Emeritus College or "Adult Career College" was established
on 18 March 2005 under Board Resolution No. 2758, to
harness the expertise, training and experiences of retired/retireable professionals for productive pursuits and other
academic engagements. It is envisioned as the "Center for Continuing
Education, Conferences and Seminars" which shall serve as a
resource generating academic unit.
Subsequently, Emeritus College opened the Master of Arts
in Special Education with specialization in Developmental
Delays to provide vertical articulation to the graduates of the
certificate programs in Special Education in coordination with
the Foundation for Advanced Professional Development, Inc.
under the Open University and Distance Learning Program
Provide stress-free learning opportunities for life-long
A college committed to its social responsibility to children
and adults/seniors with special needs.
To respond to the needs of special children and senior
citizens to life-long learning and productivity.