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- Guidance Center
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- University Canteen
In consonance with the vision and goals of the
university, which is academic excellence, Board
Resolution No. 923 dated August 24, 1982 then
established the University Guidance Center. This
office extends the following: provide guidance
and counseling service to students and other
members of the PLM academic community,
information service, research, testing service
that includes admission tests for the College of
Law and other tests, and student development
programs in the form of trainings, seminars, and
The overwhelming number of applicants who
undergo testing (i.e., incoming freshmen, transferees,
shifters, faculty for promotion, job applicants,
etc.) and the construction, development,
and validation of new tests is very tedious so
much so that there is a need to create an office
responsible for such.
The University Guidance Center complements
the Office of Student Development and Services
in delivering services to the students. The center
specifically provides guidance, support, and
counseling to all students as well as faculty members
and other employees. Likewise, the testing
services are made available for screening,
hiring, assessing and recommending the possible
personnel that suit the job position in order
to maximize the potentials of this personnel in
the service of the public.
The mission-vision of the University Guidance
Center is also anchored on the university's
mission-vision, that is, a caring university.
Specifically, the guidance counselors/specialists
would base their direction towards the following
guidance and counseling principles:
1. Clients are genuinely respected regardless of
their idiosyncrasies, beliefs, racial background,
and educational attainments.
2. Clients possess the "spark of lights", the innate
goodness in the heart since they are made in the
image of God.
3. Positive regards for the clients help them grow
to become more productive and to be free to
continue becoming the authority of one's own
4. Primordial in the therapeutic practice is an
understanding of what it means to be human.
Services Offered
Counseling Services
This is considered as the "heart and soul" of
the guidance program. This service aims to assist
students in gaining deeper self-understanding
and awareness of one's problems and the effective
use of the decision process by formulating
alternatives and projecting consequences of each
that allow students to review critically what has
taken place and makes provision for future
meetings if needed.
Different approaches, skills and theories are
implemented by counselors because people and
situations are different. Sometimes one or the
other is best, and sometimes the combination
of techniques produces the most benefit. These
counseling services are the following:
1. Individual Counseling
2. Group Counseling
3. Family Counseling
4. Counseling Special Cases
Testing Services
In many educational institutions as well as
employment offices, tests are probably the most
widely used specialized techniques in guidance.
Tests will be useful as a guidance tool if
combined with appropriate planning for individual
development. Tests provide "information
in meaningful terms through quantitative description".
These services cover the administration, scoring,
interpreting and evaluating results of selected
tests such as:
1. Admission Tests
2. Intelligence Tests
- Individual Intelligence Tests
- Group Intelligence Tests
3. Aptitude Tests
4. Interest Tests
5. Personality Tests
6. Projective Tests
7. Special Tests
Student Inventory Record
This is a continuous process of accumulating,
recording and utilizing information on each
student for guidance and counseling purposes
and for obtaining a complete picture of the
These are programs designed to help students
discover their innate ability and talents as well as
develop their emotional intelligence.
One such concrete program is the "Peer Facilitator
Training Seminar" held annually during the
students' first semestral break at the Boy Scout
Jamboree Site, Mt. Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna,
an ideal place to maintain an ambiance conducive
to training and has facilities that exactly meet the
training requirements especially for group
dynamics and group processing. The peer facilitators undergo learning
sessions to equip them with the facilitative
skills as para-counselors in their respective
colleges they represent.
Symposiums and fora are organized as information
programs to tackle important life issues
like love, dating and marriage; natural family
planning; abortion and contraceptive methods;
gender issues and other relevant topics affecting
the life of a person.
Placement & Career Services
Graduating students are prepared by the series
of career talks by experts in the different field of
occupational endeavors. They are coached on
how to write an application letter, resume and
the development of self-confidence in facing
interview by the prospective employer.
An annual Job Fair and In-Campus Recruitment
is organized where educational and medical
institutions, industrial, commercial, and technical
companies are invited to screen, evaluate, and
accept the graduating students as job applicants.
The Career Development Awareness Program
generally aims to:
1. To provide potential employment/jobs across
different colleges and universities.
2. To provide information on the company
profiles so that students can choose the
industry and company that will match their
academic preparation.
3. To provide a channel that will help the graduating
students understand the present condition
of employment in the country.
4. To impart to students the new trends of hiring
requirements in different industries.
Research Services
Research capabilities of the guidance center
are conducted in conjunction with relevant
educational studies like students' delinquency
problems, teenage pregnancy, faculty-student
relationship and others. Researches help bridge
the gap that currently exists between theories
and practice in counseling. Results and findings
in research will serve as guideposts for guidance
and educational planning.