Beefing up the Library's book collections
Before his assumption in past mid-2007, the collection of resources in the University Library had become very scant over the last few years. Reference books could hardly be found in the shelves. The editions were not up-to-date while the latest are almost two (2) decades old. Aware of the importance that books play in shaping the intellect of learners, Tamano readily embarked on an aggressive acquisition by engaging the faculty in the identification of resources needed in the better appreciation by the scholars of the learning objectives. This process has been institutionalized to ensure that the faculty members and the scholars are not in any way restricted in using appropriate learning resources so as to optimize learning inside the campus. The administration pursued a hefty allocation of PhP 5-Million for book acquisition for 2008 alone to beef up the collection of various libraries.
Free access at the Library Internet Station
Young and dynamic as he is, upon President Tamano's ascension, one of the first things he wanted to do was to reach out to and engender the help and expertise of friends and allies here and abroad in competently administering the University. When he asked his staff to send emails as he sought to extol before the eyes of his allies the virtues of his new-found home as a scholars' and a people's university, it was then that he realized that he and his scholars did not have a free access to the wealth of information available in the cyberspace.
Cognizant of the benefits of having access to Internet just as he had when he was a scholar at Harvard University's law graduate program, President Tamano opened up an Internet section at the University Library which started modestly with only four (4) computers. It steadily expanded and had grown to occupy a big area at the ground floor of the University Library. Free Internet access is also provided to the law library, the graduate school library, and the medical & health sciences library to cater to the specific needs of scholars.
Centralized Printing Service
PLM has taken a milestone direction towards providing relevant services that are supportive of the scholarship needs of our scholars and their instructors, most of which were made free in accordance with the "life purpose" of PLM. These free services of the "Caring University" are aimed at substantially reducing, if not totally eliminating, the costs incurred by our scholars in renting at commercial cafés outside the campus. To further stretch the scholarly benefits an extra mile and complete the range of benefits for our city scholars, it was proposed in July 2009 that a highly-subsidized and premium printing service be established as another way of sustaining academic excellence. Believed that this arrangement will prove to be beneficial to the scholars and other important internal stakeholders of the University, it was formally launched on 08 October 2009 and readily started its maiden operation the day after.
PLM Fitness Center
President Tamano has also set up a fitness center to help the varsity scholars and employees stay in optimal shape. The Fitness Center is equipped with the most advance work-out machines to perfectly tone every muscle. Licensed and well-trained professional instructors are on hand to assure an effective exercise program.
Lockers for P.E. students and varsity scholars
When P.E. students and varsity scholars start to don their uniforms and flex their limbs and muscles, they likewise start to leave their personal belongings exposed to security threats. Out of sight and without anyone to secure their valuable possessions through a maximum of three (3) hours on the field or in the court, it comes as no surprise if complaints for lost or damaged items may emanate. Now, they have a peace of mind as they can now bring padlocks and use any one of the steel lockers to secure their belongings. Its extreme importance is highlighted by the fact that it provides premium to one's personal effects, however inexpensive those could be, as the saying goes, "What is trivial or inconsequential to others may mean 'life and death' to someone."
President Tamano focused on improving the wage and non-wage benefits of the staff and faculty members as a means of helping the public servants so they can focus on continuously enhancing their service productivity for the welfare and well-being of the various PLM stakeholders. Morale boosting of his people is foremost among his agenda.
Shuttle Service
Translating the non- or less-performing assets of the University into profound sources of or media for uplifting the excellence of its services and the morale of its stakeholders is the most wonderful hallmark of the best management acumen. This holds true with the two (2) Kinglong bus units which were invested heavily into by the past administration, including two (2) vehicles of Isuzu Elf. To ensure the optimal benefits that can be derived from these investments, a program was conceived to transform these vehicles into a regular transport service for employees who ply out of Intramuros.
Knowing that commuting can take a lot out of his people, Tamano has started this shuttle service that collects and drops off about 150 employees at strategic points to lessen the hassle of getting a ride. The north-bound route flows thru Quiapo, España, Welcome Rotonda, then Mayon to Blumentritt-Dimasalang, and back to PLM. The south-bound route takes the long lane of Taft Avenue all the way to Baclaran, then back to PLM.
Remuneration Augmentation
After taking his oath, Adel Tamano embarked on a wide-ranging management-operations review. Part of his observations among the welfare of his employees was that the salaries of government/public servants are “outrageously low” which is flagrantly mismatched with the wages in the private sector. This, in effect, pushes them to engage in some other profitable side-lines to augment their meager income in fending off their families. This may somehow collide with their work and affect their efficiency as public servants. Worse, some may even engage in graft or corrupt activities which are detestable however small the amount involved could be.
Adel Tamano started off in providing pragmatic yet lasting solutions to this chronic problem by issuing orders that will offshoot to the amplification of the morale and self-esteem of the faculty and staff. Tamano envisioned that however modest the amounts may be, these sensible solutions will lead them to rediscover their noble post as servants of the nation and its people. Among these are the performance bonus, productivity pay of P10,000, anniversary bonus of P5,000, immediate release of the longevity pay backlog and the provisioning for its monthly recurring pay, promotion of deserving employees, and other bonuses.
Promotion of deserving employees
The administrative employees found a long-awaited ally in President Tamano for recognizing their plight. Believing that the human resource is the best asset of any organization, he encouraged all heads of offices to recommend deserving promotions among their employees. As an offshoot of this direction, many long-serving casual employees were regularized into permanent status. Several permanent employees who were last promoted as far back as almost 20 years ago were given the chance to climb up.
Administrative Staff Development Seminar (ASDS)
To generate a cohesive and unified workforce, team building activities for the PLM administrative staff became the highlight of the ASDS. Not merely a one-shot out-of-town deal but a continuing in-house program, the participants during the events have carefully planned, guided their teammates, walked together under restraint and with fettered limbs, rammed thru a relay obstacle, worked for the best as one, reached for the top, and more! All under the Pamantasan spirit!
Aside from group dynamics that enhance team spirit, the ASDS also has a career development program based on the training needs assessment where the administrative staff were divided into batches so that employees with specific training needs are pooled in together. A post-activity evaluative appraisal of the participants after 3 months revealed convincing results as to the effectiveness of the program. This is preparatory to a skills development phase of the program.
Medical benefits
On top of the regular free provisioning of medicines and dental services, PLM also embarked on providing free vaccinations to a number of high-risk illnesses, like anti-tetanus, anti-measles, anti-mumps, anti-rubella, and anti-flu. This helps the workforce become immune from the health risks posed by these viral and other infections. More free services were implemented like fasting blood sugar screening for diabetes, cholesterol screening, visual refraction, hepatitis-b screening, directly-observed treatment strategy program for PTB patients, and fitness screening preparatory to the wellness program.
PLM Big Brother Program
Seeing that those with higher income levels have an advantage at the entrance examinations for PLM, a PLM Admission Test (PLMAT) review course was established in late 2008 that targeted the poorest Manila High School students to enable them to hurdle the highly competitive PLMAT. With President Tamano as the PLM Big Brother (Kuya in the dialect), the PLM Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) was galvanized into community service action by tapping the hundreds of CWTS students to reach out to their younger brothers and sisters in Manila's public high schools. Likewise, student-teachers from the higher year levels in various colleges volunteered to help the students from the beneficiary high schools. Along the implementation, the ideal tutorial ratio of one tutor for every one student was achieved. Indeed, bringing quality education to the poorer sectors of our community will always reap social dividends in the long run.
Alternative Learning Program: Education for the Masses
To bring more luster to the social mission and life purpose of the University, an adult education program was spearheaded in PLM that provides modular instruction to janitors and other low income earners such as small vendors, metro aides, hawkers, pedicab drivers, household helpers, etc., who otherwise could not have an equitable access to quality primary and secondary education all their life. This social service underscores the mission of PLM as "The People's University" while breaking the long tradition of PLM as a mere training ground for quality higher education by covering the earlier levels of elementary and high-school education.
Community Livelihood Program
Supplemental to the ALP is the basic skills training that make the out-of-school-youth self-reliant and productive citizens of the society, like formulation or production of liquid and powder detergents, fabric softener solution, mug and plate printing, and even sports programs. This also involves instruction-strengthening learnings for personality development and self-discovery activities, as well as social development outdoor activities and modern e-learning trainings.
Institutionalization of Relief Efforts
President Tamano institutionalized a continuing relief effort to promptly respond to disasters in the community. This rekindled the PLM community’s noted Good Samaritan virtue of reaching out to deeply-struck communities where relief efforts are needed and become the beneficiaries of the PLM community's continuing compassion & generosity.
Revitalization of Linkages
Strong ties with its alumni are a hallmark of any university's continuing linkage program. To revitalize and renew the relations with alumni, the new PLM Alumni Association, composed by the original and pioneer batches, was welcomed and recognized by the President. This all the more goaded the alumni to reconnect with their alma mater with overwhelming responses from across the globe. This has set off a volley of activities that engendered the alumni to become active partners in the further development of the University.