- Student Life
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- PLM Student Manual
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- Student Development and Services (OSDS)
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- Clinic
- Physical Therapy Clinic
- Fitness Center
- Engineering Laboratory Services
- Science Laboratory Services
- Campus Ministry
- University Cafe
- University Canteen
To enliven and sustain the students’ faith in
life, the Campus Ministry regularly conducts reflective
readings and sharings on the gospels, facilitates liturgical
services, retreats and recollections. It also sponsors
Archdiocesan Marian Week activities, vocation promotion and
aligns itself with other activities in the archdiocese. The
Shrine of Jesus the Divine Teacher (University Chapel) serves
as the landmark of the presence of Campus Ministry in PLM
where afternoon masses are being held. Adjacent to it is the
ministry’s office with a Multi Purpose Hall where students
conduct bible studies, household meetings, and counseling,
among other activities.
Contemporarily, the Campus Ministry conducts regular masses every Wednesday and Friday at 12 noon. Sponsored masses by colleges and offices are also welcome on other days. Recollection are also conducted on regulars days based on the availability of the participants. Retreats are held outside the campus for extended days.
The chapel was blessed and inaugurated by His Eminence Jaime Cardinal L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila, on 17 December 1990.