Dr. Ma. Leonora V. de Jesus, or "Lenny" as she is fondly called by peers, hails from a family of renowned public servants. Her father, retired Justice Conrado M. Vasquez, the country's first ombudsman, taught her well on the rudiments of public service and leaving a lasting legacy for the benefit of the people whom they seek to serve.
Not to be overshadowed by the stars of her father, she made a name for herself, gained wisdom from the academe which she dearly loves, and quickly rose from the ranks to a stellar career that aptly ascribed unto her the moniker as the Dragon Lady.
Among her own laurels on her cap count her stature as a respected director of the finest financial corporations in the country: BDO Leasing & Finance, Inc., SMDC, and BDO Capital & Investment Corp.
A former cabinet official under two (2) successive presidents, her government engagements include: Consultant for Housing, Urban & Social Development under the Office of the Vice President of the Philippines.