21 February 2011
PLM is among the elite group of top universities trusted by Accenture to beef up its global manpower requirements in meeting the demands of its clients belonging to the Top 500 corporations worldwide. Its current focus of industry lines are management consulting, technology services and outsourcing. In its exclusive, by-invitation-only University Leads Forum on 21 Feb, Accenture presented its corporate citizenship programs to the officials of select schools whose excellence it trusts and recognizes.
The IT Center, as the PLM's manager for innovative programs, including recent institutional linkages with the finest names in the industry, is exploring a strong and meaningful industry-academe linkage with Accenture.
Through the Accenture Education Program (AEP), a range of quantitative and qualitative benefits stand to be opened to PLM. These include: priority hiring of PLM graduates, priority acceptance for OJT/industry-internship, administering elective classes on relevant fields for free to cascade industry knowledge to the academe (i.e., enterprise systems, financial services, etc.), on-site exclusive recruitment in PLM, and intensive student leadership development conference for top graduating scholars.
Should there be a meeting of minds, Accenture is ready to proceed with the donation of a modern Accenture Ideas Exchange and Learning Laboratory, including state-of-the-art equipment and environmentals. A major CSR program of Accenture exclusive to only four (4) major universities nationwide including the University of the Philipines, this facility is designed to upscale the learning experience of the PLM scholars, especially those coming from the Computer Studies department.
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