- Message from OIC-President Garayblas
- Biography
- Past Presidents
A university is the central fulcrum for the advancement of human knowledge. It educates the citizenry, and in the process, it supports the community and propels the industry around it. The universality of its nature and character places it on an enviable stance to expand its horizons and connect with the various stakeholders to sustain a shared development strategy thru synergy.
Today, we are reaching a milestone in the life of our dear Pamantasan -- one that is anchored on its expanding base for a meaningful industry-academe institutional linkage.
This brings to the fore the essence of strong cooperation and mutual support between the industry and the academe to achieve their shared goals and carry out their respective social responsibilities to the capital city’s citizenry.
Today’s inauguration of the newest facility for learning is more than a visible proof of that meaningful cooperation. The PLM community takes deep pride that this is a clear testament of the industry’s growing recognition of PLM’s unbridled excellence and brand equity as a top scholars’ university in the country. For its part, Accenture considers PLM as among the elite group of top universities trusted to meet the intricate demands of equally-high performing clients from diverse industries across the globe.
Milestone as this event is, it signals the ushering of PLM into a new phase where a powerful network of industry alliances is a key ingredient to achieving a wider scope of success stories. It opens a window of opportunity for the sustainability of PLM’s strong foothold on the apex of academic leadership by enlisting the support of the industry on the massive retooling of our capabilities at various fronts, including facilities enhancement like this Ideas Exchange Room. Essentially, this state of institutional linkage makes both parties ready for a more comprehensive program, like the infusion of industry expertise into our curricular programs, rapid succession of intensive trainings for our faculty and scholars, leadership summits and apprenticeship for our graduating scholars, and many others.
Let me close by emphasizing that the PLM community, led by the Board of Regents and the Top Management, gladly accepts with gratitude this facility aimed at enhancing the educational experiences of our fine young scholars. This is a gateway that will surely goad them forward on their road to success and triumph as they seek for their lofty place under the Sun.
May the partnership continue to bear more significant strides, even as we commit our full support to engendering a stronger institutional linkage program between PLM and the industry.
Thank you!
Acting President
[Acceptance Speech delivered on the ceremonial turn-over of the Accenture IER, a new facility patterned along Accenture’s global hub for innovation, 19 September 2012, 2pm, Accenture Ideas Exchange Room, delivered on the Acting President's behalf by the Executive Vice President.]
“Another fruitful year well spent. An uphill battle worth fighting for. Landmark achievements worth vying for.” This set of dictum characterizes our common quest for a better quality of life for ourselves and our loved ones, as well as the institution that is closest to our hearts -- the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.
Today, in the hallowed grounds of the academe, the air is filled with the unmistakable aura of success and the jubilant celebration of the laurels earned by the “toils, sweat and tears” of our community of scholars. It is the culmination of the crowning glory of our times, so intricately carved on the niche of PLM’s history as a cradle of our enlightened quest for true knowledge and wisdom.
To be sure, we are surrounded by such lovely faces whose wonderful gift is to discover and optimize their potential left hidden in the past. The road to success, however, is not sweet and easy. It is impeded by obstacles, from the smallest to the grandest, that may painfully erode our passion and fighting spirit to go head on and reach the apex of success. This brings to the fore the essence of our theme, “Braving the Uncertainties, Winning the Adversities.” If only to further stretch an extra mile the meaning of this theme, let us be mindful that “in order to master the road to success, we must befriend the lessons of failure.”
Undeniably, failure ushers us to the essential points of improvements. It enhances our understanding of success and the meaning of victory. Success and failure are inseparable and are closely intertwined with each other. Together, they breed what we all call as “experience.” Pertinently, since time immemorial, direct experience is necessarily the best teacher available to each of us.
Let me close by emphasizing that we are celebrating today nothing less than the “experiences” of these fine young scholars before us -- whose faces may no longer be remembered by the future generations of scholars after them, but whose names and their triumph to “brave the uncertainties and win the adversities” has made a meaningful difference between a mere fate and a glorious destiny. Indeed, the future has so much in store for them, and this world would be a better place for all of us to live in because of them.
And to embolden you more, let me give these parting words: “In the face of the aridity of hope and of seemingly insurmountable odds and challenges, always face the weapons of failure with these two strong armors of success: the COURAGE of a HERO and the SMILE of a CONQUEROR.”
To the awardees, our utmost congratulations and our wishes for a higher plenitude of success. Thank you!
Acting President
[Congratulatory greetings delivered by the EVP on the Acting President's behalf at the PLM Recognition 2012, 02 March 2012, Justo Albert Auditorium]
Treading the academic life does not go without any hitch and glitch which draws us back from achieving our dreams. But as we traverse the academic landscape, we learn the true rudiments of learning and survive victoriously, even exceeding our own expectations until we reach the corporate world -- which, sooner or later, we will discover as even less perfect than the life here in the academe.
This year’s theme, “Overcoming Obstacles. Fulfilling Dreams. Serving with Honor,” underscores the very essence of the Recognition Day and your years of learning. Indeed, by merely celebrating the exemplary feats of our scholars or recognizing their landmark contributions to the wall of excellence of our dear Pamantasan -- we do not even give justice to the real essence of their “blood, toils and tears.” It is fitting rather to mark today’s observation of our University Recognition with a fine tribute to their extraordinary spirit to brave and overcome the challenges of an exacting university scholarship, even as they have struggled to fulfill their dreams and serve our society with honor.
I extend my warmest congratulations to the awardees. With your feats, you exemplify the classic Filipino -- ethical, selfless and unsullied amidst life’s hardships and the temptation of crass materialism. But more than that, you exude the finest persona of a true scholar, “mga PANTAS na ang puso’y tigib sa kadakilaan,” and the PLM community is truly proud of you. To be sure, the next breeds of scholars will typify to your success stories as their loadstar and inspiration in matching, if not surpassing, your achievements.
Always be mindful of this golden counsel: “Whatever you do and wherever you go, carry the name and colors of PLM in your heart with dignity, pride and honor!”
Again, my deepest congratulations to one and all!
Acting President
[Message on the 2011 University Recognition Day, 04 March 2011]
This year’s theme, “Overcoming Obstacles. Fulfilling Dreams. Serving with Honor,” underscores the very essence of the Recognition Day and your years of learning. Indeed, by merely celebrating the exemplary feats of our scholars or recognizing their landmark contributions to the wall of excellence of our dear Pamantasan -- we do not even give justice to the real essence of their “blood, toils and tears.” It is fitting rather to mark today’s observation of our University Recognition with a fine tribute to their extraordinary spirit to brave and overcome the challenges of an exacting university scholarship, even as they have struggled to fulfill their dreams and serve our society with honor.
I extend my warmest congratulations to the awardees. With your feats, you exemplify the classic Filipino -- ethical, selfless and unsullied amidst life’s hardships and the temptation of crass materialism. But more than that, you exude the finest persona of a true scholar, “mga PANTAS na ang puso’y tigib sa kadakilaan,” and the PLM community is truly proud of you. To be sure, the next breeds of scholars will typify to your success stories as their loadstar and inspiration in matching, if not surpassing, your achievements.
Always be mindful of this golden counsel: “Whatever you do and wherever you go, carry the name and colors of PLM in your heart with dignity, pride and honor!”
Again, my deepest congratulations to one and all!
Acting President
[Message on the 2011 University Recognition Day held at the Justo Albert Auditorium, 04 March 2011]
Maligayang bati sa lahat ng bumubuo at kapanalig ng Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.
Sa pagsapit ng ika-45 taong anibersaryo ng pagkakatatag ng ating Pamantasan, lubos ang aking paniniwala na lalo pa nating mapagtitibay ang mga nasimulang pamantayan ng karunungan, kaunlaran at kadakilaan.
Tinatawag na sapphire anniversary ang ating pagdiriwang ngayong taon. Ang sapiro ay itinuturing na isang mamahaling bato at namumukod tangi sa kanyang kinang at ganda. Tulad sa isang sapiro, sana'y maging isang hiyas ang ating Pamantasan sa paghubog ng marami pang mga mamamayang Pilipino.
Tulad sa sapiro na nagbibigay ng kakaibang pagmamalaki sa sinumang magsusuot nito, sana'y taas-noo at maging hayagan ang ating pagyakap sa ating pananagutan na kumalinga at magmalasakit sa kapakanan ng ating kapwa at sa lipunan na ating kinabibilangan dito sa lungsod ng Maynila, o sa iba pang bahagi ng Pilipinas, at maging sa ibayong dako ng mundo.
Acting President
[Message on the 45th foundation anniversary of PLM, 17-19 June 2010]
"Leaders for Change: the Pursuit of an Empowered nation," I am greatly pleased to extend my hearlfelt congratulations to all our 2010 graduates.
This year marks a milestone for all our fresh graduates as you will be witness to a political exercise that will usher in change in leadership, a political exercise that I strongly encourage all of you to participate actively in -- as volunteers, poll watchers, and most importantly, as voters. As graduates of one of the top ten universities in the country, you are now armed with knowledge and confidence that will help you pursue your chosen careers and empower you as professionals in bulding a nation that will make you proudly Filipino.
As you now venture into your professions, may you always be reminded that one of the greatest assets you now hold is the education that no one can take away from you, the PLM education you can be forever proud of, and one that will help equip you to be great leaders of change, empowering us all as a nation for greatness.
Peter Drucker, business guru adn father of modern management said that "leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."
Let us all be leaders of change in this pivotal time in our country, and let us all humbly carry our torch as graduates of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.
Acting President
[Message on the 42nd Commencement Exercises held at The PICC Forum, Pasay City, 16 April 2010]
To the graduates of Bachelor in Public Administration, SY 2009-2010, our warmest felicitations and congratulations.
The off-campus program of PLM for government employees is effectively a big boost to the morale of public servants, now faced with new challenges and certain anxieties of a fast-paced changing world. More than ever, one needs all the strength, inspiration and encouragement to strive and forge ahead.
Happily, having attained the education relevant to serving the public, you are now rightly equipped to buckle down to greater responsibilities. However, to complement your honed talent or ability, you would do well to focus next on your ethical demeanor and integrity.
We therefore sincerely express our very best wishes to each graduate for a fruitful career and successful life. Mabuhay!
Acting President
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
[Message to the graduates of the off-campus BPA class under the College of Management & Entrepreneurship]