04 June 2009
The Information Technology Center (ITC) bared that through the recommendation of EVP Ernesto P. Maceda Jr., University President Adel A. Tamano approved in April 2009 the upgrade of the Internet bandwidth of the main line of PLM -- in time for the opening of the school year (SY 2009-2010). Engr. Garry Erwin N. de Gracia, ITC Director, said that the initial increase in the bandwidth size is four times the current speed starting June 2009.
“To ensure reasonable access speed for our scholars, faculty and staff at the start of the new school year, positive measures were taken by PLM including bandwidth upgrade and selective content filtering,” Dir. De Gracia explains. Noting the high number of computers connected to the Internet and the heavy utilization level of the bandwidth, the previous line was over-utilized or was not enough considering the ever increasing number of computers being connected in the administrative offices alone.
Premium Line
The bandwidth increase from 512kbps to full E1 (2048kbps, and burstible to 2xE1 or 4096kbps) is meant to cover the current utilization level. The ITC Director has engendered Eastern Telecom, the internet service provider, to provide PLM a premium line at extremely reduced price in consideration of PLM as a scholars' university. Bandwidth metering tests indicate that during high-utilization or peak hours, the line consistently performs better than the rated 2.048Mbps and bursts to nearly 4Mbps.
Upgrade to benefit Scholars
Since the free Internet access at the University Library is likewise increasing because of the recent donation of brand new computers from the alumni plus the recent purchases of the University, the upgrade was timely so that more scholars can benefit from the increasing number of units for research activities.
The free Internet access is a pet project of President Tamano as a value-added service of the University. Since more computers are now available, the President has also set aside units where scholars may compose articles and other academic requirements. This is aimed at reducing, if not eliminating, the costs incurred by scholars in renting at commercial cafés outside the campus.