safety. God bless everyone and keep safe!
CEP media release
Released: 24 December 2011
CHRISTmas is the celebration of our faith, that in spite of the aridity of love to our Almighty Creator and to one another, a Gift of Love -- one that is pure and the only way to save us from eternal damnation -- was sent straight from heaven to rekindle our hearts back to the loving hands of our Divine Father. :)
Merry Christmas -- from the heart of Intramuros to the whole world!
CEP media release
Released: 20 December 2011
The essence of Christmas is the salvation of humanity. It's message is love through the Almighty's selfless, supreme sacrifice of His beloved Son.
PLM's nobility of purpose is exemplified by its mission to educate those who are "less in life" so that they can be "more in the future."
Much like the bright star that guided the wise men or "pantas" in their quest for the One, PLM's noble seal radiates an unmistakable aura among the community of schools -- way above the others -- guiding those who seek for scholarly wisdom. That's why PLM is otherwise known as "Pamantasan" -- where wise men are made and refined.
Among the top 5 universities in the country, it is the only one that is not hundreds of years old nor is supported by billions of endowment -- so as to be at par with the elite group of outstanding universities.
This Christmas, let us be reminded of how PLM has been the life-changing cause of transformation among the thousands of youth who did not have hope to lead, much less survive, in this world full of prejudice -- until PLM came to their lives -- to bring salvation to their future.
CEP media release
Released: 20 December 2011
PLM's foremost advocacy is ending social maladies to make life worth living.
"Academics" aims to educate the citizenry (opening the mind).
"Research" aids the human advancement (opening the door to innovation).
"Community Extension" widens our horizons of humanity (opening the heart).
CET's 42nd foundation anniversary bolstered the PLM's tri-focal mandate.
On 19-20 Dec, teeming with social responsibility advocacy, a double community service marks its Christmas observance and bring light to the lives of our less-fortunate brothers & sisters* -- to give them hope and reasons to re-dedicate their lives to make this world a better place to live in. They suffered thru darkness, yet through our hearts, they may finally find that elusive light.
Christmas is an opportune time for sharing our love and care, supreme sacrifice of our own comfort for the well-being of others, and many other human virtues with divine roots.
*Manila street children thru Child Hope Asia; challenged ladies in Manila City Jail's correctional facilities.
CEP media release
Released: 18 December 2011
It's a great Sunday in Manila! The joy of the Holidays is so ubiquitous.
Our brothers in Mindanao, though, are reeling from the horror of an unusual devastation in decades just a week before Christmas. In two adjacent localities alone, fatalities rose up to nearly 500. Most of Mindanao and all of Visayas are not yet accounted even. A bleak Christmas threatens their inner faith and fortitude to rise up to the challenges of grief and loss of reasons to live meaningfully.
Let’s pray for our brothers. Share our little blessings. Exhibit the virtue of the Season. Certainly, our efforts would go a long way!
Fun Run for a Cause, 5am-8am, 11 Dec 2011
Released: 08 December 2011
In celebration of the respective College Days of COPERS (03 Dec) & CHD (09 Dec).
Theme: Takbo Ko, Alay Ko (3K run inside Intramuros)
Beneficiary: Manila Boys Town Complex of Manila Department of Social Welfare
"Dugong Alay, Dugtong Buhay" Voluntary Blood Donation Program
Released: 07 December 2011
A continuing program by PLM, in partnership with the Department of Health, through the Center for University Extension Services in collaboration with the Cluster 3 (CMC, CME, CN, CS and their respective College Student Councils). Join us in this pre-Christmas program to engender volunteerism and selfless-sacrifice in our community of true-blooded scholars!
8am-5pm, 08 December 2011, UAC
PLM SIM card distribution
Released: 06 December 2011
Claim your PLM SIM card on 12-14 December 2011 at the
PLM Main Lobby!
Register your official PLM SIM card to the official PLM InfoBoard so you can receive news flash and important advisories. You may also link your FB to your official SIM card/official PLM InfoBoard since you may also receive the same advisories in your FB News Feed at the discretion of the University.
HIMIGSIKAN: The pioneering intercollegiate chorale competition in PLM"
Released: 06 December 2011
15 December 2011, University Activity Center
10am: Elimination Round
5pm: Grand Finals
Official PLM InfoBoard's integration with Facebook
Released: 05 December 2011
As part of integrating the PLM InfoBoard and Facebook, SMART users may also receive directly in their FB News Feed the important advisories posted thru the official PLM InfoBoard.
Register now to receive broadcast messages in your mobile phone and in your FB News Feed!
Free use of peer-reviewed professional eJournals
Released: 05 December 2011
Continue using the online eJournals for all your research and academic pursuits.
Started last 01 July 2011, the free use of peer-reviewed professional eJournals will be available until the end of this year, or a total period of half-year.
The top 3 eJournal databases (EBSCO, ProQuest and Cengage) being used by pedigreed universities worldwide (i.e., Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford) are available for free to the entire PLM community at the Library Internet Station and the Medical Library (PLM and OM).
Campus Ministry's 28th Foundation
Released: 04 December 2011
The Campus Ministry brought in a joyful faith experience to discover one's faith anew with the "Ako si Christian" acoustic concert.
Free Microsoft software packages on Tue
Released: 02 December 2011
The Microsoft Student Partners (MSP) in PLM, in cooperation with the ITC, CET, JPCS and CSSC, unveil a seminar, BurnFest 2011, on Tuesday, 06 Dec 2011, Justo Albert Auditorium. Free Microsoft software will be given for free to the attendees.
CET-SC conducts Org Fair
Released: 02 December 2011
The biggest college of PLM (CET) is conducting today its "student organization fair" at the University Activity Center to showcase the premium being offered by said societies and recruit new members.
Computer Studies Department celebrates 28 foundation year
Released: 01 December 2011
The annual ITech Day, celebrated with the theme, CSD@28: GUTS (Gearing Up Towards Success), occupies the Tanghalang Bayan on 03 December 2011.
QuitsS (Quit Smoking Support) Program in December
Released: 01 December 2011
Let's savor the relieving and soothing breeze of December, which is best complemented by a clean air. So stop smoking -- for your health and the well-being of everyone, including the environment!
Join the PLM Clinic (Health Services) in its "QuitsS Program: How to Quit Smoking" seminar at GA 201, 2-4pm today
November 2011
PLM Health Services: Quit Smoking
Released: 30 November 2011
Let's savor the relieving and soothing breeze of December, which is best complemented by a clean air. So stop smoking -- for your health and the well-being of everyone, including the environment!
Join the PLM Clinic (Health Services) in its "QuitS Program: How to Quit Smoking" seminar at GA 201, 2-4pm, Thursday, 01 Dec.
PLM joined Manila in Bonifacio birth celeb
Released: 30 November 2011
PLM joins the city government of Manila today in commemorating the 148th birth anniversary of its foremost son and hero of the Philippine Revolution, Gat Andres Bonifacio, at 7:30am, Bonifacio Shrine, Taft Ave.
All faculty members & their deans, as well as staff/employees & their chiefs/directors, are enjoined to celebrate this important milestone in the life of our nation.
Quake & Fire Drill on Tue, 29 Nov, 3pm »
Released: 28 November 2011
To ensure the readiness of the PLM community to the emergency events like earthquakes and fire outbreaks, another drill is slated by the PLM.
PLM proudly affirms its industry-academe institutional linkages over 3 consecutive days
[22 Nov] SMART: Top executives of SWEEP/ADIS partner schools like PLM were invited to its high-powered “Developing Leaders for Nation-Building” seminar
[23 Nov] Wikimedia Foundation: US-based Global South Relationships head has visited Asia and PLM is one of the only 2 schools and one of the only 3 government functionaries in the Philippines in his itinerary [including the National Archives and National Library]
[24 Nov] Accenture: The “Big A” invited 35 top-performing PLM scholars in its annual event in recognition of the high repute of PLM's academic excellence as one of the elite group of universities that Accenture recognizes [who stand to be offered premium jobs even before graduation]
Underground River: 7 Wonders of Nature »
Released: 12 November 2011
We made it! We did it! Our synchronized efforts paid off!
The Palawan Underground River is crowned as among the new 7 Wonders of Nature in a provisional counting. Official announcement shall be made in 2012 after a series of validation.
This has earned dignity and honor for our country, as well as raised awareness on the stark threats of environmental degradation to our world.
Underground River: 7 Wonders of Nature »
Released: 11 November 2011
We did it! Our synchronized efforts paid off!
The Palawan Underground River is crowned as among the new 7 Wonders of Nature in a provisional counting. Official announcement shall be made in 2012 after a series of validation.
CET welcomes new leaders
Released: 02 November 2011
Former CET and GSE dean Juan C. Tallara Jr. comes full circle as he starts today his stint as the new OIC-dean of CET, in lieu of OIC-dean Richard C. Regala who served for a year.
Engr. Erwin D. Marcelo, former Computer Studies leadperson, joins the new CET management as Engineering Laboratory coordinator.
October 2011
PLMAT processing officially announced » »
Released: 26 October 2011
With the PLMAT primer officially released, come 14 Nov, the processing of freshman admission test applications formally commences.
Call for Good Samaritans after typhoons
Released: 10 October 2011
CUES is mobilizing for a relief operation for typhoons Pedring and Quiel victims. Reaching out to your hearts for volunteerism, pls. turnover to the CUES (GV 1st floor) all donations in any form (rice, canned goods, milk, clothings, foods, mineral water, etc.) on 11 OCT 2011 only.
Campus Ministry: Pray for World Peace
Released: 09 October 2011
The Campus Ministry invites every Filipino to join the Family Rosary Crusade by praying for world peace. For 200 days from 10 Oct 2011 to 30 May 2012, the FRC is enlisting from the faithful a prayer of 5 decades or 1 rosary each day (Monday to Saturday) for the intentions of one nation, until all nations of the world are covered. The Sunday Rosary is reserved for our own families and our nation, the Philippines.
World Teachers' Day 2011
Released: 05 October 2011
PLM joins UNESCO and the Malacanang Palace in the celebration of the World Teachers' Day today. We salute all the passionate and committed educators who continue the tradition of bringing out the best in its scholars and inspiring the next breed of leaders steeped in ethics, values and character.
May their selfless sacrifice and devotion to duty, despite the ever-constant dazzling temptation of the industry practice's fortunes, be eternally recognized.
Official PLM email activation for freshmen
Released: 01 October 2011
Started on 29 & 30 Sep, the activation was extended until Monday, 10 Oct, for those who have not been able to secure their accounts.
September 2011
Free MRT/LRT ride TODAY for Govt Employees
Released: 29 September 2011
In observance of the 111th Anniversary of the Civil Service System under the theme, "Championing R.A.C.E.: Public Service Excellence at Full Speed."
29 Sep (Thursday), 7-9am and 5-7pm only
Wear your ID so you can pass thru Service Gates
Top of the Hour (Advisory):
Released: 28 September 2011
Acting President Garayblas, accompanied by University Officials, is on-hand and on-site to assess the situation at PLM. He officially suspended the classes and administrative works effective 12noon considering, among other equally-important factors, the power outage which may only be restored later in the day as per Meralco advisory.
Top of the Hour:
Released: 27 September 2011
Malacanang Palace announced the resumption of classes and public service in government offices Wednesday, 28 Sep. PLM resumes classes and administrative works come Wednesday.
Top of the Hour:
Released: 27 September 2011
Due to Typhoon Pedring's expected onslaught, classes at all levels and office works are suspended Tuesday. All CEP media tools are now broadcasting this announcement.
As of 9pm, no announcement yet for Wednesday.
The storm signal has waned down from 2 to 1.
AP conducts 3rd Journalism Forum »
Released: 09 September 2011
With the theme, FYI, FOI! and featuring speakers from NUJP, ATIN, PCIJ and CMFR, AP unveils its 3rd of a series of journalism forum on Saturday, 10 Sep, 12-6pm at the Bukod-Tanging Bulwagan.
PCAC groups clinched competition awards
Released: 05 September 2011
The PLM Student Choral Society placed 2nd among the 6 finalists in the Eco Choral category of the 22nd Travelmart cultural contest held 04 Sep.
The Hiyas ng Maynilad Dance Company and the PLM Rondalla won 3rd place (Folkloric Dance) on 02 Sep, besting 17 groups all over the country.
PLM joins Alay Lakad 2011 Sunday
Released: 02 September 2011
"Hakbang sa Pagbabago, Alay sa Kabataang Pilipino" behooves all 40 years old and below, including CWTS and ROTC, to join come Sunday, 04 Sep, 5am at the Arroceros St. and to march towards the Quirino Grandstand in yellow shirt.
Registrar releases Final Exams schedule »
Released: 01 September 2011
August 2011
PLM observes heroes' and Eid Al-Fitr days
Released: 29 August 2011
A long week-end marks the observance of two important holidays in the country: the National Heroes day (Monday, 29 Aug) and the Eid Al-Fitr day (Tuesday, 30 Aug) as the culmination, respectively, of the virtues of heroism and purity.
OSDS Dean suspends CWTS session today
Released: 28 August 2011
Dean Michelle Ventura announces the suspension of CWTS classes today due to inclement weather.
111th Phil. Civil Service Anniversary »
Released: 25 August 2011
Theme: "Championing RACE: Public Service Excellence at Full Speed"
:: RACE to Serve Fun Run: 04 Sep, PICC, 5am
:: Honors Awards Rites: Sep, Malacanang Palace
:: PCSA Sale: 19 Sep, SM outlets nationwide
Underground River: Wonder of Nature »
Released: 24 August 2011
PLM, a public institution with a social justice orientation and advocacy, is an exponent of environmental protection. PLM supports the nationwide campaign for Palawan Underground River as among the 7 wonders of the world.
PLM believes that it will bring economic, social & tourism benefits to Palawan and the whole country should this become successful. More than anything else, it will earn dignity and honor for our country, and raise awareness on the stark threats and challenges of environmental degradation.
To vote: Text PPUR to 2861,
or click this link: »
PLM commemorates Ninoy's martyrdom
Released: 21 August 2011
PLM joins the country in commemorating the martyrdom of Ninoy Aquino which served as an impetus for the return of democracy in the Philippines, at Bonifacio Drive today, 7:30 am.
Manila Bay SUNSET Partnership Program
Released: 19 August 2011
As part of PLM's advocacy for Corporate Social Responsibility under the leadership of CUES, PLM joins the institutional Manila Bay clean-up linkage program. A milestone multi-sectoral MoA signing slated on 20 Aug 2011 will bring together the biggest eco-advocates in the Capital City to save our environment so that the future generations may equally enjoy the beauty of Nature.
Correct PLM Seal launched in 2009: Institutionalized for unified official use »
Released: 17 August 2011
Formally launched and publicly presented on 19 June 2009 by the Top Management Team as one of the highlights of the 44th Foundation Day, the correct unifying heraldic icon (produced for the first time in PLM's history in April 2009) was institutionalized 16 Aug 2011 for unified official use thru a Presidential approval, thereby affirming the faithful and accurate rendition after an extensive research and thorough study on the arts and science of Heraldry. » »
eJournal training at Library Internet Station
Released: 11 August 2011
To upgrade the resource base of PLM for its research and scholarly pursuits, the 3rd wave of eJournal training will be conducted at the LIS Friday, 12 Aug, with deans, professors and the entire URC's research staff in tow.
Development Policy Research Month (DPRM)
Released: 11 August 2011
To emphasize the importance of policy research in national development, come September is the 9th DPRM celebration, teeming with events co-sponsored by PIDS. With the theme, “Back to ABCs: Education for Development," the focus shifts to addressing educational issues and challenges that hamper the fight against poverty.
University Dress Code clarifications
Released: 10 August 2011
For the guidance of all concerned, comprehensive clarifications on the University Dress Code, on a FAQ format, was released. »
2011 Intramurals open on 10 Aug, 1pm
Released: 10 August 2011
With the theme, "Building Character and Friendship through Sports," the 2011 Student Intramurals open today with the parade of athletes under the baton of the PLM Marching Band, the lighting of the symbolic torch, oath of sportsmanship and opening of the Intramurals. The opening program unveils at the Rajah Sulayman Gymnasium.
PLM Clinic's "TB in the Workplace" forum
Released: 04 August 2011
The University Health Services will conduct a lay forum on "TB in the Workplace" at 2-3pm, GA 201. Two administrative staff are invited to attend.
ADVISORY (Posted at 9:20am):
Released: 04 August 2011
For the guidance of everyone, in a memorandum released today by the University Registrar, the midterm exams that were suspended on Tuesday, 02 Aug, is re-scheduled on Tuesday, 09 Aug.
Urgent Advisory (TD Kabayan):
Released: 02 August 2011, 4:30 pm
The scheduled exams for Wednesday and henceforth remain the same. The affected Tuesday exams will be rescheduled. Though traditionally all affected exams are re-scheduled on the same day of the following week, the Office of the University Registrar will issue an appropriate announcement on the final arrangements.
Released: 02 August 2011, 12:30pm
Administrative works are likewise suspended now, as advised by the HRDO. Keep safe, our fellow public servants! Your service to PLM all these years to ensure the flame of excellence and benefit our scholars is worthy of emulation and cannot be discounted.
Released: 02 August 2011, 8:37am
Classes/exams are suspended today eff. 10am.
All academic activities are suspended (including Med, Law & Graduate Schools), excluding the public service of the staff in offices and colleges.
Pls. stand by for an announcement on the resolution on how the affected activities would proceed, like the new schedule of examinations. As always, announcements are first posted in the official digital public face of PLM, www.plm.edu.ph, then to the other CEP media tools of PLM.
July 2011
Commemorating Aquino's 2nd death year
Released: 31 July 2011
PLM joins Manila in commemorating the 2nd death anniversary of President Corazon C. Aquino thru a flag raising ceremony come Monday, 01 August, 7:30am at the site of the monument of the late president at the Bonifacio Drive, Intramuros, near Manila Hotel.
OSDS Dean suspends CWTS today, 31 July
Released: 31 July 2011
Due to erratic weather, the CWTS classes were suspended today by Dean Michelle Ventura. Pls keep safe and focus on reviewing for the upcoming exams.
Campus Ministry conducts basic orientation
Released: 28 July 2011
The Ministry aims to strengthen the awareness of the PLM community on its mission thru a basic seminar today, 28 July, 10am-12nn, GA 201.
Free health services screening & lay forum
Released: 28 July 2011
To ensure a healthy workforce for public service, the University Health Services is providing today a free fasting blood sugar screening and cholesterol screening for employees.
A lay forum on "Diabetes Neuropathy" follows at GA 201, 2-3pm.
PLM clinches top posts in PT state board
Released: 27 July 2011
By maintaining its usual 100% passing rate and top slots, including the coveted 1st place, PLM clinches another milestone in the PT school's performance in the July 2011 Physical Therapist's licensure exam, a testament to its unbridled excellence at the onset, by dislodging anew the juggernaut of its usual fellow front-runner UST.
PLM garnered the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 7th and 10th top places led by Michael Thomas G. Roldan with 86.80% rating, followed by Mary Grace D. Santos with 85.40%, Eunice S. Chin with 85.20%, Raymond C. Bartolome with 84.20%, and Ana Marie D. Narvaez with 83.75%.
Juaning Storm Advisories:
Released: 27 July 2011
President Garayblas announces the suspension of administrative works effective 1pm today.
Classes are suspended today since the Malacanang announcement, on the strength of the joint advisory from PAG-ASA & NDRRMC, covers all tertiary institutions, circumscribing PLM therein, without a need for further announcement from PLM.
Released: 26 July 2011
The announcement affecting 27 July (Wednesday) due to Tropical Storm Juaning will be issued at an opportune time.
General Storm Advisory on suspension of classes »
Despite the suspension of classes & work, the research seminar for eJournals for selected deans, dept. chairs and faculty members went on at 2pm at the Library Internet Station -- in a bid to beef up the research capability of PLM.
Electronic journals open the door to vast resources of peer-reviewed scholarly researches all over the world.
Kudos to the participants!
President Garayblas suspends classes and work as of 2pm.
PLM braces for 2nd P-Noy SONA, 25 July
Released: 25 July 2011
PLM, a public learning institution founded to mold its scholars into more responsible and productive citizens through its educational philosophy of training them professionally in public affairs and developing their social consciousness, welcomes the SONA at 4pm Monday as a milestone in the life of our Nation. President Aquino is set to deliver the Government's historic prime focus at social transformation as its centerpiece program.
Fun run for a cause come 31 July »
Released: 21 July 2011
The College of Medicine, lead convenor of "Run for Juan," invites everyone to pre-register now.
When: 31 July (Sunday), 4:30am to 10am
Where: UP Diliman Academic Oval
Cell: 09286879594, 09238020460, 09173592246
eJournal resources now available in PLM
Released: 18 July 2011
To optimize the use of technology in enhancing the research culture in PLM, the University Library is spearheading a free demo use of electronic journals by the PLM community for at least 4 months. Access the vast database of peer-reviewed professional journals online, in aid of research, at the Library Internet Station.
N.B.: A hands-on training for Deans & other officers was conducted 16 July at the LIS.
Campus Minister joins PLM's crusade 01 Jul
Released: 18 July 2011
A new CM joins PLM's crusade of producing holistic scholars. Ms. Siony Tabada invites everyone to join, or even sponsor, the scheduled mass (every W/F, 12nn) at the PLM Chapel. Interested groups may also seek for recollection or retreat sessions.
CET freshman orientation slated today
Released: 13 July 2011
To set the tone for a dynamic learning experience ahead, the biggest/largest college in PLM holds its freshman orientation at 1pm, JA Auditorium.
Disaster risk management thru survival kits
Released: 13 July 2011
Looking forward to the possibility of a variety of cataclysmic events like quakes, typhoons and floods, a precautionary safety measure, by way of keeping a ready Survival Kit, is encouraged -- with your fully-charged cellphones in tow. »
GSM Dean is concurrent OIC of OVPAA
Released: 11 July 2011
GSM dean Neri S. Pescadera was designated as officer-in-charge of the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. He will serve on a concurrent capacity effective 12 July until further orders, in lieu of Dr. Virginia N. Santos who retired at the close of office hours on 11 July, capping a more than a decade of service as VPAA.
CME 1st general assembly come 14-15 July
Released: 09 July 2011
"Project Runway: Walking through the runway of Success" is CME's theme for its general assembly at the Justo Albert Auditorium, 1-5pm.
14 July: 1st-2nd years · 15 July: 3rd-4th years
Blood donation for Cluster 2
Released: 03 July 2011
CAUP, CET, CM and CoPERS will once again embark on a productive voluntary blood donation round come 07 July, 8am-5pm at UAC.
One doesn't have to be Superman to save lives. Be a blood hero! This is one fine example of PLM's social responsibility advocacy that touches lives across the nation.
June 2011
PLM to conduct quake & fire drill today
Released: 29 June 2011
The Tugon Kaligtasan Committee, reconstituted on 22 June under PAO No. 2011-10, will once again hold an earthquake and fire drill at 3pm today to beef up its disaster preparedness program pursuant to City Ord. No. 7753. Everyone inside the campus is enjoined to participate in the drill.
Architecture school cited by PRC as top 4 »
Released: 25 June 2011
The results of the 10 & 12 June 2011 board exams ushered PLM as the top 4 in the 20-49 examinee-category with a passing performance of 79.41% (27/34), way higher than the national passing rate of 52.68%.
PLM joins the 440th Manila Day celebration
Released: 21 June 2011
Kicking off with a thanksgiving mass at San Agustin Church and at the Bonifacio Shrine, simultaneous wreath laying events are slated come 24 June in honor of Manila's founders (Rajah Sulayman and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi) and its greatest son, Andres Bonifacio.
46th Foundation & 150th Rizal birthday »
Released: 21 June 2011
Capped by a service awards ceremony for employees & alumni and a field demo by scholars, faculty and staff, the 46th foundation anniversary was celebrated with traditional and new ideas in tow. The inspiration behind PLM's foundation, national hero Dr. Jose Rizal, also had his sesquicentennial birth celebration commemorated by the PLM community with the unveiling of his bust as the new official PLM landmark.
Manila celebrates 113th Independence Day
Released: 09 June 2011
PLM joins the whole country at the Rizal Park at 6:30am and at the Quirino Grandstand at 3pm. Theme: "Kalayaan: Paninindigan ng Bayan"
New OIC-deans designated this SY »
The first wave of designations of officers-in-charge of colleges was disseminated today: Dr. Annie C. Gallardo (GSASE, effective 09 June), Ms. Ma. Jesusa Lourdes D. Rodolfo (GSHS, 01 June) and Dr. Honorata M. Pagaduan (CAE, 01 June).
The second wave had Prof. Richard C. Regala (CET, 01 June) who was re-designated after the expiration of his tenure last 31 May.
46th Foundation program of activities »
Released: 06 June 2011
The Committee Chair has released the initial information on the celebration of the upcoming PLM's foundation.
PLM ushers into a new school year today
Released: 06 June 2011
2000+ fresh scholars will tread the halls of PLM today as PLM welcomes back the upperclassmen. PLM's "culture of excellence" continues to flourish!
PLM contingent clinches "Pinoy Henyo"
Released: 04 June 2011
Great news at the start of the new school year! Carrying the name and colors of PLM with dignity, pride and honor, scholars from the College of Human Development made it in less than 30 seconds today at the Pinoy Henyo segment, dislodging UE and Adamson in the weekly level.
PLM braces for 46th Foundation this month
Released: 01 June 2011
Come 16-19 June, PLM's celebration debuts with an entrepreneurial concept on 13 June. It is capped by fiesta-themed field demonstration (Higantes, Pangbenga, Sinulog & Mascara) and other festivities that commemorate the excellence of PLM, including a tribute to one of its foundational inspirations, the late national hero Dr. Jose Rizal who laid emphasis on education as the true liberator of the Filipino people.
New OSDS Dean designated starting today
Released: 01 June 2011
Engr. Dennis Edward Diano leaves the portals of student development & services with a light heart. Teeming with pioneering efforts like back-yard cleanup & institutionalization of essential student policies, his stint serves as a lodestar upon which the performance of his successors shall be guided and measured according to the ethos of his leadership acumen. He is succeeded by Prof. Michelle A. Ventura effective 01 June.
May 2011
ROTC enrollment on 04 June, 8am, UAC
The DMST announces the ROTC enrollment of NSTP for freshmen. Bring along your parents for orientation at 8am and submit a 2x2 ID picture.
PCAC-CUES summer workshop 2011
Released: 24 May 2011
Featuring a special performance by PCAC's cultural groups, a "song, dance & music recital" premiers 55 children of PLM employees at Justo Albert Auditorium tomorrow, 25 May, 10:30am.
PLM mourns passing of former Board chair
Released: 24 May 2011
PLM expresses its deepest sympathies to the bereaved family of former regent and Board chair Alejandro Roces, national artist for literature. »
2011 IT Literacy Program unveils Batch 1
Released: 24 May 2011
The first batch of trainees for the 8-day Office Productivity Suite (admin employees) starts today, 23 May, at the GCA CAD Laboratory. The second batch for the 240-hour Java Programming training (CET faculty) has since started, while the second batch for the eLearning (faculty members) will be on 02 June.
PLM: A trusted and preferred university alongside UP, Ateneo, La Salle, and UST
PLM's powerful name and brand equity as a leading scholars' university, whose excellence the CHED has acknowledged as "beyond reproach and a class by itself," has regularly been a specific top preference since the last decade in the personnel hiring of cutting-edge companies. » »
Operation Tuli in Intramuros village today
Released: 16 May 2011
All young lads in all Intramuros barangays are slated as beneficiaries of PLM's community extension service this Summer for circumcision. Brgy. 658's hall hosts the outreach program.
University Calendar for SY 2011-2012 »
Released: 13 May 2011
Approved under BOR Res. No. 3371, this shall govern the year-round slate of activities in PLM.
2011 Faculty Devt Seminar
on 12-13 May
Released: 10 May 2011
All faculty members are reminded to attend the faculty confab at the Justo Albert Auditorium. Registration starts at 7:30am. Sponsor: 2011 Faculty Development Workshop Committee
With "Managing University Productivity Towards a Dynamic Community" as the theme, the faculty members assessed its past year's productivity index and set their new goals for a better future.
PLMAT results for non-Manila honorees
Released: 09 May 2011
The results for the 12 April PLMAT has been released today and posted at the University Activity Center. Enrollment is on 30 May.
MCAT results posted at the PLM Lobby
Released: 05 May 2011
The College of Medicine and the Office of the University Registrar released the list of incoming Medicine freshmen and posted at the PLM Lobby.
Enrollment sched: 1st Sem, SY 2011-2012
The OUR issues the enrollment schedule for incoming freshmen, upperclassmen, and professional and graduate students. »
April 2011
New MassCom dean & CS designated
Released: 28 April 2011
Prof. Ludmila R. Labagnoy elevates from her current post as college secretary to college dean come 01 May 2011. In her lieu as college secretary is Ms. Maria Rosario A. Taylo.
FREE Microsoft Certification Exam vouchers
Released: 28 April 2011
PLM's institutional partnership w/ Microsoft enables those who have an official PLM email account a free voucher to an internationally-recognized Microsoft certification exam that will serve as a strong credential when applying in the industry. Hurry, limited slots only. »
Law School admission test on 14 May
Released: 26 April 2011
Admission test for those interested on the 4-year Juris Doctor degree is set on 14 May. Apply now!
Law school's freshman admission
Released: 18 April 2011
The College of Law is set to administer the CLAT on 30 April and 14 May 2011. For inquiries, pls. call 527-9074. Requirements Primer
PLMAT results for non-Manila honorees
Released: 18 April 2011
The Office of the University Registrar announces that the results for the non-Manila honorees who took the PLMAT last 12 April will be known shortly after the 1st week of May 2011.
15 Apr: Commencement Exercises, PICC
Released: 15 April 2011
Today, as they usher into a new milestone in their life as PLM graduates, they are graduands no more, but alumni who now serve as the ambassadors of goodwill of our dear Pamantasan.
15 Apr: Commencement Exercises, PICC
Released: 14 April 2011
Today as their last day as graduands, excitement fills the air as they usher into a new milestone in their life.
Today: Baccalaureate Mass for Graduands
Released: 13 April 2011
Congratulations to all successful candidates for graduation and the expected Latin honorees!
Call for Applicants for Teaching Positions
Released: 04 April 2011
The Computer Studies Department under the College of Engineering & Technology is in need of FULL-TIME faculty members to teach I.T. subjects starting this 1st Sem (AY 2011–2012) with the ff. qualifications:
-Graduate of a 4- or 5-year course in IT, CS or CoE/CpE
-Preferably with master's degree or with units earned/enrolled (MS-IT, MS-CS, MS-IM, MEM-CoE, etc.)
-At least 2 years of teaching &/or industry experience
You may send your application letter & resume thru [email protected]:
Prof. Richard C. Regala
OIC, College of Engineering & Technology
Thru: Prof. Leisyl M. Ocampo
Chair, Computer Studies Dept.
PLMAT for non-Manilans moved to 12 April
Released: 01 April 2011
Due to the declaration of 11 April as a holiday, the OUR announced the rescheduling of the 11 April exam to 12 April. Other exam details in the test permit remain the same, i.e., time and room.
N.B.: This was publicly announced also through the official FB page of PLM.
March 2011
Call for Applicants for Teaching Positions
Released: 29 Mar 2011
The Department of English under the College of Liberal Arts is accepting applicants for AY 2011-2012. Pls. submit a letter of application, along with detailed resume and transcripts of records in both undergraduate and graduate levels, to:
Prof. Evelyn L. Sebastian
OIC, College of Liberal Arts
Thru: Prof. Jennifer Decena-Monje
Chair, Dept. of English
Gender & Dev't Seminar, 29-30 March
Released: 28 Mar 2011
In observance of the 2011 Women's Month, CUES conducts activities on Magna Carta for Women:
29 (T), 1-5pm, B. Manileño: Lecture-Forum
30 (W), 8am-5pm, UAC: Women's Activities
(Livelihood skills display/demo, tiangge exhibits for food & massage chairs, NGOs, aerobics/physical fitness, etc.)
Supreme Court website posts bar passers
Released: 23 Mar 2011
The Supreme Court released thru its official website the roster of new lawyers who passed the gruelling September 2010 bar exams. PLM congratulates its 8 new lawyers in the most difficult bar in almost a decade that resulted to only 20.26% national passing rate (982/4,847). PLM fielded 12 new law graduates in the 2010 bar.
New lawyers:
Atty. Artemis Q. Badando
Atty. Persel G. Esman
Atty. Eduardo Cezar D. Gaanan, Jr.
Atty. Vanessa L. Ilustrisimo
Atty. Maria Katrina L. Infante
Atty. Limuel V. Baldoza
Atty. Maricel Rufin-Cairo
Atty. Yvette F. Cutaran-Contacto
Graduation and Baccalaureate Mass 2011
The Ad-Hoc Committee on Graduation announces the ff. activities:
Thanksgiving Mass: Wed, 13 April, 4pm, PLM grounds
Commencement Exercises: Friday, 15 April, PICC Forum Hall
Morning and Afternoon sessions
Sympathy over Japan's 9-Magnitude quake
Released: 12 Mar 2011
In the aftermath of the tragic tremor, PLM offers its endless prayers to the people of Japan. With the enormous havoc & devastation brought by Nature’s wrath, people of all cultures must come together in the spirit of love & formidable faith.
February 2011
Final exams for 2nd Sem, SY 2010-2011
Released: 28 Feb 2011
Week 11 of 2011 marks the Finals of the non-graduating students (14-19 March).
Ang Pamantasan pre-election forum
24 Feb, 1:30-5pm, University Activity Center
To aid the electorate in choosing their prospective leaders, the Ang Pamantasan held a GPoA cum debate forum graced by political parties and dubbed as Harapan sa Pamantasan.
COMELEC issues student election sked
Released: 22 Feb 2011
COMELEC Chair Bryan Joseph P. Suniga releases the schedule for the upcoming student council elections: 28 Feb is the casting of votes
» 21-24 Feb: Campaign Period, 9am of Feb 21 to 9pm of 24 Feb
» 28 Feb: Election Day/Casting of Votes, 9am to 7pm, UAC
» 28 Feb to 01 Mar: Canvassing/counting of votes, Immediately after the casting of the last vote
» 07 Mar: Proclamation of Winners, 3pm-5pm, Bulwagang Manileño
Top performing schools feted by Accenture
Released: 22 Feb 2011
PLM is among the elite group of top universities trusted by Accenture to beef up its global manpower for management consulting, technology services & outsourcing in meeting the demands of its clients belonging to the Top 500 corporations worldwide. In its exclusive, by-invitation-only University Leads Forum on 21 Feb, Accenture presented its CSR programs to the officials of select schools whose excellence it trusts and recognizes.
The IT Center, as the PLM's manager for innovative programs (including recent institutional linkages with the finest names in the industry), is exploring a strong and meaningful industry-academe linkage with Accenture. Through the Accenture Education Program (AEP), a range of quantitative and qualitative benefits stand to be opened to PLM. These include: priority hiring of PLM graduates, priority acceptance for OJT/industry-internship, administering elective classes on relevant fields for free (i.e., enterprise systems, financial services, etc.), on-site exclusive recruitment in PLM, and intensive student leadership development conference for top graduating scholars. More notable is the donation of a modern Accenture Ideas Exchange and Learning Laboratory, including networked computers and environmentals.
PLM got 8th & 9th places in Nursing board
Released: 19 Feb 2011
Sustaining its legacy of excellence with 97.45% passing rate (national passing rate is 35.24% only), PLM congratulates its 191 new nurses and its 2 placers in the December 2010 Nursing state board released Saturday, 19 Feb.
8th place: Dennis G. Duran, 85.60%
9th place: Christine Jannie P. Rivera, 85.40%
Amidst an unusual display of dominance by non-Manila schools this year, consistent top performer PLM broke the line by clinching 2 top slots (8th & 9th). Likewise, PLM is one of the only two perennial top performing schools that made it in this year's top performers, taking the 4th notch (100 or more examinees) and 5th place overall (all categories combined). Hence, PLM is the only consistent top performing school with topnotchers this year. With 191 passers out of 196 examinees, PLM got a 97.45% passing rate (national passing rate is only 35.249%).
Indeed, as acknowledged by the CHEd and concurred in by the Philippine Congress, PLM's excellence is "beyond reproach and a class by itself."
New biometrics (finger-print scan) bundy
Released: 18 Feb 2011
The HRD Office, in cooperation with the IT Center, announces that PLM will start using on Monday, 21 Feb, a biometric bundy system to improve its attendance records keeping. Two units, using industrial optical technology, will be on hand.
PLMAT skeds for results & honorees exam
Released: 17 Feb 2011
The University Registrar releases the ff. schedules
04 March: Release of PLMAT results
11 April: PLMAT for valedictorians & salutatorians
BSCS-IT 3rd year presents Bada mobile OS
Released: 16 Feb 2011
Operating systems determine how our devices will function, and this seminar helps us explore the new mobile OS of world-wide leader Samsung. »
Dr. Jose Rizal @150: A Provocative Lecture
Released: 14 Feb 2011
PLM and the Manila Historical & Heritage Commission present a provocative lecture on "Rizal: Lies my teacher told me," featuring Dr. Floro C. Quibuyen, on 21 Feb, 1:30-5pm, at the TOP Room. Poster
College of Science turns 8 on 16 Feb
Released: 14 Feb 2011
CS is one of the 3 colleges that were born out of the mother college, the former College of Arts & Sciences, with the other 2 being CLA and CMC. Riding on the theme, "Leveling up the Research Culture towards Responsible Stewardship of Nature," the CS is on the right track in upscaling environmental protection and curbing degradation.
No classes on People Power anniv, 25 Feb
Released: 14 Feb 2011
P-Noy proclaims, thru Proclamation No.
84, that there will be no classes for schools, but regular office work and services will not be disrupted.
HRD prepares PLM for biometrics pilot
Released: 03 Feb 2011
The HRD Office is poised to improve the time keeping system thru the biometrics technology. An orientation and profile registration is set on 07-08 Feb at GA-201. Before the cut-over, a pilot test starts on 16 Feb in parallel with the old bundy system.
Voluntary blood donation comes full circle
Released: 31 Jan 2011
With all the four clusters having finished their turn, Cluster 1 conducts its 2nd round of bloodletting on 03 Feb, 8-5pm, UAC. Pre-assessment of Blood donors on 01-02 Feb at the PLM Lobby.
PCAC unveils Kulturescope VIII-Sanlahi
Released: 31 Jan 2011
Bankrolling with a free concert preview on 02 Feb, 3pm at Justo Albert Auditorium, PCAC braces for a series of future shows at the Rizal National Park in May and in the Phil-Am Life Theatre in August.
January 2011
Law Dean's Lecture Series presents...
Released: 27 Jan 2011
Sen. Gregorio B. Honasan debuts as resource speaker for this year's first of the Law lecture series themed: "Public Order and the Rule of Law" on Friday, 28 Jan, 3pm, Bukod-Tanging Bulwagan.
Sympathies for a fallen alumna in Makati bus blast
Released: 26 Jan 2011
PLM expresses its deepest sympathies to the bereaved family of Ms. Irish Teniola, a BSBA-Management alumna (2009), for her untimely demise in the gruesome bus blast in Makati Tuesday. The PLM community offers prayers for the eternal repose of her soul.
Campus Ministry announces slated events
Released: 24 Jan 2011
» Eucharistic Celebration: Every Wed & Fri, 12nn,
Shrine of Jesus, the Divine Teacher (PLM Chapel)
» Mass Wedding: 14 Feb, San Agustin Parish
» Sacrament of Confirmation: 28 Feb, PLM Chapel
Campus Ministry observes Nat'l Bible Week
Released: 24 Jan 2011
A 2-day celebration (Jan 25-26) kicks off at 8am, Tanghalang Bayan (Tue) and followed by a Bible Enthronement at University Chapel at 9am. Event
VPAA approves SSC's Consti public hearing
Released: 24 Jan 2011
To ensure a strong stakeholders' participation and the full understanding of the overriding need to significantly polish the SC charter of loopholes so as to respond to the realities and changing needs of the times, the SSC has slated a public session on 28 Jan, 1-4pm, Bulwagang Manileño. This aims to realize the standing clamor for charter revision.
PLM greets Acting President Garayblas
Released: 20 Jan 2011
The PLM community greets Atty. Rafaelito Garayblas belatedly today (his actual birthday is 18 Jan) at the catwalk of the Executive Bldg. PLM's public servants thanked him for his well-rounded and empowering leadership that serves as their lodestar in providing service excellence to the scholars and the public.
PhiloMedica Scientia celebrates 22nd year
Released: 18 Jan 2011
College of Medicine's PMS observes its 22nd year with a clear statement: "With the sheer beauty of pure intentions and traditions, our noble foundation remains unscatched for generations..."
SSC launches Bantay Isko program
Released: 17 Jan 2011
To better serve the student community, the SSC launched another
program that puts premium to the welfare and well-being of the scholars, thru a mobile communication service (SSC InfoBoard).
Register your Globe & Sun numbers: Poster
The SSC InfoBoard is open for a whole-day registration on Friday (28 Feb) for SMART only.
PLM publishes official FaceBook account
Released: 14 Jan 2011
To directly touchbase with its important stakeholders, PLM published its official FaceBook account on 13 Jan 2011. "Like" the page to receive news flash and advisories directly to your FB news feeds.
Update 1: Official FB page of PLM hits 200 likes at 20th hour (less than 1 day) after its announcement; breaches 300 at nightfall of 2nd day (less than 1 & 1/2 day).
Let's keep the pace of having 100 hits per half-day! Regular announcements to commence soon!
Update 2 (19 Jan 2011): We are proud and elated to announce that, in less than a week, we have reached the MILESTONE of 1000 likes from our community of scholars, alumni & public servants. May this momentum reach the hearts of PLMayers all over the globe. Items of interest will be posted as we innovate our Communication Enhancement Program for the benefit of the PLM community.
Registrar releases Midterm exams schedule
Released: 10 Jan 2011
Come the 3rd week of January, 17-22, the 2-hour exam slot per subject will be administered. Departmental exams will cover 7-9am and 11am-1pm (M to S), and 3-5pm (M to W). Schedule
Law school's freshman admission opens
Released: 05 Jan 2011
The College of Law is set to administer the CLAT on 29 Jan, 26 Feb, 26 Mar and 30 April 2011. For inquiries, pls. call 527-9074. Requirements Primer
College of Medicine: Freshman admission
Released: 05 Jan 2011
The last day for freshman admission of the professional medical school ends on 31 Jan 2011.
1st Eucharistic celebration for 2011
Released: 05 Jan 2011
The Campus Ministry invites the PLM community to join one another in thanking the Lord for His faithfulness to us in 2010 and in entreating for the abundance of His unending grace and love in 2011 (12nn, Friday, 07 Jan, at the Shrine of Jesus, the Divine Teacher [PLM Chapel]).
PLM welcomes back its community
Released: 03 Jan 2011
PLM welcomes back everyone to its portals as a new year ushers in with a fresh outlook in tow, starting with the reinforcement of the research foundation of the faculty members.
December 2010
PLM: upbeat on prospects for the new year
Released: 28 Dec 2010
As 2010 comes to a close, PLM prides itself of another fruitful year marked by the usual topnotchers in state board exams and other awards. PLM looks forward to scaling greater heights even as it strengthens its service excellence towards the youth of Manila.
PLM greets scholars, employees & alumni
Released: 23 Dec 2010
As the 2010th celebration of the birth of Christ draws near, let us reflect on the essence of His coming to Earth. The Almighty Father's only Son is His answer to the predicament of humanity, so that through His ultimate supreme sacrifice and unconditional love, we may live in His unending grace and away from the clutches of evil.
Let us celebrate Christ's birth even as we bring more life and luster to the virtues of Christmas through our selfless consideration of others by way of gifts of love and amity to one and all!
CET shares love to hopeless streetchildren
Released: 20 Dec 2010
The College of Engineering & Technology, thru its Computer Studies department and in cooperation with the Center for University Extension Services, continues its 2nd year of "Four Seasons of Christmas" community services. At 1pm of 21 Dec, scholars, professors and employees will convert the University Activity Center into a shelter of faith, love, hope and charity for hapless street youngsters under the spirit of Christmas. Poster
SSC announces slated events for scholars
Released: 15 Dec 2010
16 Dec: 17th year founding annivary of CPT
17 Dec: Dawn Mass (Simbang Gabi), 5am, UAC c/o SSC, CSCs & all Student Organizations
17 Dec: Children's Christmas Party, 9am, Gym, c/o SSC & all Student Organizations
18 Dec: Mr. & Ms. Medicine, c/o CM
CHD celebrates foundation day, 10 Dec
Released: 09 Dec 2010
The College of Human Development has slated well-meaning activities like parade for the respect for human rights in celebration of its foundation day.
CET celebrates 41st foundation today
Released: 09 Dec 2010
One of the two oldest colleges of PLM celebrates its 41st anniversary today with a long-day slate of activities of search for talents and beauties.
Winners are: Mr. CpE & Ms. EcE bagged the Mr. & Ms. CET tilt; the CS department's contingent won the Showstopper dance contest; PSME for the Mash-Up singing contest; and ChE for the Best Society Shirt.
AP conducts Journalism Forum today
Released: 08 Dec 2010
Learn from the experts: Associated Press (AP), Thomson Reuters (Reuters) and Agence France-Presse (AFP) at Bulwagang Manileño, 1pm today.
CTHTIM rules as Ultimate Dance Crew
Released: 03 Dec 2010
Besting all other colleges, including the defending champion Knightmares of CET w/c placed 2nd, the Frontiers of CTHTIM won the 2010 Toxic Dance tilt sponsored by the BMS of CM. CAE placed 3rd.
Campus Ministry: 25th (Silver) anniv fest
Released: 03 Dec 2010
The Campus Ministry's silver anniversary on 06 to 07 Dec opened with an exhibit of religious orgs at GV Main Lobby. 2nd day is marked by the marching band's exhibition, thanksgiving mass, gift-giving, religious orgs events, merienda cena, film-showing, and a Bible quiz show.
SSC announces slated events for scholars
02 Dec: Film Showing, Bulwagang Manileño, 1pm c/o All-STAR, CTHTIM-SC and FLIP
03 Dec: Toxic Dancing, UAC, 7pm c/o BMS
06-15 Dec: Bukluran-ISO Crystal Anniversary
08 Dec: Journalism Forum, Bulwagang Manileño, 1pm c/o AP
14 Dec: Band Aids 2010, Tanghalang Bayan (PLM Grandstand), 5pm c/o PMS
November 2010
PLM's Christmas Party for employees
Released: 30 Nov 2010
Great tidings and fun will fill the air on the Yuletide fellowship for PLM's public servants on 17 Dec, starting 12 nn at the UAC.
Colleges celebrate foundation day
Released: 26 Nov 2010
CAE starts off last 26 Nov, with CAUP on 08 Dec & CET on 09 Dec. Come & join your college!
VIPRE security seminar on today at JA Audi
Released: 25 Nov 2010
Justo Albert Auditorium hosts today an anti-virus seminar at 1pm. Sponsored by SSC, Bukluran-ISO, CET-SC, ACpES, CSSC, ECESS and JPCS.
PLM: a special awardee in a national event
Released: 24 Nov 2010
SMART Phils. conferred on 23 Nov a special recognition to PLM for the continuing efforts to innovate PLM that are now etched in the history of innovative wireless communication in the Phils.
PLM is distinguished to be conferred a red-carpet VIP status at the front row along the ranks of the bigwigs of SMART’s top executives and its special foreign industry partners. Only UP-Diliman, Ateneo and PLM have clinched that rare privilege.
PLM IT director & chief technology officer Garry Erwin de Gracia, PLM's project manager for innovative projects, has received the award on behalf of PLM.
CET-Computer Studies' foundation, 04 Dec
Released: 22 Nov 2010
The CS/IT blasts its foundation day come 04 Dec with slated events on 01 & 04 Dec. Alumni are invited to join in the festivities in an effort to build the largest network of alumni in PLM.
Cervical Cancer seminar by PLM Clinic
Released: 22 Nov 2010
Its high mortality rate makes it the 2nd most common malignant and common cause of cancer-related mortality among Filipino women. Prevention requires apt education thru seminars.
Slated today, 2pm, 2-3pm at Bulwagang Manileño.
Dugong Alay-Dugtong Buhay continues
Released: 22 Nov 2010
Today, 24 Nov, the culture of giving continues at UAC as the Christmas season approaches.
Freshmen & new emps activate PLM emails
Released: 18 Nov 2010
With the official PLM email as the gateway to various learning resources, including Internet access, the activation is slated on 01-02 Dec at the University Library.
PLM Iskolars Dance Inc. in Skechers Battle
Released: 17 Nov 2010
The Skechers Streetdance Battle 6 will once again be rocked by grooving teams from various universities, with the PLM Iskolars Dance Inc. waving the name and colors of PLM with dignity, pride and honor come 20 Nov at the Araneta Coliseum. Let's support our very own delegation!
CM undergoes digital class training, 17 Nov
Released: 16 Nov 2010
In continuation of the industry-academe linkage agreement with Microsoft and with the PLM network infrastructure in full service again, PLM's development partner Microsoft trains the Medicine faculty on integrating ICT in education, specifically in the teaching environment and learning process.
PLMAT applications now open
Released: 15 Nov 2010
After months of pre-announcing the PLMAT in the PLM website, interested applicants can now personally submit all the requirements attesting to their legibility to take the examination.
PLM suspends works and classes 15 Nov
Released: 15 Nov 2010
Due to the mass transport strike, students and public servants went home earlier after 12nn.
CME celebrates 8th foundation on 18 Nov
Released: 11 Nov 2010
The College of Management & Entrepreneurship has slated programs of thanksgiving for its significant achievements since its establishment in 2002, with the theme, Got 2b Gr8 @ 8.
CET opens Org Fair on 12 Nov at UAC
Released: 11 Nov 2010
The CET-SC conducts an organization fair to encourage a meaningful participation and student life for PLM scholars. Academic societies (Eng'g & Technology) will showcase their best all day long.
Regala designated as new CET OIC-Dean
Released: 09 Nov 2010
Prof. Richard C. Regala's designation as officer-in-charge of the biggest, and one of the oldest, college of PLM is preceded by his stint as the longest-serving department chairperson in the College of Engineering & Technology. His service as department chair of Computer Studies is characterized by the solidification of the preference of the IT industry for the PLM graduates, principally for the industry-ready rigid training and ethical learnings being imbued by the CS faculty since the past decade. His designation is effective 01 Nov.
CUES sponsors Responsible Pet program
Released: 02 Nov 2010
Featuring a special guest lecturer from the Phil. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, PLM unveils the "Responsible Pet Ownership Program: Dog Lovers' Day" on 05 Nov, 8am-4pm at UAC. A Parade of Dogs and a Dog Contest (Talentadung Tuts, Most Obedient Dog, Fahionistang Doggy) are among the highlights, including pet accessorizing & grooming, pet vaccination, and booths & bazaar.
October 2010
2nd Sem, SY 2010-2011 starts 02 Nov
Released: 25 October 2010
The Academic Calendar provides that the classes for the 2nd semester starts on 02 Nov.
Garayblas announces Internet resumption
Acting President Garayblas' earlier approval of the provisioning of Internet benefits in PLM gives way to the reconnection of the University to the information highway. This is part of the major preparations for the opening of the new semester.
Announcement and Mechanics for FREE Internet
PLM celebrates United Nations Day 22 Oct
Released: 22 October 2010
The pupils of the Mabuhay Integrated Learning Center celebrates the annual foundation of the United Nations with a parade of national customes.
Half-day work in PLM on 19 Oct
Released: 19 October 2010
PLM declares suspension of work starting 12 noon today due to inclement weather brought by typhoon Juan.
Training-Workshop on Community Profiling
Released: 19 October 2010
CUES engages the CWTS advisers and extension coordinators on the development of an adopted urban community as a community laboratory for instruction, research and extension services. Training schedules on Oct 21, 22, 26-27.
PLM joins int'l environment campaign
Released: 08 October 2010
In a unique 10-10-10 fashion, PLM scholars led by Bukluran-ISO formed a human sign of 350, the maximum safe level of carbon content in the atmosphere (in ppm). A simultaneous worldwide event by www.350.org, it seeks to bring down the current harmful level of 392ppm to 350ppm.
September 2010
New EVP and Chief Legal Counsel ushers in
Released: 20 Sep 2010
Atty. Gladys France J. Palarca was designated as Executive Vice President effective today, and concurrently as OIC-Chief of the Office of the University Legal Counsel, vice Atty. Patrick L. Mariano who was hired as chief legal counsel by a leading multinational company.
NHC chair to lecture on Philippine history
Released: 16 Sep 2010
Dr. Serafin Quiason, chair of National Historical Commission, shall speak on 22 September 2010 at the TOP Room on the segments of our country's history that may interest the common citizens.
Blood heroes' day once again!
Released: 12 Sep 2010
CM, CET, CAUP and COPERS sponsors the 3rd monthly bloodletting program of the PLM community, also at the UAC, from 8am-5pm, 16 September 2010. PLM's culture is to save precious lives thru volunteerism and deep concern for our fellows.
Medicine Week offers medical outreach
Released: 12 Sep 2010
Mostly availed of by the faculty and staff, CM's faculty and students teamed up on 15 September 2010 to provide medical services, i.e., CBC, FBS & cholesterol count, ECG, papsmear, blood typing, etc. The medicine faculty was also on-hand to provide free consultations. Free medicines and vitamins were also dispensed to keep the PLM community's pink of health.
Internet pipe soon to serve PLM's needs
Released: 10 Sep 2010
Great news! To the delight of our thousands of scholars, Acting President Garayblas' approval last June will give way to the upcoming reconnection of this academic institution to the information highway with a direct (full 1:1 CIR) 12Mbps campus-wide Internet for Wi-fi and wired lines.
August 2010
Blood heroes' day once again!
Released: 26 August 2010
CPT, CTHTIM, CHD and CAE sponsored the 2nd monthly bloodletting program of the PLM community, also at the UAC, from 8am-5pm. PLM's culture is to save precious lives thru volunteerism and deep concern for our fellows.
Nation grieves senseless killings
Released: 23 August 2010
Within only 3 days, the nation is shocked by ruthless yet senseless murders: first, of a young scholar of PLM's sister-university (UMak) who was fatally tortured in a brutal, gangster-like hazing and was dumped by those who swore to serve as his refuge thru brotherhood; and secondly, of foreign tourists and a disgruntled yet be-medalled police officer after a botched hostage drama that is merely a stone's throw away from PLM.
In the aftermath of PLM's tragic loss of its medical scholar, PLM sympathizes with the loved ones of the victims of the savagery of these equally-dreadful tragedies, even as the absurdity of such dastardly acts deserves the strongest condemnations from the community of civilized societies -- that such a stark inhumanity is grossly despicable, at the least, for being a threat to peace & order and to the sanctity of precious human life. PLM prays for justice and healing.
Internet pipe soon to serve PLM's needs
Released: 23 August 2010
To the delight of our thousands of scholars, Acting President Garayblas' approval last June will give way to the upcoming reconnection of this academic institution to the information highway with a direct (full 1:1 CIR) 12Mbps campus-wide Internet for Wi-fi and wired lines.
PLM earns 96% passing rate in Med board
Released: 19 August 2010
The College of Medicine celebrates the high passing rate of its 2009 graduates in the recently released Medical board. Placing 4th among the top performing schools nationwide, PLM prides itself of 109 new quality doctors who will lead the social transformation for health services in the country.
Electronic classcards soon to deploy in PLM
Released: 12 August 2010
Through a gradual parallel test with a small pilot, e-grades will soon be implemented by all colleges through Microsoft's Live@edu program. More
COMELEC announces poll registration
Released: 02 August 2010
As a university, PLM carries a responsibility to educate its community on the obligations of the citizenship. In anticipation of the barangay and youth council elections, COMELEC issues an announcement on poll registration. Download
July 2010
PLM bags top slots in PT's July board exam
Released: 28 July 2010
Unbridled academic excellence is the birthright of PLM. As an enduring testament, CPT comes as a hall-famer, just like the other PLM colleges in their own domains, in producing top performers in the Physical Therapy licensure exam given this July. Locking heads strongly as always with UP-Manila, PLM's "PT Pride" got a 100% passing rate, and bagged the 2nd, 4th & 10th places, led by Mary Grace C. Morales (85.75%), Joma Guerrero C. Galang (85.60%) and Marcial M. Patrocinio Jr. (84.25%).
PLM is usually the strongest contender of the University of the Philippines for the top post, with UST sometimes joining the fray. This year, UP and PLM alternately took exclusively the top 5 posts. UP got 1st, 3rd and 5th with a 97% passing rate. UP and PLM were the only schools which had the most top placers. MCU-Caloocan got the 6th place (62% passing rate), while UST got the 7th (97% passing rate). UP again got the 8th slot with Velez College. UPHS-Laguna placed 9th while PLM tied with FEU for the 10th place.
Free fasting blood glucose screening
Released: 27 July 2010
As part of PLM's efforts to monitor diabetes, the UHS announces a free screening for employees on 28 July 2010 from 7:30-8:30am at the PLM Clinic.
Sympathies for a fallen Medicine scholar
Released: 26 July 2010
With one of its freshman students falling as a victim to a senseless stabbing by a motorcycle-riding robbery gang in Tondo, the College of Medicine offers sympathies to the bereaved family. The PLM community offers prayers for the eternal repose of the soul of Mary Roxanne Musngi, a full-blooded PLM alumna (BS-Bio 2010).
News daily articles: Phil Star Phil Journal
PLM Website to don a new look soon
Released: 26 July 2010
Watch out for the new style and feel of your official website to showcase this year's version. The PLM website is a living document and, thus, a continuously evolving item. The change and total revamp of the entire website will be gradual, with the home page to take the first noticeable face lift.
Mid-Term exams schedule released
Released: 23 July 2010
The Office of the University Registrar released the schedule of midterm exams. Download
New college officers designated
Released: 23 July 2010
A wave of new college secretaries, department chairs and other designees took the mantle of leadership. Complete list to be uploaded soon.
Changing of Guards in the Campus Ministry
With Bro. Erwin J. Sayson's transfer to PUP, Bro. Hearty F. Hernandez is joined by Ms. Angelica Macasaet as lay campus minister, announced Msgr. Vicente D. Bauson, CM director.
Classes and work suspended Wednesday
Released: 14 July 2010
Due to inclement weather and power breakdown, classes and work in PLM are suspended on Wednesday, 14 July. Power and mobile signal are fully restored by past 10pm. Classes and work are expected to resume by Thursday, 15 July.
2010 Christmas celeb Committee created
Released: 12 July 2010
Thru PAO No. 2010-11, OIC-Dean Susan Mercado and Dir. Garry Erwin de Gracia respectively chairs and co-chairs the upcoming 2010 Christmas celebration. Download
Curriculum Committee reorganized
Released: 08 July 2010
Thru PAO No. 2010-10, VPAA Virginia Santos chairs the UCC which is tasked, among others, to review and evaluate curricular matters. Download
Committee on Textbooks created
Released: 08 July 2010
Thru PAO No. 2010-09, VPAA Virginia Santos chairs the UCTIM which is tasked, among others, to review and recommend for official use all forms of instructional materials. Download
2011 Graduation & Recognition Committee
Released: 08 July 2010
Created thru PAO No. 2010-08, CAUP Dean Gil Evasco was appointed chairman. Members are the deans of CAE, CET, CHD, CL, CM, OSDS and OUR, chiefs of BPO, HRDO, PO, PDSPO and USG, and the SSC President. 43rd Commencement Exercises to be held on 15 April 2011. Download
More OICs take over colleges this July
Released: 08 July 2010
Aside from CET, other colleges were also designated with officers-in-charge. COPERS has Prof. Susan C. Mercado while Mr. Neil B. Gamus was named to CME, whose designations are both effective 12 July.
New OSDS dean and CET OIC-dean designated
Released: 06 July 2010
Taking over from Dean Sacop as OIC, Dean Dennis Edward Diano of CET is designated as dean of the Office of Student Development & Services. In lieu of Dean Diano as CET's officer-in-charge is his college secretary, Engr. Paul Valderama. Both designations take effect 07 July.
Chosen new stewards of light usher in
Released: 05 July 2010
The new editorial board of the Ang Pamantasan for SY 2010-2011 was released Saturday, 02 July, by the Screening Committee after a battery of procedures. Led by Florence M. Rosini as editor-in-chief and Benjamin Nathaniel T. Bondoc as her associate, 18 other editors and staffers complete Rosini's court to bring light and continue the long tradition of quality campus journalism in PLM.
PLM: Let's be one in saving lives thru blood
Released: 05 July 2010
Wanna be a lifesaver-volunteer? You are not alone! With your blood donation, who knows the next life to be saved is that of your own family or friend? Nurture their body as you nurture your soul! The culture of giving is a virtue no end.
Come 20 July, a new beginning in our community extension services will be launched -- with you and your colleges as the prime movers. Starting now, you can drop by your college and ask how to be a hero or heroine of your community by way of blood donation. There are so much we can do and achieve if we are one and we move together.
The 7-day countdown started on 13 July with the unveiling of the commemorative tarp at PLM Main Lobby. Blood screening for donors like you is on 15, 16 & 19 July at the PLM Clinic, main lobby.
SSC thanks supporters on Sapphire celeb
Released: 05 July 2010
In a letter circulated to various offices and entities, the Supreme Student Council through its president, Jessica Anne Sibal, expressed its deepest gratitude for the immense support extended to the SSC and for being part of the triumph to achieve a successful milestone celebration.
With 90.80% score, CAUP team places 3rd
Released: 01 July 2010
Beating 5 other schools, the CAUP team lands at over-all 3rd place in the Candaba Wetlands design competition released recently. Sponsored by and conducted at UP-Diliman's School of Urban and Regional Planning, which placed 2nd, with the theme, "Unraveling Nature: A Peek into Wetlands and Architecture." UST leads the 7 other schools, including MIT, FEU, DLSU-Dasma, BSU & TIP-QC.
June 2010
PLM joins all Filipinos in welcoming Noynoy
Released: 30 June 2010
With an overwhelming mandate to serve the Filipino people as a ticket to a new beginning, President Aquino ascends not only as the 15th President of the Philippines, but more importantly, as the icon of hope to the people who is slated to bring lasting transformational changes in turning around the plight of the poor.
Last schedule for freshman orientation
Released: 25 June 2010
Intended for late enrollees and those who missed their earlier schedule, the OSDS convened the last session from 8am to 12nn at the Justo Albert Audi.
CAUP grad places 4th in Architecture Exam
Released: 22 June 2010
Dean Gil Evasco bares that a PLM alumnus was 4th placer at 85.40%, with only 1.2% shy away from the topnotcher. Jared Aaron R. Cruz brought honors to PLM for locking heads with UP-Diliman counterparts where most of his fellow topnotchers hail from. He leads 19 other new PLM architects.
SSC's PRO clarifies misstatement of finalist
Released: 21 June 2010
At the final stretch of the G. at Bb. Pamantasan contest, the SSC apologizes for the announcement of another candidate to the 5th slot of the female division's slate of finalists for the PLM Fashionista. Reinstated to the slate was Ms. CMC after the Tabulation Committee (TC) revisited the raw scores from the score sheets. In the interest of full transparency and honesty, an announcement cum apology was publicly made and to be widely publicized in the Ang Pamantasan's next issue. The public statement articulates, among others, that the event's TC has committed an honest mistake, even as remedial measures were instituted as an offshoot of the circumstances, one of which was to restore the sanctity of the slate to its pristine state before the commission of the human error which was neither deliberate nor intentional.
CTHTIM and CME bag gender-equality tilt
Released: 20 June 2010
Gender equality-themed Ginoo at Binibining Pamantasan's crowns were invested upon Mr. CTHTIM and Ms. CME who were also proclaimed as "Sun's Brightest" candidates for their razor-sharp answers to questions leveled on them. Their court is completed by Mr. COPERS and Ms. CET bagging the 1st runner-up posts, with Mr. & Ms. CMC as 2nd runners-up.
Judged by luminaries in various fields, Mr. CET bagged the most in the category awards, while Ms. CET and Ms. CMC tied in the ladies' division. Completing the finalist slate were Mr. CME, Ms. CHD and Ms. CPT.
Amid a heavy rainpour that forced the organizers to change the venue at the last minute, the biggest Sapphire foundation anniversary event was successfully conducted Saturday, 19 June.
Lim exhorts more benefits for scholars
Released: 18 June 2010
In his keynote address at the Loyalty Service Awards ceremonies, 18 June, Mayor Lim declares his desire to focus the fiscal savings of PLM for the acquisition and provisioning of services that will benefit the scholars. This comes as a welcome news for the Supreme Student Council which is poised to lead the transformational revolution to optimize the policy statement of the father of Manila for the benefit of the studentry.
Mayor Lim also stressed that the loyalty of the employees is to the institution, not to its President or any person running the institution. He exhorted the PRAISE Committee to come up with an award category for those who have stood their ground to fight and expose the abuses of the presidency to avoid excesses in the mismanagement of PLM.
MassCom wins 2010 PLM Dance Mania
Released: 17 June 2010
Clinching with a minute breath away from CTHTIM (Tourism) in a spectacularly contested dance tilt, CMC won as the 2010 PLM's Ultimate Dance Crew as part of the 1st day celebration of PLM's Sapphire foundation anniversary. CAE (Accountancy) places at 3rd.
It's a blue year for the Sapphire milestone
Released: 10 June 2010
Teeming with advocacies, the whole PLM is painted in blue the whole year round as it celebrates its Sapphire foundation year. Event highlights are from 17-19 June. Download the slated events.
May 2010
GSL announces opening of tri-sem subjects
Released: 24 May 2010
Justice Angelina Gutierrez announces the offering of 4 graduate subjects for Doctor of Civil Law. For inquiries: 404-0380; 0923-2302781/0917-9186794
1st Sem, SY 2010-11 started 07 June
Released: 21 May 2010
Since PLM is autonomous from or independent of CHED, PLM follows its University Calendar as approved by the Board of Regents. Classes started on 07 Jun. Last enrolment on 11 June. Memo University Calendar
Competitive exam for campus journalists on
Released: 17 May 2010
The Ang Pamantasan conducts its competitive exams for the incoming editorial board and staff on 28 May, Friday. Filing of application is until 26 May.
PLM public servants to take dev't confab
Released: 17 May 2010
About 400 PLM administrative staff & officials will take the annual development seminar culmination activity on 27-28 May to sustain PLM's public service excellence.
Faculty dev't confab in Baguio City
Released: 07 May 2010
The professoriate trooped to the Teachers' Camp, Baguio City, 13-15 May 2010, for the annual development program shortly after the national & local elections.
April 2010
New Regents attend first Board meeting
Released: 29 April 2010
Two new stewards of the University have attended their first board meeting today after securing the official confirmation by the City Council.
CL fetes a testimonial for bar passers and faculty
Released: 23 April 2010
The bar passers & 3 faculty members were feted by the College of Law in a testimonial at the PLM Pride Hall on 27 April, even as it unveils its official logo & motto in celebration of its 20th foundation, as well as the first-ever signing of the PLM-CL Roll of Attorneys.
More college officers designated
Ms. Ma. Cristina A. Mapuyan, former dean of CTHTIM (Tourism, Hotel & Travel Industry
Mgmt.), was designated OIC-Dean effective 22 April, in lieu of Dean Ramona L. Ty.
Supreme Court Justice Angelina S. Gutierrez (Ret.), Graduate School of Law dean, was redesignated effective 01 June.
New college officers designated
Dr. Isabelita M. Samaniego is new OIC-Dean of the College of Medicine, while Dr. Eufemia M. Collao is new Asst. Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research (in lieu of Dr. Samaniego), both effective 20 April. Prof. Jimmy M. Romero is new OIC-College Secretary, College of Human Development, effective 05 April.
New Regents join their fellows in the BOR
The appointments of Gemma Cruz-Araneta & Jesus Triños Jr. by the City Mayor as regents were formally confirmed by the City Council.
March 2010
New Student Affairs OIC-Dean designated
Released: 30 March 2010
Dean Bernadette A. Sacop, University Registrar, is designated as OIC-Dean of the Office of Student Dev't & Services effective 04 April 2010 vice Dean Marlon Miguel who resigned from the University. Engr. Miguel joined GMA-7, a leading TV network.
CL Batch 2009 garners 75% passing rate
Released: 26 March 2010
The College of Law's Batch 2009 registered a high passing rate of 75%, as compared to the national passing rate of only 24.58%, in the recently released Bar results by the Supreme Court. More
Career Development Program 2010 on 18 March
Released: 14 March 2010
Perk up your career development program, know how to polish your resume and all with the career symposium today at Bulwagang Manileño, 8am-5pm. Tired w/ the financial crisis? Gear up your best attire & join the Job Fair 2010 tomorrow at UAC & meet face-to-face the HR managers who may interview & hire you right away!
Microsoft's director for Asia-Pacific
Released: 12 March 2010
Singapore-based Mr. Steeve Haite visits the Philippines and PLM for a short talk about the innovative benefits of the special partnership between Microsoft and PLM. TOP Room, 2pm.
COMELEC released list of officers-elect
Released: 12 March 2010
Winners of the 27 Feb student elections were released by the COMELEC by posting the results on the OSDS bulletin board. Ang Partidong Tugon and the Bukluran Party Alliance shared the spoils, with Bukluran clinching almost all posts in SSC. List
42nd Commencement Exercises on 16 April
Released: 08 March 2010
Successful graduands are set to march on stage on 16 April in two (2) batches and carry the name and colors of PLM with dignity, pride and honor.
"Talk 2 Doc" by UHS on 12 March
Released: 08 March 2010
The PLM Clinic hosts the one-on-one consultation with Obstetricians from 9am-4pm at the GV Main Lobby. Sponsored by GSK Pharmaceuticals Inc., this is a follow-up to the "Laban ni Maria sa Cervical Cancer" lay forum intended for those who missed said event.
PLMAT results released by OUR
Released: 08 March 2010
The Dean of Admissions released the official results of the admission test for new freshmen. Some 1,400 names of successful examinees were posted at the University Activity Center.
OUR issues Summer sched: 29 Mar-15 May
Released: 08 March 2010
The Office of the University Registrar released the Summer schedule encompassing March to May 2010 from registration to closing. Memo
OUR releases Finals sched: 15-20 March
Released: 08 March 2010
The Office of the University Registrar released the protocols for final exams, removal of INC grades, class cards distribution, final report of grades, and securing of clearances from OSDS. Memo
"Talk 2 Doc" by UHS on 12 March
Released: 04 March 2010
The PLM Clinic hosted a one-on-one consultation with Obstetricians from 9am-4pm, 08 March 2010 at the GV Main Lobby. Sponsored by GSK Pharmaceuticals Inc., this is a follow-up to the "Laban ni Maria sa Cervical Cancer" lay forum intended for those who missed said event.
Talakayan sa Tagumpay ng Kababaihan
Released: 01 March 2010
In celebration of the Women's Month, CUES & CLA extolled the feats of feminine power as they bring together lady luminaries in the fields dominated by men, at 9am-12nn, Bulwagang Manileño.
February 2010
University Recognition 2010
Released: 27 February 2010
Recognizing the feats and achievements of the PLM community takes the centerstage last Friday, at 1:30pm, JA Auditorium.
Cervical Cancer Lay Forum on 04 March
Released: 27 February 2010
UHS's Dr. Socorro Bernardino presides over the cancer lay forum for employees and students at the Bulwagang Manileño, 3:30 to 4:30pm.
FREE Blood Glucose Screening on 19 Feb
Released: 18 February 2010
As part of our efforts to monitor the health of our employees and provide screening and early diagnosis of Diabetes, the UHS in coordination with Sanofi Aventis will conduct free blood sugar screening on 19 February 2010; 7:30-8am at the University Clinic.
Student Council elections on 26 Feb
Released: 18 February 2010
The Commission on Elections announced the holding
of the annual elections for the posts to be vacated by the current student officers on 26 Feb 2010, 8am-3pm.
MILC pupils' recognition day on 25 Feb
Released: 18 February 2010
The College of Human Development recognized 23 graduates of the Mabuhay Integrated Learning Center at the Bulwagang Manileño, 9-11am. MILC caters to the pre-school children of PLM employees. Announcement
PLM Campus Ministry confab on 23 Feb
Released: 16 February 2010
The PLM Campus Ministry invites everyone to a fellowship on the significance of campus ministry with Msgr. Vicente D. Bauson, Archdiocese of Manila's campus ministry director, at the Bulwagang Manileño, 2-3:30pm.
PLM has a new Acting President
Released: 12 February 2010
Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the President Atty. Rafaelito M. Garayblas was designated by the Board of Regents as Acting President by virtue of BOR Res. No. 3274, effective upon the resignation of his predecessor, 01 Dec 2009.
Loss of a public servant and dear friend
Released: 11 February 2010
PLM bids farewell to Emelita Alicdan, long-time Registrar and HRD personnel, who joined our Creator on 10 Feb. She served 30 years and was a Service awardee in last year's Foundation day.
ANG PAMANTASAN's contests extended
Released: 08 February 2010
Got literary writing skills? How about an eye for photography? Join the ANG PAMANTASAN's contests for: Gintong Panitik (poetry, etc), Search for the PLM Hottest Issue (event writeup), Photography contest (color & grayscale), and Search for the AP's oldest issue (1979-1999). Deadline for submission extended to 27 Feb! Check on www.angpamantasan.com. More
San Francisco-Manila Sister City mission
Released: 08 February 2010
A cultural and trade mission led by luminaries will visit PLM on Thursday, 11 February 2010, 2:30pm at the UAC. PLM and the City of Manila has a long-standing linkage with the City of San Francisco, California. Global Heritage Fund (GHF), a UNESCO-affiliated foundation that funds restoration & preservation of historical sites such as Intramuros, establishes a working relationship with PLM and the Department of Tourism.
January 2010
Education Seminar on automated election
Released: 27 January 2010
The College
of Law co-sponsors a full day seminar with the PPCRV on Wednesday, 03 Feb (Justo Albert Audi), for faculty and scholars on the rudiments of automated elections come May 2010. Hands-on demo (mock voting) using official PCOS machines is among the highlights. Memo Photojournal
Call for 2010 Recognition Day nominations
Released: 13 January 2010
The Committee announces the opening of nominations for the regular awards; also calls on alumni all over the globe to submit info on earned feats (in professional jobs, talent ingenuity, etc.) for a likely recognition by their alma mater. More
CME to graduate new BPA batches
Six (6) classes of Bachelor in Public Administration are set to graduate come 27 Jan 2010 at the Justo Albert Auditorium. Successful classes hail from the Manila City Hall batches 2 & 3, NICA batch 2, and PAGCOR batches 1-3. Hon. Mayor Alfredo S. Lim will deliver the commencement address before a total of 185 new graduates, 17 of whom are outstanding students.
Law admission tests set on month ends
Released: 07 January 2010
The College
of Law announced the opening of its admission tests on 30 Jan, 27 Feb, 27 Mar and 24 April. Downloadable primer available soon. For inquiries: 527-7941 to 49, local 30; 527-9074.
Midterm Exams schedule on 18-23 Jan
Released: 07 January 2010
The OUR released the schedule of midterms for undergrads. For details, pls. call local 33. More
CME to graduate new BPA batches
Released: 07 January 2010
Six (6) classes of Bachelor in Public Administration are set to graduate come 27 Jan 2010 at the Justo Albert Auditorium. Successful classes hail from the Manila City Hall batches 2 & 3, NICA, and PAGCOR batches 1-3.
Renewal of parking stickers for vehicles
Released: 06 January 2010
The VP for Admin issued a memo that effective 01 Feb 2010, the 2009 stickers shall no longer be valid. Owners are advised to renew on a first-come-first-serve basis due to limited parking space inside the University.
December 2009
PLM Alumni Association to elect officers
Released: 23 December 2009
Citing that PLM education is the best thing that happened to them, the alumni are set to elect their new set of officers vice the interim officers on 27 Feb 2010 in PLM. For more info, pls. email President Jess Triños or Dean Flor Ferrer, Chair, Election Committee. More
CUES & PLM alumni's Christmas extension
Released: 21 December 2009
With the PLM Alumni Association's US and Canada chapters as partners, CUES embarks on its "Ating Kalinga at Kalusugan sa Araw ng Pasko" at UAC on 22 Dec, starting 8am, for 200 children from the Intramuros community and 50 from the children of PLM employees. Teeming with health consultation, de-worming, storytelling, fun & games, snacks feeding and giving gifts with medicines, these children's Christmas experience will never be the same again! PLM addresses once again the community members' health, social and financial needs in commemoration of the Christ's birth.
Public servants in PLM celebrate Christmas
Released: 14 December 2009
The morning of Dec 18 is a red-day for the entire faculty and staff of PLM. Emulating the blessed birth of the Savior 2009 years ago, PLM remains steadfast to the commitment of serving the Almighty thru a blessed public service ministry by educating Manila's youth and helping them cope up through the many faces of life's hardships.
Microsoft gifts Starbucks certificates
Released: 11 December 2009
As part of the continuing Benefits Enhancement Program of PLM & in observance of the Holiday Seasons, Microsoft will randomly send an email to official @plm.edu.ph email accounts everyday. Any PLM scholar, faculty or staff who will reply to the emailed query within 24 hours will automatically win a STARBUCKS gift certificate worth P100. Check out your PLM email everyday and you might be the next winner!
SMART gifted 40 prizes to PLM community
Released: 11 December 2009
The Maagang Pamaskong Handog of SMART last Dec 9 & 10 saw 40 winners of premium items, including the major prizes of laptop, 5 cellphones, 2 PSPs, 4 iPod Shuffles and SMART loads. Among the lucky winners is Kristine A. Justo, BSA-1 who has been using her "free PLM SIM with free top-up load credit courtesy of PLM" since September. She won the grand prize:
New branded laptop.
HRD opens a career position for December
Released: 04 December 2009
After last publishing vacant career positions in October 2009, the HRD resumes its publication for a vacant position last 04 December 2009. More
AP celebrates Pearl foundation 01-05 Dec
Released: 01 December 2009
The Ang Pamantasan kicked-off its week-long special events on 01 Dec thru a launch and exhibit at UAC & Main Lobby. More
December fever blast off: Hot events fireworks in cool December
Released: 01 December 2009
The 1st day of the last month of the year blasted off with exciting events: PLM hosted ABS-CBN's Umagang Kay Ganda segment and the launching of the "Boto Mo, I-patrol Mo," plus the CET Ruby (40th) and the AP Pearl (30th) celebrations.
November 2009
CHD celebrates 7th foundation, 10-11 Dec
Released: 27 November 2009
With the classic Sisa of Jose Rizal's Noli Me Tangere fame as the main plot, CHD breaks a film showing on 10 Dec, Justo Albert Auditorium, 5:30-9pm featuring actress Jodie Sta. Maria.
Alumni Association to hold Christmas Party
Released: 27 November 2009
PLMAAI President Jess Triños invites alumni to join the PLMAAI Christmas party & fellowship on 11 Dec, 6pm, PLM Pride Hall
AP celebrates Pearl foundation 01-05 Dec
Released: 24 November 2009
The Ang Pamantasan kicks-off its week-long special events on 01 Dec thru a launch and exhibit at UAC & Main Lobby. See other exciting events
CET is Toxic Dance's ultimate dance champ
Released: 26 November 2009
Besting all other colleges & reeling from a whopping victory last 19 June's 44th PLM foundation day, CET rules the dance floor anew in a back-to-back victory as the grandslam champion of the year. CME sets at 2nd place with CTHTIM at 3rd.
CET's Ruby foundation celeb on 01-04 Dec
Released: 24 November 2009
40 years of glorious feats come to CET as it reminisces its milestones of achievements.The 1st day of the last month of the year blasted off with exciting events. Umagang Kay Ganda, CET Ruby (40th) & AP Pearl (30th) anniversaries. Congrats to all the organizers who toiled wonderfully 4d best! Join their activities & contests. See posters for details. More
IT Literacy Program for PLM officials
Released: 24 November 2009
As part of the continuing benefits that the PLM may derive from well-meaning partnerships as a policy direction of the University and in support of the advocacy of the IT Center to infuse technical learnings among internal stakeholders, SMART will sponsor an IT Literacy Program for the heads of offices on 26 Nov
PLM bids adieu to the "Legacy President"
Released: 23 November 2009
Thanking one of shortest presidencies for instituting a wide-ranging legacy program that marked a great impact to PLM, the entire PLM community observed a milestone send-off event for President Adel Tamano on 23 Nov.
PLM SIM distribution: 3rd wave for 2009
Released: 23 November 2009
Missed your free PLM SIM with top-up load of P15? Worry no more! You'll have it come 09 & 10 Dec. An intellectual game will be broadcasted to the PLM SIMs. Send your answers promptly to the PLM InfoBoard. As Christmas approaches, exciting prizes await the winners with wonderful electronic gadgets and other items of interest.
PLM InfoBoard: FREE Textcast extended
Released: 23 November 2009
SMART's generosity in providing value-added services takes a step higher as it extended the free text broadcast of the PLM InfoBoard until 31 March 2010. Initially free until 15 Nov upon the ITC's request in July 2009, the free program was extended anew to give more premium to the PLM scholars.
Toxic Dance takes you to the groove spree
Released: 20 November 2009
Take the ride of your life for another night of annual showdown of dance prowess on 26 Nov at the UAC. BMS lights the night up as you cheer for your college entry.
CET's Battle of the Bands tilt on
CET invites you to its upcoming 40th anniversary's Battle of the Bands. Your multi-college band only needs 2 CET students to join! For mechanics, contact 09237065893 & 09157792358. Join now, showcase your talents & win exciting prizes!
Medicine scholars hosted First Gentleman
Released: 09 November 2009
Catering four successful batches in a row, FG Mike Arroyo was honored by PLM for the medical scholarship program pioneered by the College of Medicine and CUES that impacted on the lives of the poor.
Meaningful partnership with industry giant and worldwide software leader inked
:: SMART Wireless laboratory & cellsite
Telecom giant SMART turned-over the "marker of special partnership" to PLM last Thursday, 12 Nov at the CET Lab 3, 3pm.
:: Microsoft Live@edu worldwide program
Multinational software leader Microsoft made PLM the first university in the Philippiness to deploy a full-scale rollout of Microsoft's worldwide Live@edu program. MOA signing last Friday, 13 Nov, 2pm, UAC. Distribution of official PLM emails to faculty & employees the whole day at the Library Internet Station.
CET alumnus bags 4th place in EcE Board
Released: 09 November 2009
Teosseth G. Altar leads other successful passers in the recent EcE licensure exam, putting PLM on 3rd rank under Category C. Garnering 89.80% rate, he placed 4th.
Free Hepa-B screening & vaccination ★
Released: 05 November 2009
Administrative employees who were employed before 31 Dec 2008 are entitled to a free screening for Hepa-B & receive the first dose of vaccine for FREE at the University Clinic.
Screening: 09-10 Nov, 8:30-11am & 1:30-4pm
Vaccination: 11-13 Nov, 8:30-11am & 1:30-4pm
CME to observe 7th founding anniversary
Come 25 Nov, CME will blast its 7th foundation with exciting activities around the campus.
Clinic to launch “Dugo Mo, Buhay Ko”
Released: 05 November 2009
The University Health Services invites all willing blood donors to donate blood voluntarily on 01 Dec, 8am-4pm, UAC. For inquiries, pls. visit the Clinic or call thru 527-7941-47 loc. 45.
PLM: First university in the Phils to have a full-scale deployment of Live@edu
Released: 04 November 2009
After the 5 1/2 day enrolment, President Adel Tamano welcomed back the bright scholars to PLM. With their new official <name>@plm.edu.ph email & state-of-the-art online tools, be proud as PLM now carries the distinction as the FIRST UNIVERSITY IN THE PHILIPPINES with full-scale deployment of Microsoft's worldwide Live@edu program. We have just joined the league of Ivy Leaguers in the US & other leading foreign universities. And this is just the beginning of the wonderful world of cyber-education at PLM. Congrats, PLM!
Released: 03 November 2009
Designation of Dr. Maria Cielo B. Malijan as Planning Resources Coordinator, College of Medicine effective 03 November 2009, with ETU of 6 units and honorarium of PhP 1,500 per month.
Released: 03 November 2009
Designation of Ms. Noemi C. Gocuyo as Executive Assistant to the Dean of the Graduate School of Management effective 03 November 2009, with ETU of 9 units.
College of Science OIC-Dean designated
Released: 03 November 2009
Prof. Procula B. Amarillo's designation takes effect on 01 November 2009 in lieu of Prof. Eileen Vitug.
October 2009
CET enrollment resumes on 03 Nov
Released: 30 October 2009
Enrollment resumes on 03 Nov 2009, without penalty at all. Classes start on 03 Nov, but CET students undergoing enrolment are excused from classes on Tuesday. Late registration & add-drop period is on 04-07 Nov.
CN celebrates Ruby foundation, 09-14 Nov
Released: 29 October 2009
Standing tall and firm on 40, the College of Nursing observes its anniversary week as it looks back to its glorious feats over the decades.
CET to hold Ruby anniversary alumni homecoming on Feb 2010
Released: 29 October 2009
The College of Engineering & Technology invites its alumni to its 40th (Ruby) anniversary's alumni homecoming. In observance of this milestone, CET has slated exciting activities to commemorate its long years of providing excellent technical education. Mark your calendar red! As its popular slogan cries, "Go, engineers!"
Registration details to be uploaded soon.
Accountancy college to hold 1st alumni homecoming come 21 Nov
Released: 26 October 2009
The College of Accountancy & Economics, formerly known as the College of Commerce and subsequently the College of Business & Public Administration, calls on alumni to the first homecoming for a cause on 21 Nov. Register now! For more info, download the CAE's invite.
Corporate-looking and formal-sounding official PLM email distributed ★
Released: 26 October 2009
Towards the end of his tenure as President, Atty. Adel Tamano offers yet another innovative undertaking for the communication enhancement in PLM. Distributed during the enrollment for the 2nd Semester, the corporate-sounding and formal-looking official PLM email address, similar to those by Ivy League universities, were distributed to enrollees at the Library Internet Station. Other than being a dynamic communication medium, the official email would serve a variety of utilities for the many other exciting services in the University. Watch out for these!
Dance scholars inched to coveted Finals
Released: 19 October 2009
Besting other schools (in a 15-school, 2nd-batch showdown) at the Skechers Streetdance Battle held at the SkyDome, the PLM Iskolars Dance Inc. clinched last 17 Oct a notch in the top 5 finalists. Grand finals will be on 21 Nov at the Araneta Coliseum where batch finalists are set to rock the stage for the tilt and grand prize.
Official, corporate-looking and formal-sounding PLM email to be launched ★
Released: 05 October 2009
Have you been dreaming of an official, corporate-sounding, formal-looking PLM email address <yourname>@plm.edu.ph similar to Ivy League universities that you as a scholar can proudly flash to anyone? Do you like online educational collaboration tools where faculty & scholars can exchange learning resources in an instant? Want to edit exact same documents simultaneously like thesis or group works anytime, anywhere? Do you need a 25Gb secure online storage for your private & public files and for those learning tools' files? How about a 10Gb capacity for your emails? If YES, President Tamano says that you can have those, and more, starting next Sem upon enrolment this October!
UPDATE: Upon receiving your PRF from your respective colleges, you will proceed to the Library Internet Station to claim your "log-in credentials slip" that contains your log-in ID and password. You will be asked to activate your account through the computers. You will then proceed to the UAC for the usual registration process. This email account will be your primary log-in for free Wi-Fi and PowerLine internet access in the future, and for many other exciting services in the campus.
PLM SIM distribution anew: Thursday & Friday
Released: 04 October 2009
Upon insistent demand and clamor from those who have not yet availed of their PLM SIM, another wave of distribution is set on Thursday (08 Oct) and Friday (09 Oct), 8am-5pm, also at the UAC.
PLM InfoBoard & PLM SIM launch Thursday ★
Released: 04 October 2009
Kicking off from the appreciation by the PLM community of the utility and key benefits of using the PLM SIM, the formal launch is slated on Thursday, 08 Oct, 10 am, at the University Activity Center.
Unveiling of Gusaling Corazon Aquino ★
Released: 04 October 2009
The newest building, then unofficially called as Gusaling Intramuros, is to be formally unveiled in memory of a distinguished PLM alumna, an endless icon of democracy in the country, on Thursday, 08 Oct, 3:30pm.
Launching of Centralized Printing Service ★
Released: 04 October 2009
Another addition to the full-range of services for our scholars, this is a highly-subsidized/discounted printing service that boasts of color and B/W laser printers. This augments the free Internet access at the University Library. Launching is meshed with that of Gusaling Aquino on 08 Oct.
Seminal Concept
PLM is primarily a service-oriented institution. As such, the University has taken a milestone direction towards providing relevant services supportive of the scholarship needs of our scholars and their instructors. Among these is the beefing up of the Internet Station at the University Library.
At present, the Internet Station caters to the Internet needs of the faculty and scholars for free. Additionally, there are few units for composing articles and other academic pursuits aimed at substantially reducing, if not totally eliminating, the costs incurred by our scholars in renting at commercial cafés outside the campus.
To further stretch the scholarly benefits an extra mile and complete the range of benefits for our city scholars, a printing service has been established as another way of sustaining academic excellence.
It is believed that this will prove to be beneficial to the scholars and other important internal stakeholders of the University.
President Tamano spearheads another medical mission at UAC ★
Released: 04 October 2009
Health issues emerge as among the most basic and enduring needs of survivors of catastrophic disasters like that wrought by Ondoy. In keeping with its social responsibilities and as a caring university, PLM launches another medical mission among the depressed areas of its immediate vicinities.
Right inside PLM's premises, scholars get first hand experiences, side by side with the faculty & alumni, on providing health services to the poorest of communities. President Tamano personally donated P20,000 as seed fund & solicits for medical items from the Belo medical group. PLM officials pledged additional amount to keep the spirit going. Next mission on Friday, 09 Oct, 8am-5pm, also at UAC.
President Tamano said that the natural calamity was a great equalizer of poor and rich alike, and each has his own story to tell about the hardships and damages encountered by all of us in the metropolis. For those who are less affected and can still move on better than others, this is an opportunity to let our more affected fellows know that we really care for them.
ROTC & work suspended; Regular classes resume on Monday, 05 Oct
Released: 03 October 2009
While reeling from Ondoy's fury and bracing for a seemingly veering away Peping, President Tamano SUSPENDS administrative work today and the ROTC tomorrow. Regular classes and work resume on Monday in light of the PLM community's prayers with the rest of our countrymen that our nation & our lives will return to normal.
Early release of 13th month pay and cash gift
Released: 02 October 2009
Pres. Tamano announces that in response to the needs of PLM faculty and employees due to the calamity brought about by typhoon Ondoy, said benefits will be released earlier this time, not later than 08 October, as authorized by the Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management.
PLM relief mission mobilizes Friday, 02 Oct ★
Released: 02 October 2009
On his birthday today, after politely declining early Tuesday a lively celebration being prepared by the PLM community for him, President Tamano engendered the PLM community to rather reach out to deeply-struck communities where relief efforts are needed. Pateros, still mired in mud & flood, and Pandacan, overflown by the swollen Pasig River, are the initial beneficiaries of PLM community's continuing compassion & generosity. PLM's aid also helps our brothers in preparing for the upcoming strong typhoon Pepeng.
PLM alumni mobilize to help Ondoy victims ★
Released: 02 October 2009
Alumni president Jess Triños reaches out to alumni and friends who have extra cash and goods to spare to augment the relief efforts of PLM in alleviating the plight of displaced victims.
Rumors Disclaimed
Released: 01 October 2009
Rumors are insinuating that PLM is hoarding relief donations so as to be distributed exclusively for Manila victims. President Adel Tamano disclaims this misleading info and clarifies that PLM is reaching out to other affected communities that need our help most. Our efforts will be on a CONTINUING basis as long as we have partners with golden heart like you.
Released: 01 October 2009
Designation of Prof. Procula B. Amarillo as OIC-Dean, College of Science effective 01 November 2009, with ETU of 15 units and RATA of PhP 8,000 per month.
September 2009
Released: 30 September 2009
Designation of Ms. Mila V. Dominguez, Human Resource Management Officer IV, as OIC, Human Resource Development Office, effective 05 October 2009 until further orders, with RATA of PhP 8,000 per month.
President Adel unveils relief efforts ★
Released: 29 September 2009
President Tamano institutionalizes a relief mission to promptly respond to disasters in the community. You may donate clothes, health drinks (Milo or milk), food nourishments, & other basic needs for our brothers in need. Packing of donated relief goods at UAC on 01 & 06 Oct. Distribution to communities on 02 & 07 Oct.
Classes suspended until 03 October
Released: 29 September 2009
President Tamano suspends classes until 03 October as an aftermath of the calamity, even as he enjoins the PLM family to pray for the safety and welfare of those affected by the flood.
University Calendar extended by a Week
Released: 29 September 2009
All schedules, including Final exams, distribution of classcards, submission of report of grades, enrollment period, start of classes, etc., are moved by a week due to supervening events.
Download: Registrar's Memo Schedule of Revised Departmental Exam Revised Enrollment Schedule
Released: 28 September 2009
Designation of Atty. Rafaelito M. Garayblas, Executive Vice President, as Officer-in-Charge, Office of the President, for the duration of the leave of absence of President Tamano effective 05 October 2009 until further orders. As OIC, he is authorized to approve operational expenditures, purchase orders, disbursement vouchers, payrolls, cash advances, transfer of funds and renewal of time deposit with the LBP.
Released: 28 September 2009
Designation of Atty. Patrick L. Mariano, Deputy Executive Vice President and University Legal Counsel, as Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Executive Vice President, effective 05 October 2009 until further orders. As OIC, he is authorized to sign all checks and withdrawals against the LBP, as well as negotiable instruments and other evidence of payments in the name of the University.
Classes & work suspended due to typhoon (Updated)
Released: 27 September 2009
President Tamano suspends classes and work on 28 & 29 September (Monday and Tuesday) as an aftermath of the calamity, even as he enjoins the PLM family to pray for the safety and welfare of those affected by the flood. For assistance to the flood victims, pls. contact the NP flood hotline: 0917-4226800.
PLM InfoBoard blasted off announcements
Released: 27 September 2009
More than 3,000 subscribers (as of 25 Sep) received announcements and updates in the newly operational yet soon-to-be inaugurated InfoBoard.
Bar exams postponed to 04 October
Released: 26 September 2009
The Bar Confidant announced that the 4th Sunday (27 Sept) of the Bar exams is postponed to the following Sunday, 04 October.
Classes suspended Saturday
Released: 26 September 2009
Due to inclement weather, classes at all levels and administrative work are suspended 26 September.
Released: 26 September 2009
Designation of Ms. Angelita Y. Dela Cruz as Director for Student Activities, Office of Student Development and Services effective 01 December 2009.
Registrar announces PLMAT processing
Released: 08 September 2009
Come 16 Nov, the Registrar starts the processing of applications for freshman admissions test.
PLM's Anti Red Tape Citizen's Charter
Released: 04 September 2009
A landmark step towards weeding out red tape and stamping out graft and corruption -- this charter brings to higher level the commitment of PLM to transparency and efficiency, pursuant to CSC's requirement as mandated by RA 9485 (Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007). Download
August 2009
Released: 25 August 2009
Designation of Dr. Anchela Uy-Biag, Assistant Professor I, as Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Secretary of the University and of the Board of Regents, effective 28 August 2009 vice Ms. Rizalina M. Mauricio.
Rescheduling of Midterms' Wednesday Exams
Released: 03 August 2009
Rescheduling of Midterm exams on Wednesday (05 Aug) to Monday (10 Aug) in line with Proclamation No. 1851 declaring the former as special non-working holiday to give the entire Filipino nation proper time and opportunity to grieve and honor the late Former President Corazon C. Aquino. Regular classes will resume on Tuesday, 11 Aug.
July 2009
Released: 07 July 2009
Designation of Atty. Rafaelito M. Garayblas, Secretary to the Mayor at the Manila City Hall, as Executive Vice President of PLM, on a concurrent capacity, effective 07 July 2009 vice Atty. Patrick L. Mariano who reverted as University Legal Counsel upon the former's designation.
Released: 07 July 2009
Designation of Atty. Patrick L. Mariano, Legal Officer V, as Deputy Executive Vice President, on a concurrent capacity as University Legal Counsel, effective 07 July 2009.
PLM classes suspended Friday, 17 July
President Tamano declares all classes suspended due to inclement weather gripping the metropolis.
Gat Antonio J. Villegas Memorial Lecture
Rescheduled due to suspension of classes
Sponsor: PLM Alumni Assn., Inc., OSDS, & SSC
Released: 01 July 2009
Designation of Dr. Francisco A. Victoria as Department Chairman, Otorhinolaryngology, Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center effective 01 July 2009, with an honorarium of PhP 2,000 per month.
June 2009
Opening of Classes reset to 15 June
Released: 06 June 2009
In view of the events obtaining recently which necessitate the rescheduling of the opening of classes, the Office of the President announced that the same be on 15 June 2009. The approved University Calendar for SY 2009-2010 is deemed modified as far as the opening of classes is concerned.
Released: 29 June 2009
Designation of Atty. Patrick L. Mariano as OIC-Executive Vice President, effective 01 July 2009 vice Atty. Ernesto P. Maceda Jr. who resigned effective close of office hours on 30 June 2009.
Released: 29 June 2009
Designation of Mrs. Rizalina M. Mauricio as OIC-University/Board Secretary, effective 01 July 2009 vice Atty. Marisol DL Anenias who resigned effective close of office hours on 30 June 2009.
Released: 29 June 2009
Designation of Atty. Jacinto C. Garcia, Jr. as OIC-Legal Counsel, effective 01 July 2009 vice Atty. Patrick L. Mariano who was designated as OIC-EVP until further orders.
May 2009
Released: 29 May 2009
Designation of Engr. Melannie B. Mendoza as College Secretary, Graduate School of Engineering, effective 01 June 2009 until further orders, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
Released: 29 May 2009
Designation of Ms. Ederliza V. Magpantay as Officer-in-Charge, Department of Economics, College of Accountancy and Economics, on a concurrent capacity, effective 01 June 2009 until further orders, with ETU of 3 units.
Released: 26 May 2009
Designation of Engr. Sinforoso E. Roque Jr. as Coordinator, Engineering Laboratory, College of Engineering and Technology effective 01 June 2009 until further orders, with ETU of 15 units.
Released: 18 May 2009
Designations effective 01 June 2009 of Dr. Priscilla L. Miñas (Chairman, BPE Program), Prof. Benjamin R. Calma (College Secretary, 12 ETUs, PhP 3,000 honorarium), Mr. Jerrwin C. Aguinaldo (Athletic Director, 12 ETUs, PhP 1,500 honorarium; concurrent Coach/Trainor, Badminton, 3 ETUs), Ms. Jacklyn Anne D. Toldoya (Chairman, Service PE Program, 9 ETUs, PhP 1,500 honorarium), Ms. John Jovaniel C. Deang (Adviser, Student Intramurals Council, 6 ETUs, PhP 1,500 honorarium; concurrent Coach/Trainor, Women Basketball, 6 ETUs), Ms. Blair P. Mayorga (Coach/Trainor, Dancesport, 6 ETUs, PhP 1,500 honorarium), and Ms. Dahlia C. Cruz (Coach/Trainor, Cheering Squad, 6 ETUs).
MO-09-0512-03: Leeway on Freshmen Uniform
The OSDS announced that all incoming freshman scholars are given a 2-month leeway on wearing the PLM uniform. Freshmen may wear civilian clothes from 08 June to 08 August 2009, provided that they refrain from wearing the improper school attire as follows:
For the Female: Sleeveless shirts or blouses Spaghetti strap and tube blouses Dresses/blouses with plunging neckline Midriff blouses and mini-skirts Backless bouses/dresses All kinds of shorts, 3-4th pants Slippers, flip-flops |
For the Male: All kinds of walking shorts All kinds of 3-4th pants Wearing of bullcaps, earrings Sleeveless shirts Slippers, flip-flops |
Freshman scholars are required to be in proper uniform by 10 August 2009. All other year levels should wear the uniform by start of classes, 08 June 2008.
College of Law Admissions Test (CLAT)
Released: 08 May 2009
Dean Ernesto P. Maceda Jr. announces another round of admissions test for the College of Law on Saturday, 16 May 2009. Interested applicants are advised to contact the College of Law thru 527-9074 or 527-7941 to 48 loc. 30.
PLM Choral organized
A new PLM Choir composed of faculty and staff is organized to present in various programs and activities. Interested personnel are invited to join on official time. Rehearsals will start on 20 May 2009 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the PCAC Office (near the Gymnasium).
April 2009
Released: 01 April 2009
Designation of Mr. Simon P. Caday as Asst. Director, Center for University Extension Services effective 01 April 2009 with ETU of 15 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
Released: 01 April 2009
Designation of Ms. Emelita L. delos Reyes as OIC, Science Laboratory Services effective 01 April 2009.
March 2009
Released: 02 March 2009
Designation of Justice Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez as Dean, Graduate School of Law effective 02 March 2009, with ETU of 12 units and RATA of PhP 7,000 per month.
Released: 09 March 2009
Designation of Mr. Jonathan P. Erfe as College Secretary, College of Liberal Arts effective 09 March 2009, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
Released: 16 March 2009
Designations of Dr. Anito O. So and Dr. Ma. Cecilia C. Cruz as Clerkship Coordinators (academic session and clinical rotation, respectively) under the College of Medicine, effective 16 March 2009, with ETU of 6 units each.
Released: 20 March 2009
Designation of Ms. Maria Rosario A. Taylo as College Secretary, College of Mass Communication effective 01 April 2009, with ETU of 12 units and honorarium of PhP 3,000 per month.
February 2009
Released: 02 February 2009
Designation of Prof. Eileen Z. Vitug as OIC-Dean, College of Science effective 02 February 2009, with ETU of 15 units and RATA of PhP 7,000 per month.
Pamantasan AO 07, s. 2009
Released: 27 February 2009
Creation of a University Theme Committee, a continuing body charged with conceptualizing and ensuring conformity with the relevant campus themes; to serve as a unifying factor for the PLM Community; to foster school spirit and inter-collegial sense of synergy; to improve learning environments and enrich educational opportunities; and to streamline vital operations into optimal service units.
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