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By virtue of becoming students in PLM, they enjoy major scholarships either as full (non-paying) scholars or highly-subsidized (minimal paying) scholars.
On top of the institutional scholarship granted upon them upon admittance to PLM, the scholars may also augment said scholarship with a variety of privately sponsored grants from well-meaning institutions, as follows:
NEW: LAMUDI Scholarship Grant » ::
A. Charity First Foundation Inc. (CFFI)
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must possess the following
Educational Qualifications:
a. Must have passed the PLM Admission Test & currently enrolled in PLM.
b. Must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
c. Must maintain a general average of not less than 80% & without any failing grade.
d. Must pass the evaluation that will be conducted by the screening committee.
3. He/she must be of good health.
4. He/she must be of good moral character.
5. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
6. He/she must attend the monthly seminars to be conducted by Charity First Foundation Inc., free of charge.
Each scholar is entitled to approximately Php 18,000.00 semestral subsidy to cover various expenses.
The amount of subsidy may vary depending on the needs of the scholar and the discretion of the screening committee.
The amount of benefits may, accordingly, be reduced or increased on a case-to-case basis.
B. Luis Co Chi Kiat Foundation Inc. (LCCKFI)
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
3. He/she must have obtained a weighted average of at least 85% or higher
4. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
5. He/she must come from a family with an aggregate monthly income of not more than Php 10,000.00
6. He/she must be of good health.
7. He/she must be of good moral character.
8. He/she must be favorably recommended by the scholarship coordinator of the OSDS.
9. He/she must have no current employment or lucrative occupation
10. He/she must pass all the admission requirements and preferably a Manilan
11. He/she must have a regular academic status of Good Standing in order to maintain his/her scholarship.
12. He/she must be dropped immediately from the scholarship rolls if he/she becomes subject of a disciplinary action.
The scholarship shall cover matriculation/tuition fees.
Retention Policies:
1. The scholar must carry a full load and maintain a general average of not less than 80% and without any failing grade every semester.
2. The scholar must not have been subjected to any disciplinary action by the school and must not engage in any form of gambling.
3. If the scholar cannot meet the requirements to maintain the scholarship, he/she will be given a grace period of one (1) semester to meet his/her required academic standard. If the scholar still fails to meet the required academic standard, he/she will be stripped of his/her rights to the scholarship. The scholar will not be asked, however, to reimburse the full amount of the grant availed so far.
C. SM Foundation Inc.
He/she must have qualified and has been issued a Certificate of Enrollment under the SM College Scholarship Program.
The scholarship shall cover tuition, matriculation and other fees.
D. Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Philippines
1. He/she must come from an indigent family. The monthly income of the family will be considered, along with the size of the family. Priorities will be given to those who are orphaned, has sick family member, and/or suddenly lost the breadwinner of the family;
2. He/she must have an average of 2.25 or its equivalent from the latest semester if applicant is already in college, and 80% General Average if applicant just graduated from high school.
3. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant.
1. He/she should have undergone and passed the Screening Procedures set by the Scholarship Committee of the grantor.
2. He/she must maintain an average of 2.25 or its equivalent every semester. There should be no failing grades especially on major subjects. Dropping will not be allowed.
3. He/she should remain single during the entire course of his/her studies.
4. He/she must attend the Values Enhancement Seminar conducted once a month. He/she must present proof for excuses in case of absence (e.g. medical certificate, etc.)
5. He/she must comply with the required 8 hours of participation with Tzu Chi Projects per semester (Recycling and other Outreach activities).
6. He/she must do a book review and submit a book report every semester. The grantor shall be the one to recommend the book to be reviewed.
The scholarship shall cover matriculation and tuition fees. The grantor shall also provide financial assistance for transportation, meal, books and project expenses, given that they have met the requirements and deadlines set by the grantor in requesting for funds. Amount and kind of assistance may vary depending on the needs of the scholars and result of evaluation and investigation conducted by the grantor.
E. Department of Science and Technology Scholarship Grant
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must possess the following Educational Qualifications:
a. Must have passed the PLM Admission Test and currently enrolled in PLM.
b. Must have passed the DOST Scholarship Exam
c. Must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
d. Must maintain a general average of not less than 80% and without any failing grade every semester.
e. Must pass the evaluation that will be conducted by the screening committee.
3. He/she must be of good health.
4. He/she must be of good moral character.
5. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
Each scholar is entitled to a monthly allowance. They are also given provision for tuition and other school fees, as long as it doesn’t exceed Php 6,000.00 per semester. The amount of subsidy for transportation, meals, uniform, books and projects may vary depending on the needs of the scholar and the discretion of the screening committee. The amount of benefits may, accordingly, be reduced or increased on a case-to-case basis.
F. MegaWorld Foundation
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must possess the following Educational Qualifications:
a. Must have passed the PLM Admission Test and currently enrolled in PLM in any of the following fields/courses: Engineering, Architecture, Interior Design, Information Technology, Accounting, Finance, Business and Legal Courses
b. Must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
c. Must be of good academic standing and without any failing grade every semester.
3. He/she must be of good health.
4. He/she must be of good moral character.
5. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant.
Each scholar is entitled to a semestral allowance of Php 6,250.00. They are also given provision for tuition and other miscellaneous/school fees.
G. Citizens’ Battle Against Corruption (CiBAC) Financial Assistance Program
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must possess the following Educational Qualifications:
a. Must have passed the PLM Admission Test and currently enrolled in PLM
b. Must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
c. Must be of good academic standing and without any failing grade every semester.
3. He/she must be of good health.
4. He/she must be of good moral character.
5. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
Privileges: Each scholar is entitled to a semestral financial assistance of Php 5,000.00.
8. Chinese Filipino Business Club Inc. Scholarship Grant
1. He/she must be a Filipino citizen
2. He/she must possess the following Educational Qualifications:
a. Must have passed the PLM Admission Test and currently enrolled in PLM.
b. Must carry the regular load prescribed by the course.
c. Must maintain a general average of not less than 80% and without any failing grade every semester.
d. Must pass the evaluation that will be conducted by the screening committee.
3. He/she must be of good health.
4. He/she must be of good moral character.
5. He/she must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
6. He/she must attend the monthly seminars to be conducted by CFBC Inc, free of charge.
Privileges: Each scholar is entitled to approximately Php 2,000.00 monthly subsidy for matriculation fee, transportation, meals, uniform, books and projects. The amount of subsidy may vary depending on the needs of the scholar and the discretion of the screening committee. The amount of benefits may, accordingly, be reduced or increased on a case-to-case basis.
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