In order to provide teachers with formal training and opportunities
in improving further their professional qualifications
and in gaining greater insight into the conceptual and theoretical
foundations of the education enterprise, the PLM organized
the Graduate Institute for Teachers on 17 July 1967.
the need and the demand for professional growth and advancement
of practitioners in various professions from the government
and the private sectors necessitated the expansion of the
original Graduate Institute for Teachers into the Graduate
School on 04 March 1968. At the start of the school year, study
programs were added to the course offerings.
On 27 January 1983, the Graduate College was abolished
and consequently different graduate schools were created.
Thus, the Graduate School of Arts, Sciences, Education and
Nursing (GSASEN) came into existence out of the defunct
Arts, Sciences, and Education programs of the Graduate College.
This is under the control of the Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences. Likewise, it has a Director who is directly under
the supervision of the Dean.
As stated in Board Resolution No. 2467, which was approved
on 02 April 2002, the Graduate School of Arts, Sciences, Education
and Nursing (GSASEN) has been reorganized and given a new
name as Graduate School of Arts, Sciences, and Education (GSASE).
The Graduate School of Arts, Sciences, and Education
(GSASE) is one of the departments of the Graduate Schools at
PLM. It serves as the academic home of the graduate studies
in arts, sciences, and education. Primarily, it provides the students
with opportunities for study and research in the spirit of a
genuine quest for academic excellence.
1. To encourage and develop inquisitive mind through research
which is an indispensable pillar of graduate education;
2. To encourage awareness and develop skills in the analysis
of values which comfort the individual in every decisionmaking
activity; and
3. To develop skills for flexibility and creative adjustment to
varied and changing societal realities, socio and political
changes - both in the personal and professional dimensions
of living through community service and fieldwork.
The faculty complement of the GSASE come from the roster
of men and women professionals who have excellent academic
qualifications and have established credibility in the fields
of education, arts, sciences, communication, psychology and